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Posts posted by Loopicks

  1. I've got a 50, a 27, and a 16. I PVP all the time as the 16 and 27, and I've killed many 50's (many solo) so I don't see a problem. It isn't easy, but it happens every round or so that I kill a 50 in a fair fight.


    Anyhow, complaining about something that will be fixed in a matter of hours.


    So you're one of those lvl 16 guys following me like a fanatic on crack when I'm running off on low hp with my cd's off use!


    I allways see these low level character types braging on solo killing lvl 50s when I can't see that be done unless the 50 is either below 10% hp or asleep.. Good thing we have 50 brackets inc.. =]

  2. Keep dot's up at all times and use annihilate with powerups if you can.. Other than that I rarely have a rotation for pvp since it's too situational.. Also remember, berserk is awesome for both healing and dot crits


    Pve I keep my dot's up at the target as a priority 1

    Annihilate prio 2

    3 force scream/ ravage depending if deadly saber is up


    But you also have to adapt in pve..

  3. I actually have almost no complaints about Marauder. It's a blast to play and I'm able to 1v1 every class with the exception of a good geared merc healer (or it's republic counter-part).


    I'm pretty sure you are doing it wrong.



    Agreed, i think my marauder is awesome, I would love some tweaks though.

    We could use some more utility.. An immune to knockback ability would be awesome in both pve and pvp


    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but we're about the only class that can't screw someone over running the ball in huttball, except choke and sutch over grills ofcourse.

  4. I can't say I've done more than 360k damage in a single warzone yet, though I've never really hunted for that spesific goal..


    I try to stay close to the objectives of the match, while dishing out as much dps as possible..

    Aswell as obtaining a decent amount of medals for myself.


    I wouldn't say there is a "do this, and you'll top charts" formula, but more a basic guideline for how the class works..

    And as Kiba says.. Things will surely change when 50's gets their own brackets..


    But pvp wize you need to overlook the current situation, and adapt well.. Not just mindlessly charging in to groups and spam slam, and hope for the best..

  5. Is it just me that has noticed the fact that people suddenly start flying straight to nodes?..


    makes it rather hard to actually dominate that point..

  6. Dear Bioware.


    I get that you can't remove all the queues in a heartbeat... But I beg of you to do something, because now we're back to 1k queues at 10pm cet.


    Give some the possibility to server transfer or something, because I know alot of people would if they could..

    (and believe me, if I were level 15 without a guild and friendless on the server I wouldnt blink twice before I'd change a server..)


    These queues also gets all the more fun when you suddenly DC without a grace period, and forced to spend another hour and a half in queue..


    Best regards!

  7. ok i am lvl 42 and here is my thing



    1. The Class quest is fun


    2. Marauder in PVE is nice i haveing fun


    3. Marauder in PVP sucks you going to die alot in warzones

    The skills in PVP sucks, you have 0 CC only the chocker thats it

    and some small snare skills


    Vs other class its a joke


    4. I rerolled here is why i like to pvp and pve

    but in pvp be sure you have a healer with you 24/7 and you die anyway



    5. my Dmg in random Pug Warzone as Anni spec is 140.000



    6. my level 12 assi in a random Pug Warzone as dps spec do 200.000+ and have steath



    7. Do i play the last levels to 50 yes why of the class quest. and after that for pve yes

    but but for PVP HELL NO


    Okay this is just.. stupid.. The pvp part of Marauders is as most other melee classes.. You have to choose your fights..

    not just charge into a group of 5 people and expect to crush them all and walk away


    You can easily stick to a target if you use your skills to its fullest, and 1v1 against another class with both on 100% I rarely loose.. ever..

    With vanish you can easily get away in critical moments, and the skill that sacrifices your health for 99% damage reduction is also a damn nice ability


    With a healer you can really reak havoc..


    And for you to say that you have 140k in a bg is just ********.. that thing varies just as much as the weather changes..

    That goes for your next answer aswell.. I rarely see any assassins up so high, thats usually the sorc's


    IF you are 42.. And have these claims on the class.. You should give up, because you're doing it WRONG!




    This class is a bit of a challange at the start, but past 40 it really picks up.. And you get some abilities that really chamges your gameplay.. I love it so far.

  8. I Think this is more or less the first mmoRPG to actually Get out here..

    Does not mean it has to be perfect for my sake, but as you say, now I actually feel a part of the world..

    And I can't say I did that in any of my previous mmo's.. Just another turd running around killing boars for tusks..


    The epic stories is mainly why I play RPG's and there is lots of good story here.. The polish will come.

  9. The people who are complaining about marauders are either like level 13 or are mentally retarded. Marauder has been a blast for me. I leveled up Annihilation spec'd til about 40 or so and then switched to Rage. I've been using the healing companion (Malavai Quinn) and everything has pretty much been a joke. As long as you manage your defensive CD's and don't take on too much, it's a breeze. Don't listen to the naysayers on this forum, they'll just get you down before you even give the class a shot.




    I cant 't say I understand all the fuzz..

    With quinn as my healer I soloed last part og chapter 1 as level 29, (against 32 elite) and can do most elites strong mobs i encounter on taris osv..


    Its not without downtime tho, but what do you expect..They Are strong mobs for a reason

  10. Uhhh, just no. I've played warriors, rogues, enhancement shaman, ret paladins and so on in WoW from Vanilla to WotLK in raiding content, I've played warriors and rogues in RIFT, I've played warrior-priests, chosen and choppas in WAR, I've played warriors in FFXI, warriors in EverQuest 1&2, I've pretty much played a warrior or rogue in any game you can name.


    So basicly you`re not a person who commits.. Just jumps from game to game..

    You must know them all very well! *golfclap*

  11. You can have my cookie.. I got in now after 4 hours of waiting... only to play 30 minutes and get a disconnect (havent disconnected once, not even in beta) and I'm back in the queue ...


    ATLEAST make it so you dont get thrown out of the freaking game straight away... This is just....

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