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Posts posted by Feanor_cz

  1. I'm not flamming you at all as I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions and such.


    That being said, It has always had me curious as to the motivations, outside the obvious narcissistic ones of course, of people who have quit or dislike something why they feel the need to continue to hang on in a negative way?


    It be great if you could give some of your reasons if you have the time as I am curious.




    Well I unsub and from time to time I post on these forums.

    I try to post in threads I find interesting , and try to keep it simple , polite and not argue that beeing sad.

    Why I do that ?

    I was looking forward to this game for really a long time.And even now I am hoping things will change and game actually will be good. So i will be able to resub. one day but that thay is really far away now :D

    I do post in negative but polite way. But what is negative when you post only true things is beyond me.

    I do not create negative threads etc... just from time to time agree with somebody in some thread or some posts are so stupid that I can not help myself and answer. Not case of your question of course !

  2. Your line of thinking is why MMO developers think they can get away with releasing games that lack basic features that most players expect. Adapting to a lack of standard features is not the same as learning a new game. And this has nothing whatsoever to do with life. I have to adapt in life all the time, but I don't play games to be subject to the rules of life.


    I do not wish and I did not defend dev. especially of this game no Sir. I do agree with you on that point. I just wanted to say that all games has rules if you want to enjoy the game you got to play inside of these rules , learn mechanisms of the game , adapt to them.

    But on contrary games has many rules of life. Games are easier then life for many , wow started its downfall when it started to give almost free epics for everybody , lower difficulty etc.. when WotLK came out.

    I think in game you sort of know of what role ( life ) you will lead. But it does not mean that you have to ommit them when they are well implemented.That is not of course case of this game.

  3. all I have to say is.. for the amount of time you spent trying to find a group for those you could have just soloed it. I mean all the starter planets heroics are soloable (with a companion around lvl 8+)



    well it is kind of hard to find a group when you have like 10 ppl on some planets in prime time. Also doing quests probably give you more xp and more things as well. There is no apropriate reward for time and trouble to run hc when you compare it to normal questing.

    Alltough you miss quite a lot but nobody wants to search for group every 30 minutes when it takes so god damn long.

  4. Because this is ENTERTAINMENT that I am PAYING for.


    Not a second job.



    ok so lets all play GTA and whine how we cannot finish cuz we cannot adapt for camera setting or anything else :D

    Lets play starcraft and we can not adapt cuz I do not want to see the research thing there its to much trouble :D


    So lets play pokemon ohh no wait youo got to think there too and adapt. What can we play guys ?


    All games has their rules you have to adapt to. Those are created by their devs.


    Did not mention BG2 or planescape torment probably too much difficult :D

  5. Games have to adapt to the way players want to play not the other way around. There is no such thing a player problem.




    Really ?This is exact thinking what is killing this game , destroying wow etc.. lol.

    Tell me one game where you do not have to adapt ? Tell me one place in life where you do not have to adapt ? Why this should be other way aroun in MMO ?

  6. Quote:

    I want people to post what they dont like.




    When people stop playing COD, do they go onto the forums and rant about it? No.

    So why should this be anything different?


    Why are you so bothered about someone else leaving? Does the reasons for them leaving affect your game in any way? No


    Why does the op think his opninion matters to the point he has to come here and post in General about him leaving.

    He isn't even asking BW to fix it. If he was then he would post in the suggestions thread. This thread is pure attention seeking and nothing more. It looks good and his issues are valid, but if he is serious about telling BW those issues then there are better ways to do it.


    You want to help make the game better, there are better ways than an "I quit" thread in general.

    You just want to troll...not interested.

    You just want attention.. not interested.



    Well OP wrote very nice and cleasr post to give feedback what he thinks is important , lot of ppl obviously agree with him , as well as me.

    So why do you think your post is so important that we have to read it and endure your foolishness ?

    Just check the numbers how much went the population on servers down.I down want to make any conclusion from those numbers but that is truth.Ppl are not playing as much as they used to.

  7. No



    Altought it has best mmo launch ever I think , the game feels more like single players then reall MMO.


    1. No big social hubs , I would like to see pazak tournament , racing , great pubs etc...

    leveling 1 - 49 is awesome for the first time then it gets really boring really fast.


    2.Terrible costumer services , almost no dev feedback on forums , no testing of new things , every patch breaks something even more.


    3.I wonder where they spent all of their money in this game.


    4. I was hoping for story more like kotor 2 , altough I have to admit some of the dark side choices are really well done and you are chilled to the bone.

    Great class story but it could have gone more deep.


    5.Incredible easy space combat. Why the heck when I destroy engines , ships are still moving ? Bad design of ships , you could have learn something in very old Starlancer even now it still has far better space combat.



    I hope things will change in the future so I can play this game once again but not know.For those who likes the game I wish only the best fun , lot of operation bosses down plus loot in your pockets :DMay the force be with you

  8. Did you not read posts about people being dizzy, feeling like they are going to throw up and stuff like that? I am not implying headaches are the cause for concern here I am talking about the other bits.... your just focusing on headaches lol.


    Or is this warning thats pretty much every where for games something thats completely incorrect because you apparently seem to know its a fake warning.


    A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.


    These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.


    Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms - children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.


    The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:


    Play in a well-lit room

    Do not play if you are drowsy or fatigued


    If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.



    Let me make one thing very clear to all.After about 400 hundred pages on 5 threads plus the questionnaire they made , most ppl don´t like the new UI.

    Yes I feel motion sickness when I play now. Do i need to see doctor , no way !!!!

    I´ve never had such problems before but that´s not a problem.

    In my opinion only my opinion I repeat , problem is that bw totally ignore these problems , givong no feedback to their customers whatsoever. Make them wait half of the pay period for fix altought this week servers are coming down for patch 3rd time and they don´t even bother to fix the flashing.

    I do seriously understand lots of ppl have no issue with new UI but that is not giving any right to BW to treat other customers as trahs and don´t care about situation they actually are to blame ( I mean bw) since no testng I assume was done . because such a number of huge bugs is impossible to get with right testing.

    And much more only numbers what they have is that 53% of player base think that new UI is horrible and because of that change is coming in two weeks ?Seriously thats is like to say hey guys we know you got the issue but we don´t give a damn !! that´s the worst thing about it.

    It´s no longere who has the health issue ( altought it´s pretty important also ) now it´s more about if u have some problems with the game that makes the game unplayble we give no damn , forum feedback ? take a hike players





    Click the above link.


    Wishing you well,

    ~The Guinea Pig who brought you this information.



    Well its very kind of them that they closed your threat plus thereason given is just lol. It seems that nobody cares in bw nobody has any intention to do something. My only regret is that I still have 13 days of game time.

  10. Two things escape me at opposite ends of the spectrum. One is how on earth such a terrible change was made...half afraid to see what changes are made in the future. The other is that I'm really surprised it makes people sick...a lot of games make me sick long before anyone else I know while this doesn't bother me (except for getting annoyed because it sucks to use). I assume it must depend on monitor resolutions, brightness, size, etc.


    Well I read in thread they close its something like motion sickness , either u can get it or no I guess. Weirdest thing is I´ve have never ever had problem in any game , life , activity what I ve done.But this ui just make me feel like I´m gonna puke. Really lot alike when u are sick in car.What I was sometime. Funny thing is that it never happens when I drive :D

  11. It's kinda pointless for anybody oustide Bioware to try and quantify this number. Just some of the 60% would play during the shutdown period and some wouldn't. So those who would favor a server shutdown would be less <60%.


    But there are so many other variables and factors to consider before doing a shutdown that it would be pointless to speculate.


    Bottom line, Bioware did their own math, and decided that screwing over those who want the UI changed asap was in Bioware's best interest.



    I´d wish the did some math. But I don´t think so , this situation is very unpredictible , I would love to see some topics about this on world wide games webpages , magazines etc.. That would have a huge impact I think , but thats not gonna happened anyway.


    The worst thing is , how could it come to servers ? It shows zero testing , thinking , etc...

    Also if they think that PTS will do it for them that is huge mistake.

    there were 2 huge bugs in this patch one got fixed in 2 days even though that number of responses and fury on forums was significally lesser then to this one. One has to ask Do they even care or is it totally random what are they doing ?

  12. great they closed my thread Where i asked what do to until new UI release , I did not find it same since here we are discussing effect of new UI. Now what are we suppose to do 2 weeks untill UI release and new ability bar cooldown effect are two very different threads , well whatever :D


    anyway back to dev. tracker. I found it most ridiculous that we had no feedback whatsever in question of ppl getting sick from BW.Nor explonation why such a change has been done lol.

    Also today patch could have include small UI fix and stop flashing.

    I want to play this game badly but BW is giving me lots of reason why quit forever.

  13. Meh, doesn't bother me none. If you have a sensitivity to bright and flashing lights... playing video games probably isn't a smart idea to begin with. God help you if you ever go to a WZ. Lightning and flash bang grenades galore. Maybe you should try mine sweeper.


    If u don´t know what problems is , and u dont bother to read , why do u bother to write ? :D

  14. pointless and unessesary is debatable and and that opinion can change dependeing on who you ask but thats not what this thread is about. the OP wants a refund because the flashing lights make him sick so he cant play. so i will ask more directly

    How can Bioware be held responsible for another persons medical condition?


    pls reread my first post again , i wrote we are hardly getting refound ! my question is what are we suppose to do until the new ui is released ?

  15. This leaves me so confused, people are claiming to be actually sick from this UI, I don't get sick from it, it just annoys me and well I don't game to get annoyed.


    So BioWare decides to provide everyone with multiple options, that's a good start, but it's going to take TWO WEEKS to launch it. Why not roll back to the last update RIGHT NOW, and then release your new **** in two weeks.


    This decision to keep something implemented in your game for two weeks, when the majority of players think it's terrible, goes beyond the capabilities of my mind. I just don't understand, does BioWare not know how a MMO works? This isn't a one time purchase where people who didn't like Dragon Age 2 just put it down and never played it again(though they still whine on the forums, go figure), you need people to continue to pay for this game, and decisions like this, leave even the hardcore BioWare nuthuggers wondering if they should stick with playing this game or not.


    I've already told multiple people who were planning on buying this game because just last week I was riding this hardcore to not waste their money because BioWare is showing they don't know what to do in a MMO. Taking the worst aspects of WoW and putting it in SWTOR but yet leaving the things Blizzard actually did right and not using it. Baffling. And then the cherry on top is taking the thing that killed Warhammer and putting it in SWTOR. Beyond baffling.



    this is the issue!! nicely written mate.

    Its not about how is it doing , why is it doing , its great , its horrible , issue is here , if u guys wonder why pls go check other threads and read over 3000 answers on them :D ok skip most read only interesting ones.

  16. There was no problem before the flashing on every global cooldown on all bars started with the patch 1.1.2.

    The same people probably would have problems driving a car through a long alley with the sun shining into the car every 30m.



    I don´t have that problem , when I am driving mate :D I ussualy love to go to disco , like all kinds of music , never had problem with lights or whatever.Only this god damn flashing is making me sick.

  17. I've gotta point this out...


    If someone is that sensitive to migraines, I wonder at the wisdom of spending long hours in front of a computer gaming. Not saying a person SHOULDN'T game if they get migraines, but only that it seems a bit far reaching to blame BW for a change they implemented on the massive migraines you are getting.


    well thats the problem , I have never been seriously ill in my life , I played a lot of games , working , studying , just a normal life. But I am sick after about hour of playing now.As many others.

    And since there have been no feedback from bw on this topic I decided to do this post.

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