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Posts posted by lightumup

  1. I just played the Sage quest line on Alderon, and when you fight the Jedi Master at the end, she has a channeled ability that looks awesome. She chucks big rocks with this awesome animation, similar to a channeled project.


    The animation asset is already in the game, and it's a channeled ability just like the terrible looking pebble storm (TK Throw). Why not replace TK throw with this cool animation? If you added this animation in, I wouldn't play any other class, that's how cool it is. Please give that animation to the sage, preferably in place of TK throw.

  2. Got impatient after six whole minutes. :p


    I do as the situation warrants it. Why not? It's an option.


    I am just wondering if it is economical dps wise, or if stealth and backstab are more effective in the long run. Just trying to see how more experienced people play their ops

  3. First off thanks for the responses!


    I'm going to switch up the conversation a little bit. While I usually like to play ranged dps I am open for something different. With that said, how are operatives in both pve and pvp in terms of dps? From what I have read, a lot of people seem to think the rotation is "clunky" and there are times that you have no buttons to push except the "auto attack" ( I forget what it is called, the attack that doesn't use any resources).


    What do you guys think about operative dps? Many are saying that they were "nerfed into the ground" a couple patches ago. Are they fun to play?




    They have fun gameplay for sure, and I love the backstory, but I have to agree that they need a wider array of skills. The same old knife attacks again and again get old. Also, hidden strike u dont get to level 36 or 37 and it's your bread and butter sneak attack. Which is totally retarded game design. I would like to see more variation in the attacks, maybe some martial arts moves and stuff. Its all knife, knife, knife, backstab, repeat.

  4. Actually, a few other Masters were there, Plo Koon and Ki-Ad-Mundi were also there. They were both Council members and, if you recall from the part of the scene where they had the pause in the action, they were both disarmed. These were also the same Masters we saw defeated under Order 66 in Episode III (Plo by fighter pilots, Ki by Clones), amongst all the others defeated by non-Jedi. Therefore, Masters are not unbeatable.


    Satele is a powerful Jedi Master, who was almost defeated by a Lord Malgus, until that Trooper (cannot remember name) came to her aid. In addition to that, this same Trooper took out 3 Sith on his way to Malgus, and later knocked him on his butt with a concussion grenade, after melee combat.


    In addition, Obi-Wan's "trial" was not General Grievous, it was Darth Maul.


    Your arguments have gaping flaws. Please, reconsider your position based on this "new" information.


    The masters were defeated in order 66 by deception, not open combat. Lord Malgus is an equal to Satele. The jedi in the colloseum all faced incredible numbers.


    The video of the trooper taking out sith was just a marketing pack of BS to boost trooper rolls. You really think a soldier stands a chance verse a force user?


    And you call one failed headbutt melee combat?

  5. Still a Lord. There is always two in that time. Both Dark Lords of the Sith.


    Yes, but there was a difference between Maul, and Dooku. Maul was a genuine apprentice, Dooku was a full fledged sith lord. Maul was never refered to as a Sith Lord, only as an apprentice.


    Maul was a new apprentice of Sideous

  6. So, I have to ask.... did you rage quit yet?


    Is this your first MMO? What pushed you over the edge in other MMOs? I mean with your literal pragmatism, just about every MMO should have given you an arrow to the knee in this department. ;)


    I see your point, but there is a way of trying to be subtle about the massive time skip for entertainment value purposes.

    The consular story has you beating your master in open combat at level 12 or 13. That's ridiculous.


  7. Not to be overly picky, but if you take into context the time period that this game is actually taking place in, the Jedi temple in Coruscant was sacked, and the reason the starting planet is Tython is because they fell back after being more or less shunned by the Republic, so they're rebuilding from practically nothing.


    And also, during episode II, the Jedi that came to the rescue in the Colosseum were Jedi masters, and look at how many fell during that battle. There may be a reason to dislike the Consular story (from what I hear, it's great for lore buffs, and a little stale for other people), but judging from the time period, I think it actually makes sense.


    BTW, Dooku and Yoda were respected as the most powerful Jedi during their time (Dooku was Qui-Gon's master, and apparently the best when it came to lightsaber combat). You don't see your character taking on Satele at the beginning do you?


    The only master in the colosseum was Windu. The rest were regular jedi, and all they could manage to gather, as was said in the story. Like I said, the title of master is only given to the most powerful jedi alive. So by killing a master, that is like killing Satele.

  8. A few things:


    1. Please add a spoiler tag.


    2. Luke defeated a Sith Lord AS his trial;


    3. Obi-Wan defeated a Sith Lord obviating the need for his trial;


    4. Inquisitors

    defeat a Darth at level 15 or so.



    So no, it doesn't bother me at all that a fully trained Jedi prodigy could beat a few mind controlled masters.


    First of all a couple things...


    There is a reason they are called MASTERS.



    The inquistor is able to beat skotia by disabling his cyborg elements, without which could not have been done.


    Luke Skywalker has the same power in his blood as the lord he beat.


    And Grievas was not a Sith Lord


    So, I get that you are supposedly more gifted in the force at 4 than master Yuan was at 15, but is being able to take on full jedi masters so early after finishing the trials really legit?



    I mean come on, Anakin Skywalker was gifted in the force too, you did not see him soloing Count Dooku 3 days after finishing the trials.... You did not see him POwning Yoda. The whole storyline is a joke and a disrespect to Star Wars.


    Am I really the only one that thinks it feels really ridiculous to be taking out MASTERS so early in the storyline? It totally kills the experience for my consular, which sucks because I like the class itself.


    Whoever wrote the consular story did a terrible job.


    Jedi masters train for many many years. Masters like Dooku, or Sideous often require several jedi to take down. Only when Anakin reached his full potential with his extrodanairy gifts, was he able to defeat Dooku.

  10. Your original quote betrays you.



    I personally don't like EA. They are cheap, quantity over quality, corner cutting, shiesty salesmen. They picked a ****** engine to run a massive mmo, because it was cheap and it is causing loads of issues because of it.


    Because of their unstable engine, they were forced to create way too many servers with low population caps just to keep above water. Now the servers are paying for it with horrible performance in warzones and player heavy areas, and dead server populations - for the republic faction especially.

  11. I just wanted you to repeat that.


    So standard is SWTOR IS DOOMED?


    1.7 MILLION subs is SWTOR IS DOOMED?


    Oh, but most of WoW's servers are light and the response is "they must have higher caps"


    I lol @ this fail thread.


    You are on the defensive as if I am hoping for the games failure, like some GW2 fanboi. I am hoping for its success. The status of the servers had me worried. Was a simple obersvation.


    Coupled with the fact that I rolled my first republic toon to find out there was a whopping 50 people in fleet. How do you find instances with that?

  12. Just looked at server status for NA.


    Most standard, a few light, and a few Heavy.


    So again, this entire thread is fail.


    Did I not post exactly that in my post? Way to read.


    And there is more than a few light.

  13. considering it's a monday.. thats pretty good.


    Like the other guy said WoW isn't that much better.


    You are right on the wow point. I logged into wow to check their servers and 90 percent are medium and low. But then again I think their server caps are MUCH higher.

  14. So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


    So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.

  15. 30 DPS isn't lagging. That's just being picky a human eye can see 30 FPS perfectly with no issues. 20 or less I can understand but 30 is no real problem.


    This poll isn't very smart though as forums of a game only have generally 5-10% of a games community. Most simply do not care enough to post on forums I played SWG for 8 years and only started posting on the forums in my 7th year. In my entire guild here on TOR I am the only one who will read anything on the forums the rest do not care. So even if the entire forum community told you they have FPS issues it's possible that Bioware is still correct (slim but still possible as you hold such a low %).


    These are exactly the people (poster in quote) running around saying "I don't have fps problems". They don't even understand what an FPS problem is!


    30 FPS on the system specs many of these people have, is absolutly horrible. Quad core I5, 8 gigs of ram and a gtx 570, I should not drop below 60, EVER. I can play Skyrim max settings without ever dropping below 60, but I frequently get drops in the 30s in this game. That's an FPS problem!


    Yes, warzones and the like are PLAYABLE for me at 30 or 40 fps. But I did not pay 2500 euro for a gaming pc to play at 30 FPS- And yes, I can see the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS. If you can't, you're either an idiot, or frakkin blind.

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