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Posts posted by Kharl

  1. Is it askign for the Pre-Order key or the Product Registration Key. The Product Registration key will come in the box when you get the box (or from your digital download provider). If it is you rPre-Order key, then you may need to contact BW by phone.


    Yeah, probably better posted in the customer service forum.

  2. There was a lot of talk from the RP community about wanting Chat bubbles. They ar enot currently in the game, and there was no speculation of BW would add them. I hope they do, thoguh I do nto use them, but see their use in RP. Hopefully it will nto be a big design stretch for them to add them and add a toggle on/off for them.
  3. There is an ini file that you can change the default Fullscreen option off. From a dev post on solving black screen issues:


    Some people can get in to the game by modifying the default Fullscreen option. To do so, locate the client_defaults.ini file located in the installation directory of the game. By default it is located at:

    For 32 bit Operating Systems - C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\retailclient

    For 64 bit Operating Systems - C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\retailclient

    Open the file in a text editor and modify the value FullScreen=true to FullScreen=false.

    Save the file and try restarting the game.

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