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Posts posted by Maduece

  1. What does AA have to do with it? Simply force it in driver.

    Too bad we can't force in driver a graphics engine that doesn't look 5 + years old.


    We can thank all the PC illiterates and cheap skates on P4's, and 9500gs's asking " can my PC play TOR guz?" for this.


    The rest of us are waiting for at least some word, and aknowledgment that they are working to improve things.


    Just think of what performance would be like if the entire game was not instanced. That should be a huge indicator as to how bad it is.

  2. The graphics issue is not a machine based thing. EVERYONE I talk to gets the same problem as you. I'm running this game with a near brand new machine, that can run Skyrim on almost ultra.


    There's a known high res issue they're having. For anyone that has a bit of logic it would be best to wait a month or 2 before taking all these experts advice in "buy moar ram", "get new rig rah rah" stuff and see if they fix things. Dont go buying new crap for what is crap right now.

  3. More power to people who don't care about graphics!


    Some of us just have an eye for detail and when a game looks awful, we don't like it.


    It's just how I am. When something looks bad because something's wrong with it, and I know it can look ten times better, I get upset.


    I'm with you and the people saying nothing is wrong is because they have not looked. Or they're just so in love with the star wars nostalgia there couldnt possibly be anything wrong with the game to them. Even with acknowledgment of the issue by bioware themselves, nope, nothing wrong here.


    Open zones look exactly like warhammer. Same clusters, same twitchy movements, same ugly.

  4. Gabe was on the Warhammer team, you expected anything different?


    To maybe learn not to do, or model the same things from that bag of crap they called WH perhaps. WH is immediately present when you create a character and move into the very first zone. Same clustery, twitching, ugly looking, npc's you can basically bulldoze through.


    I think many people are being very biased and viewing this game off their personal sw nastalgia instead of what is in front of them. Cinematics top notch, no doubt. Please tell me what is so amazing about the open zones. The open zones are copy/paste model jobs, thats it. Sorry if I'm not WOO WOO about that. Its ugly, fact.

  5. From my experience, the so-called "hardcore" gamers are the type of people who rush through all the content that people have spent years working on, and end up constantly foaming at the mouth for the developers to churn out content at an ever increasing rate to satisfy their insane and addiction type playstyle.


    They generally have very little appreciation for anything or anybody that doesn't fit in with their ridiculous desire to turn everything into a race to see who finishes whatever first, and IMO that goes against the core of what an MMO is about.


    In fact, this type of player has a negative impact on every game they are involved in, they ruin communities, disrespect the hard work that goes into creating a lifelike and immersive world, and turn what should be a social and imaginative activity into just another dumb hypercompetitive environment.


    I have time and time again and will continue to say that such people are way better off playing either FPS or competitive RTS games, because those formats specifically cater to such mindsets.


    MMOs simply are not designed to function in that way, and when developers try to make them, it ruins the game.


    So in reality I think the OP is completely wrong. :D



  6. I love how now you're switching gears, from complaining that people should learn to read to complaining that people shouldn't purchase something if the details are obscure.


    And the point you're trying to make completely ignores the fact that it was impossible to get any accurate details before the game actually launched. Thanks for the useless feedback!


    Yet it was still purchased now wasnt it, despite the lack of info. Need me to paint it out or something?

  7. Don't even go there. You *clearly* have no idea what you're talking about. It's pretty sad that you are attempting to troll people with a comment like this when you either have never read the descriptions yourself or have your own problems with reading comprehension.


    Let's take an honest look at some of the embellished or misleading advertisements versus the reality. Please note: the text in red is only available from the icon in-game, and not shown along with the yellow advertisements on the SWToR website.


    STAP (Virtual Vehicle)

    The STAP is a sleek and unique in-game vehicle you will acquire during your journeys.


    Requires Level 25. Increase movement speed by 90%. Requires: Speeder Piloting (Rank 1)


    My notes: I honestly thought I was getting a mount usable at level 1 (like Rift, or LOTRO). And like those games, I didn't expect it to be as fast as normal vehicles, but rather somewhere between there and running speeds.




    Keep visual records of your in-game adventures as you travel the Star Wars galaxy.


    Capture a screenshot of your immediate surroundings.


    My notes: I'm really not sure what I was expecting to get here. But I can tell you I absolutely did not think I was getting an item taking up a spot in my inventory that I could place as an icon on my hotbar and use a replacement for my printscreen key. What the heck? I guess, at a minimum, I was expecting it to create one of those 360 degree panoramic quicktime screenshots. Example: http://www.comicbookresources.com/media/video/xmenorigins_wolverine/Wolverine3D_001.mov



    Training Droid (Virtual Pet)

    A small but advanced training droid to hover at your side for combat assistance.


    Calls in a small but advanced training droid to hover at the side of the target humanoid enemy. Last 30 seconds.


    My notes: I think I expected a droid hovering at my side (with no 30 second duration) that would fire little distracting-but-relatively-ineffective lasers at my opponents. Instead this pet does nothing but waste the users time (and inventory space) for absolutely no in-game benefit.



    Now, obviously I can be accused of making my own assumptions in what these digital items would be. But guess what? Based on Bioware's vague descriptions, apparently that's exactly what they were counting on, or else they would have just told us exactly what these items did instead of leaving them so open to interpretation.


    But I guess being honest would have hurt sales.


    Says the guy who made a decision to purchase something without knowing what it was,despite ALL the vagueness. And telling someone they factually made a stupid decision is not trolling, its telling you just that. Your stupid decision, deal with it.

  8. The descriptions were intentionally vague.


    How does the training droid "float by my side and aid in combat" accurately describe the item?

    The camera simply said "records your adventures", how is that translate to: "duplicates your keyboard's 'print screen' key with sound effect.

    The C store had no accurate description and intentionally left out what you can buy because BW knew how lack luster it was.


    Your own reading comprehension is terrible, as you missed the point. This isn't a description problem. It's a poor execution problem. Even with the descriptions staying the way they are, the items could have been better. A LOT better.


    Yet despite the vagueness you still purchased. That to the point enough for you?

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