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Posts posted by Dokar

  1. This is basically what olagatonjedi has been saying.


    He brought up that Eric had already spoken about conquest when people wanted more communication, in almost the same was as Keith, though Keith's response feels like it has more eye rolls about his confusion and undeserved entitlement of posters on these forums.


    olagatonjedi mentioned that guilds and people can adapt and continue to play conquest and this isn't the end of the world. Keith has basically said their Metrics are telling them More guilds are doing conquest and getting rewarded for it. Even the small planets this is a fair engagement to hit those yields. And the big point more participation overall. More people are participating in this system than the old one, its more inclusive.


    The metrics are showing that the new conquest is a success and better than the old conquest for ease of access and how many people are taking the time to participate. So conquest maybe the best thing to happen to the game since Keith took over as its giving more people a reason to participate in content, which they are doing.


    So if Keith and olagatonjedi aren't the same person, they are on the same wave length.


    That aside, its clear from what Keith has posted new conquest is good for the game and not going to see massive changes. While people claiming it was the end of the game and doom and gloom were just making it up as its not supported by what Keith has posted. So it does make you wonder if the forums are a very unwelcoming place, where it seems the people that post in support of the new system, which it turns out by the metric (which I haven't seen but going on Keiths post about more rewards and more participation) were supported by the majority of players, were attacked and often labelled in derogatory terms.


    It is also possible what he is seeing is an increase in incidental participation and not active participation.


    If you have more players doing normal activities are triggering conquest activity without actually trying or having any interest in conquest you will increase participation but not satisfaction with the system by those who are actively participating. It is a bit like adding sidewalk traffic to the number of customers your store actually serves each day.


    Without seeing the actual data it is hard to tell one way or the other.


    Only time will tell.

  2. Yet again, please provide the source that this happens.


    BioWare Austin, established in 2006, is the award-winning developer of the popular online RPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and multi-year winner of the Austin Chronicle’s award for Best Video Game Developer in Austin. Our veteran game developers closely collaborate with sister studios in Edmonton and Montreal on other franchises including Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Anthem. Together we are actively developing top secret next-gen projects that are sure to thrill our millions of fans around the world. BioWare Austin’s goal is to produce the best stories you can play, and our elite teams are always ready to meet that challenge.



  3. Tell me, how does a single quote, that you won't even provide, act as a citation to the rest of the post I originally quoted. I realize that supporting statements is hard, and shouldn't be required where "Because I said so" is all the evidence that's needed, but it sort of falls flat when people want to provide "evidence".


    BTW, new is the last thing I am where BioWare forums are concerned. I am a veteran of "but my hyperbole is all I need" from the BSN, and even the Legacy forums all the way back to NWN. Sorry if that offends your sense of "I don't have to support my claims, I made them, and that's enough", but this problem really isn't my own.


    I will point out, however, that even your hyperbole refutes the claims I asked for citations on since you didn't say "all of our money comes from subs", but a majority. For the slow: Majority means that not all of their income comes from that source, or they'd have said "All" instead. This means that, despite the poster's claim that F2P players don't support the game, according to your own "source", they in fact do. Logic is hard, when you're used to "because I said so", but you'll eventually grow out of that phase.



    It was at the Dallas Cantina Q&A


    "Contrary to popular belief, F2Pers are NOT the ones buying the most stuff from the CM. It was never clarified whether this means the bulk of purchases is strictly coming from subs or from a combination of subs and preferred status players. (Though this does beg the question of whether F2P is even beneficial if its still subs and sub CM purchases supporting the game.) They are tentatively (TENTATIVELY!) considering removing the limit on the amount of WZ's a F2Per can play in a given week, BUT only if they determine a way in which it doesn't negatively affect subs."

  4. Well as I said I am in NA. All servers PE servers are currently "Standard" which is not unusal due to the time of day. When I get back from dinner with the in-laws I will of course check again. If in "prime time they somehow suddenly drop to "light" then I may scratch my head BUT again I would not necessarily be surprised because of the fact that ALL MMOs about 6 months into a patch have a smaller active population as players have run out of things to do. Tis is why they have content updates...to give players something to do so they pay more money.


    If you look at ANY MMO companies quarterly statements you will see things (say 1-2 quarters after an expac launches)like "in this quarter game X had a drop in revenue as expected however we have every expectation that this will change with the release of the up coming expansion), The expansion launches and the next earnings call says EXACTLY what EA's said in january. "game X contributed to an increase in revenue in this segment due to the launch of the expansion pack." Hell in Blizzard's last earnings call they said that, while their subscriptions had grown from 7 odd to 10 odd million, they expected a decline in subscriptions (most notably in asia, currently WoWs biggest market) due to the post expac "crunch."


    "Star Wars: The Old Republic also contributed to this segment with the expansion, Shadows of Raven, attracting many more people into the game with this epic new storyline."


    Contributed to this segment , Does not say contributed to the increase in the segment.

  5. Allow me to quote you:




    That seems to me like you're stating a belief.




    I provided a source from within the last year to back up my belief. Again, your turn to do the same. Provide a source from within the last year to support your belief that this game is well under 500K subs.




    Combined with your quote of gross revenue for 2013 of 165 million leaves only 26 million for sub revenue. That is 167,000 or fewer subs on average for 2013.

  6. The flashfire is absolutely no different than a novadive. It a frigging talon fighter with its wings folded in.


    And this is completely different from this.


    Also saying there are some similarities doesn't mean everything is the same. Every single ship going back to the invention of ships has had a rounded hull with a pointed bow. But that doesn't mean a 1500's sloop is the same as a aircraft carrier.


    Seems to me you are being disingenuous using the tie fighter which had straight wings and not the tie interceptor with similarly angled wings only turned the other way.

  7. The point is whether or nor you are logged into the game, you are STILL paying the subscription. You are STILL providing revenue for BW.



    I doubt that BW cares one whit if you are logged into the game 24/7 or don't log on for two weeks straight.


    You do know this game only gets 20% of it revenue from subscriptions?


    Someone not in game is not buying from the CM where most of the revenue is coming from.

  8. The slot machine is free to use. Just walk into any unlocked Stronghold that has one, or use a friend's. DERP :rolleyes:

    The only lazy carcass is yours. You can't be bothered to level up Crew Skill Mission or a few of them so you can sell or trade with other players. Spending an average of about 13,500 credits (2700 x 5) for 2 Doonium that is going for 7k credits each is a loss once the GTN takes it's cut. There is no profit. Now either stop trolling or go back to school.


    You left the sale of the blues out of your calculation.

  9. And your response is just about as unreal. The fact that you can't comprehend where a very large majority of us are coming from either means you simply lack the fundamental ability to read and understand what we're saying or you're jumping on the defense train without any understanding of why you're doing it other than to put the blame on the community. I'm going with the latter.


    This is a typical straw man response you gave btw, good job. Completely missed the point by listing things not in any way related but used to (try) and backup your erroneous comments.


    You have no idea if you are a majority much less a large majority.

  10. Simply outrageous


    a handful of children cry and give everything for free, what's next? Free mounts? Free equipment?

    we've been paying skill for the last 2-3 years, making dailies, FPs, WZs, Farming, and all this time lost for nothing?

    more than 460 levels on chars (sum of all ) and now! ARE FREE!!!


    It's no a matter of money, its virtual it's a matter of time.


    Shamefull and outrageous




    They have already given us a free speeder and free adaptive armor.

  11. Hey folks,


    Let’s talk a bit about training costs for your characters abilities. One thing has become clear from the player feedback in not only this thread, but since launch: players do not like training costs. It is a situation where every level you will see your hard earned credits go to a holographic Hutt doctor in order to make yourself a bit stronger. We have been talking about this topic internally for quite some time and when you add player feedback to the mix one thing becomes clear… We should make training costs a thing of the past.


    Since launch, you have spent millions of credits training skills across your characters. As of our maintenance next week all ability training costs will be completely removed from the game, forever!


    What does this mean for you? This means that starting next week, instead of spending your credits on training skills, you can now spend them on literally, anything else you want. Note that this only affects ability training, you will still need to spend credits to training schematics for Crew Skills, etc.


    Thank you again for your feedback.




    Wonderful news, thank you Eric.

  12. Nope you are right you don't have to go back and do the dailies that's your choice. But don't sit here and cry because you need 13 million (which is extremely exaggerated) to level up crafting and level to 60. There are ways to make money if you CHOOSE NOT to do them then you have no right to cry you don't have credits.


    You know this is game and not a second job right?

  13. Reasons:

    - Challenge

    - Group Content

    - Fun


    Those may not be what you specifically are looking for, but to ignore that operations require balance is incredibly narrow-minded.


    Edit: And if you want more content to "RP" in, you need more money at Bioware-Austin to go towards that content. Reducing the money going to class balance will facilitate that; so Disciplines should at least marginally help your experience in the long run.


    You realise they could be freeing up resources for Shadow Realms instead?

  14. Um, yeah, kids were not obnoxious little ***** mouthing off to teacher, bosses, parents, etc. with no one consequences before like 60 years ago.


    Also, something seriously wrong when 1/3 of men 18-24 don't bother to work in the US, or cannot keep jobs because they have zero work ethic, skill, or common sense.



    if you are 18-24 shouldn't you be in post secondary studies still?

  15. Hahaha you are so funny. I am not digging any hole, I just said something you don't seem to agree with and therefore branded a troll. Oh this has nothing to do with the English language, this has to do with the fact that I do not like when people assume they speak for me and when I read 'we" that is what I think. You can back peddle make all the excuses you want but that is what it comes down to


    Just because you think something doesn't make it right.

  16. Well, seems that they have an issue communicating internally as well as externally. They definitely goofed up. Still, "pissed" seems a strong emotional response to a press release delay.


    This is not a couple day delay they are talking weeks.. for something that should be all but in the testing phase that is a very bad sign.

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