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Posts posted by Claymaniac

  1. I don't understand how game breaking, progression halting bugs are treated as, "We know about them, we'll get to them when we can." Subs seem to be charged without any delays. People stuck in KOTET are supposed to do what right now? Keep paying to not play?
  2. Are you guys seriously going to charge for even subscribers to play as a Cathar. And then based on the number of people who play as a Cathar, you will decide if actual wanted species will be playable down the line?


    I stopped playing in the summer last year. Resubbed for a bit, even bought the expac. Stopped again till the expac came out and have resubbed again. But if literally everything in 2.1 including the new species is locked behind cartel coins, I really am done. When Makeb was first announced, it was not supposed to be paid for extra. Cathar wasn't.


    I have no problem with modern F2P MMO's. Many of them are done well. You can subscribe and get all the benefits. but if after buying a CE, having an active subscription and buying the expac, if I'm expected to still pay more for a new species and an appearance customization feature which I can get in other MMO's without paying extra, I am seriously done. Call it trolling, call me unreasonable, whatever. This is just over the line.

  3. There is no reason to world pvp in this game. Until Bioware adds stat tracking, valour gains, etc. killing other people is essentially a waste of.time. At least out in the world. There aren't any objectives to fulfil by killing them, no bonuses to gain, no goal to work towards. It is literally you going out of your way to prevent another player from doing what they are trying to do. Some people may enjoy that, but I get the impression that the majority of MMO players nowadays don't want to kill each other for the sake of killing.


    Specially in a timed event area. It simply makes more sense to just get your quests done rather than waste a session killing other PC's that will give you nothing more than a feeling of, "Haha I annoyed those noobs." I really think Bioware has no interest in encouraging actual world PvP. Its nice that after over a year, we are at least getting common questing areas for both factions. Although lets see if its just an event thing or if Makeb will continue it. But they really need to give people a reason to pvp.

  4. People spend money on the cash shop to compliment or enhance their experience of the main game. If the game ends up severely dropping in quality with all the focus just on the cash shop, people aren't going to keep buying cartel coins. It's fun to buy a new outfit and speeder and see them in action in fun content. But if that fun content starts drying up, are people going to keep buying the cosmetics?
  5. I have unsubscribed too. I held off for as long as possible, but its time. The second guild I was in has broken up due to lack of people playing anymore. I don't see what the point is of hyping and releasing another tiered raid as the highlight of a content update when I have barely done EC story mode once.


    Other long standing issues have got me tired too. Story is hyped to be a big selling point, but one of the key story features, the codex has so many bugged/missing entries. After months of reporting, we finally got word that they will be "addressed" in the future. But we are coming up to a year now for the game and having the codex still being so broken is just silly. Titles were hyped as a big thing prior to launch and yet most planetary titles are unavailable.


    The little things bother me too. We have /dance but every race, male or female does the same one. May be silly to many, but I enjoyed and still enjoy the various racial dances in other MMO's. WoW, GW2, LotrO, heck even FFXIV can have racial dances, but its too much for TOR. We don't have any achievement system, unless you count the broken codex, despite them saying "We love achievements" over and over in Q&A's.


    Oh and one of my biggest issues is the unnecessarily convoluted and very user unfriendly mod system. People wanna wear cosmetic outfits, just freaking let them. Why create so many roadblocks with the stupid mod system. Let us just have cosmetic slots. Not this pull mods, put them in a new outfit, pull them again, put them in somewhere else everytime you wanna switch crap. Pay to do so every time, so if you wanna switch your look around often, it will cost you. If I see an interesting looking piece of gear, let me just wear it cosmetically instead of creating so many roadblocks.


    The Legacy system sounded interesting, but what is it? Just money sinks for minor changes. I thought we were supposed to be able to customize the way we wanna play. So I spend a ton of money to improve my exploration/story mission exp and it barely does anything. Thought this was a story focused MMO. Every other option is just a massive money sink. Legacy was hyped to be something that was going to reward you for playing alts and you could unlock lots of stuff. Instead all it ends up being is a silly money sink with very few attractive features.


    I won't even get into Ilum, enough has been said about that disaster. But, where is world PvP? Why do the devs keep insisting that when players ask for world PvP, we mean PvP locked in 1 planet? What is the point of PvP servers in this game when you have to go out of your way to find the other faction most of the time? Why are there 0 incentives to world PvP?


    The companion system is very cool I will say, however I have an issue there too. Why are we forced to use specific companions for certain play styles? This is a story focused MMO, so let me use the companion I enjoy interacting with the most instead of having to use a specific one because I need a tank. Let all the companions be able to fill any role so the choice is up to the player as to who he/she brings rather than the game mechanics deciding for you. Isn't choice supposed to a big thing for Bioware too?


    I have supported Bioware for a long time and will continue to do so, but I feel like I have done enough for this game at least. Its up to you guys to win me back now.

  6. People on these forums(well any internet forum) whine to no extent about the smallest thing. Imagine the level of whining these forums will produce if a couple months from now a hidden third option is revealed for an event with an exclusive title or something? After all the devs and the community team has endured from the posters here, you really think they would set themselves up for that? People who like this idea will just go wow awesome, and move on. The bigger majority will be people who go OMG BIOWARE SUX WHERE IS MAH OPTION? and make these forums even more insufferable for the next few weeks till Bioware relents and offers a compromise. At which point the original group will return and go OMG BIOWARE SUX **** YOU.


    Yeah, why bother...

  7. That is your opinion, don't forget that. It is difficult to know what the terms of a contract might be, especially with LucasArts. One question that really needs to be answered is if Same Gender Romances is still in the works, no information has been given about that in months.


    The point is decisions of that magnitude aren't taken on a whim and when the whole situation is in such a state of flux, its silly to think that they have already decided on what will happen and let every employee know and given the ok to let the general public know as well. If EA indeed is up for sale, how much sense do you think it makes to let the whole world know that one of its biggest properties will be shut down? Secondly, whose decision do you think it is? Don't you think the buyer would decide? And you seriously expect any potential buyer to tell every EA/Bioware employee what their plans for a property they don't yet own is and give the go ahead to reveal it to everyone when all talks of them buying are very preliminary?


    No, it is not stupid, its an extremely stupid question. And raging about dumb questions like these not being answered kinda makes me understand why community reps don't communicate enough.

  8. I gotta be honest, I'm a Bioware fanboy but you really shouldn't be coming out with a grand announcement of improved communication and talk of "We will deliver" and all that only for it to become a sprinkling of "We don't know yet" comments within 2 weeks. I'm sure their hearts are in the right place, but you need more for the community. I get the risks of putting even tentative dates to anything, but this whole communication thing needed to be a company wide goal, not just Joveth and his team. We've heard of Makeb and HK for a while now and still don't have any indication of whether either is coming this year, whether they will be free, paid only to F2P players, etc.


    I'm not one of those people who go F2P = failure, because really other than WoW today, what sub only MMO is a raging success? I get that F2P hybrid is the future for every MMO. But, we know very little about how its going to work here and that's a MAJOR thing the whole increased communication should be addressing even to the point of redundancy. And with some more solid answers than a constant barrage of "We will let you know". You still want us to keep subscribing, but right now its a lot on faith. Every announcement I hear says quicker content updates, yet there isn't even a sniff of anything new on the PTS. How about something like "By the end of this month, or end of September the PTS will have 1.4"? Its been almost 2 months since 1.3, which had very little new content although the LFG tool is probably the best thing added to this game since launch. I, honestly am just seeing more talk and less delivering.


    I will say though stupid questions like "Tell us if the game will be shutdown if EA is sold" are just that, stupid.

  9. Well, they could just not do a Q&A. Would that make you feel better.


    These Q&A's didn't just start happening 2 days ago. They've been around for a while. Most everyone knows what to expect from them. So why do you get upset? Just pretend they don't exist. You aren't getting your "Give me a developer outline for the next 2 years of this game" questions answered. Yet you rage every week? Seems silly.

  10. I was -200 or something with scourge in just one series of conversations- dropping me to something like -470 at the end of my 50 class quest on my sent, so you can drop them pretty fast if you actually tried


    Yeah but -470 compared to 10,000. And its kinda pointless to do so, cause you lose one companion being able to crit crafting stuff at the highest rate. Its almost like we are expected to game the system with companions rather than have actual conversations and relationships with them.

  11. Why is it so discouraged? I understand the not killing companions thing and I agree with you there, but why can't I have a bad relationship with companions? Most negative responses to conversations get only -1 with them. Crafting requires you to have a positive rating to ensure better crit %. You can gain positive affection by giving gifts.


    Why not allow us to earn negative affection at the same rate? Maybe even have a change in their storylines or at least how its delivered if they tend to go negative. Let the negative side give the same crafting bonuses as the positive side. Let us give them items of punishment to lose affection.


    It just feels a little silly that there is a negative side to their affection rating, yet it is heavily discouraged to go that way. Why not just make the affection ratings be from 0-10,000 then?

  12. Its so much better this way. I would much rather have even fewer servers with more instancing if necessary. I hope future MMO's do the same. Saying we have 300+ servers sounds good and all to give the impression that so many people are playing, but in theory its terrible for the game experience. Most people want to play with others. Why fragment the playerbase into different servers? Its really nice to have warzones pop frequently, group finder fp's pop frequently, hearing chatter everywhere(even troll chatter is better than dead silence, imo).


    Its just a psychological thing, you feel better about logging in and playing when you see 3 instances of the Republic Fleet and tons of people running around rather than logging in at 9pm and seeing 8 people on the Republic Fleet. I hope future MMO's simply go by 1 PvP server, 1 PvE server, 1 RP server, 1 RP-PvP server and thats it.

  13. I strongly agree with 3. The tank/heal thing I think you just have to deal with. There's always going to be way more people playing a DPS class than tank or healer. Its always been the biggest drawback of the trinity system. Hopefully dual spec comes in soon, maybe that will help there a little bit.
  14. I'm frustrated and feel about the same way I did with the WoW lfg tool - ready to unsub. After a 20 minute wait in the queue I get into Athiss on my 25 Slinger - the only option it gave me. Level 20 healer is clueless and awful. We wipe on the final boss 4 times and he quits.


    We get a competent healer and kill the boss in one try. Nice Smuggler pants drop and a Jedi needs them. I ask her if I can buy them and she advises me they are BoP. She kindly then says "sorry".


    Finally I return to the fleet and discover I got no extra commendations either. An epic failure on all levels clearly portraying everything wrong with the LFG tool - greedy looters wasting gear they won't use, poor players incapable of completing even level 20ish content and, a BW exclusive - broken mechanics.


    So much for that resub I had decided on.


    That sucks, but what do you expect Bioware to do about it? They can't control who uses the tool. Terrible groups is always a very real possibility from a PUG tool. Surely, you didn't expect every LFG tool group to be exceptional.

  15. I knew plenty of people in SWG who paid just to access the forums. Some forums become communities in a sense. While I appreciate that restricting forum access cuts down on plenty of unwanted posts, if someone feels like spending time on the SWTOR forums all day even though they are unsubbed, they can still contribute to such a community and it keeps them one step closer to resubbing.


    The problem is for every 1 person who is still actually contributing to the community, there are 50 people who are just trolling and making it worse for the people who are actually still paying. If I'm playing this game and am reading/posting on this game's forums, I don't really care to know how much better GW2 is or hear the same old, "LOLOL VOICE ACTING" posts for the 2 millionth time. There's other places for that.

  16. But paying anywhere between 20-150$ a month for ingame crap items or exp bonus scrolls from the microtransaction shop is better, then paying a small amount as to 15$? Well sir, you have some pretty "special" friends, who would rather waste a lot more money, for what reason? :confused:


    Wait, where did you get the idea they would spend $20-$150 a month for crap in game items? Why do people twist words so much. They won't try a MMO because they won't pay a sub. F2P might entice them to try. Once they do, maybe they will be willing to pay a sub, or MT whatever floats their boat. Where did you come up with, "Oh they won't pay a sub, that must surely mean they pay $150/month for in game items"? ***?


    Side note, do people really pay $150/month in games? o.o

  17. @claymaniac


    From what I'm understanding of this specific line, in short, he means pay to win. All the dungeons you add wont matter if you can just buy the uber items you can which is true for DDO specifically (not sure on LOTRO since i havent played that one).


    Tho I pretty much agree with claymaniac in the availability of options, Jandi is truthful about F2P changing the dynamics of current MMOs that went F2P. The only true free to play model that didnt really change the gameplay at all would be the current Team Fortress model (even tho its an FPS).


    Sure, if you can buy essential items with cash, then I would have a problem too. But just cause 1 F2P game does it, doesn't mean every F2P game will do it. Although I mean right now in every MMO, you can basically pay to win anyway. Buy gold, buy leveling services etc. most of us don't engage in that, but there's people who do. And we don't stop playing legitimately just cause such people exist, do we?


    I can see the pay to win thing being a big issue in competitive play though, for sure.

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