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Posts posted by DVSvictim

  1. lol obviously the ppl saying OMG YOU GUYS STOP COMPLAINING LIKE LITTLE BABIES! havent even reached max lvl yet, fs i strolled through the game and hit 50 in 3 weeks. didnt rush, spare time from work and decorationg my new house. done a hundred warzones lol boring fail, spent days on ilum lol boring fail, tried my hand at crafting lol boring fail, checked out the market place lol boring fail lol pve??? guess what?? after 20 runs EASY MODE BORING FAIL lol


    lvl 1-49 ahh cool game, i like it, lvl 50 fresh meh not much to do here, lvl 50 after a few weeks wow is tera beta coming out soon? ooh aion is going f2p lol


    bio have no skill for mmo. they do the solo play part well but MMO lol jeebus M M O where is it? can i have it?


    and to you soft core fanboys talking about hardcore ppl getting to max lvl and joining guilds and stomping eachother, WE ARE THE PPL WHO KEEP THE GAME ALIVE, first time you got to the station and seen me in full champ gear on my cool speeder you were like wow im so jelly, me wanty. softcore are 2-4 month subbers, hardcore pvp guilds play for a year fs. we needed planets to fight over, 8 man premade wz's lol an ACTUAL ENGINE that could handle mass pvp, they said 100v100 on ilum lol check the vid sent to bio BEFORE 1.1






    and if you still sub then your a clown, open your eyes. get to 50 and the fun stops lol, go lvl every class to 50 while you wait for them to learn how mmo's work. lol /rantdone

  2. your obviously doing someting wrong if you cant finish your class quest. I finished mine .. maybe you should submit a help ticket to biowares very helpful customer service team?

    lol is this guy trolling? i cant tell...



    ANYWAY mate i say quit!!, this game is total fail man, there is NO longeveity in swtor. and i doubt there ever will be, i happen to know some things they have planned lol so ill say this, you know how the last few patched keep f***ing up pvp? well GET READY FOR MORE OF THE SAME lol



    im teh same as you mate, almost v60 and just couldnt be bothered :(


    dont get me wrong, the game has its good points (the 2-3 weeks it takes to get 1-49 lol) after that its all down hill


    I SAY go play aion (f2p) for a few months till gw2 or tera comes out, and maybe come back to swtor next year when its had time to 'ferment'

  3. Now first of all, stop comparing an under 2 months old MMO to one that is a year or more old.. OFCOURSE Bioware will adjust stuff like this in a years time...


    i am sick to death of people saying crap like this, 2 months old? lol 5+ years in dev.

    LAST YEAR testers told them there would be problems with pvp and pve, did they listen? no.

    so now we have all these problems on ilum/game being unstable at 20 players and with hm/nm's


    game is fail guys, sorry but its true. they got some things right, but the MMO part they totally failed at, quit the game. come back in a year.


    lol if you could see what that have planned for 2012... well you would just laugh.

    remember this post (if you have any hopes of bio fixing the broken/boring things) and if you are still playing at the end of this year come back here and let me know if you think i am right.

    the ONLY way things could change, is a major scare. say even 60% of you canceled your subs in protest. maybe then...



    btw i am not trolling, ill be honest and say i realy did enjoy the game to a point.. lol over a month of dailys and boring easymode pve. bah. casual game is fail


    it woulda made a realy good sw the old republic 3 on xbox/ps3 with online coop lol

  4. Now the dev can actually talk, is there anything planned for Illum pvp? because the state in the last beta build was..very underwhelming to say the least.

    Can we expect more pvp objectives/quests/rewards and more importantly and actual impact on the server factions? (faction buffs etc)


    an answer to this would been nice. lol better late than never.

  5. i totally agree man, the fact that medals ARE important to getting your cent gear means most healers roll DPS so they can farm medals.

    before 1.1 with my van i got 10-12 medals per game lol my healing buddy would get 4. and HES the reason i can get 10 medals >.>


    unfair system and it results in a large % of healers not healing. but then again lol would you expect anymore for the clowns who brough us ilum??!


    ill give you a tip tho bud, just tab and hit every red you see once each, even aoe groups if you can, maybe 2 more medals here for ya.


    but keep healing man, HEALERS WIN FIGHTS!! lol


    and btw, dont listen to most of these fools, they dont have a clue what theyre talking about.

  6. be a trooper, pick biochem.


    ive NEVER been beaten 1v1 in ow or wz. sometimes i even 2v1 and twice i 3v1 lol (voss+alderan)

    trooper rocks :) and have aric as your companion, keep him geared or give him all your old stuff.


    trooper ftw!!

  7. /signed


    Try to remember biowre you run a big risk if you don't make the pvp'ers happy by April. That's a lot of dough to lose


    lol i dont think ill last till april man, something big needs to happen for me to stay, ive tried leveling an alt but i just cant lol its so boring. i like to invest my time into 1 class and atm theres nothing to do.


    even if they added 8 man premades for warzones id be a happy bunny, games would get more tactical n ****, me likie :)

    altho it should be made in its own bracket with 8v8 or 4+4v8 ect. or it would be easy mode >.>

  8. Sounds good in theory. I am not a developer, but I'd guess something of this scale would take at least months if not a year though.


    As much as I'd love to see something of this scale I fear it's a) too late and b) not the focus of BW, as that is 'story' aka PvE.


    lol if this took bio a year i dont think id be around to see it tbh.

    this seems very large scale but most of it is already in the game fs its 70% cut and paste code :p


    they have hundreds of staff working on this ****, and 10/20 man group with a bit of skill could knock this together in a month.

  9. i agree with this 100%, but then again all i do is punish you pesky imps with my awesome vanguard :) altho shame on you bio for ninja-nerfing my stockstrike crit :mad: not cool lol i liked my 3.5k crits


    but screw your class imbalances, ill just play better :p

  10. tbh i dont know if bio have what it takes to take things like this on board? what do you guys think?


    atm this is a pve based game, but i dont think they thought about WHO actualy payes for ongoing subs. Its GUILDS!


    Atm the game caters for the PVE experiance (which i do enjoy) but alas it gets boring very quickly. maybe 5 or 10 runs of every instance and you start to hate the sight of them.

    so you do warzones, but only 3 maps. so again gets boring very quickly (ESPECIALLY when you have to rely on 4 random ppl to help you win lol)


    Players like a challange, especially MMO players. and THE ONLY way to chalange groups of gamers is by pitting them vrs other groups of gamers.

    when the 'new game' dust settles and all the soft core pay-for-two-months guys are away the players left are the hardcore mmo gamers, who have a social network WITHIN the game. be it 10 or 100 members, they talk to each other every day and PAY SUBS every month.


    if bio want me to pay for my next month they HAVE to fix owpvp, sure they can add a new instance that i can jump right in and do HM in 30 mins lol but that wont keep me paying. stop it from going stale with real time pvp objectives, expand the guild support and give us something to compete over.


    if you can fix ilum guys then try it. BUT I SAY follow this guys lead, its one hell of an idea. i dont have the words to tell you how important this is. other games are coming and once guilds start to leave for them you might never get them back and bam swtor is FREE TO PLAY lol ;)

  11. instances are the only way to have actual balance.

    health tweaking is interesting but its an untested game balance issue. Bolstering is not the same thing as creating a character that has 5-10 times the HP of any normal character.

    It will require considerable time and effort before it becomes usable.


    a viable current solution is forced population restrictions and instance utilization.


    lol so what your saying is screw all this stuff and make a few more 8 v 8 warzones?


    look bubba no offence but your lvl 27 rght? this idea and the replies to it are from end game players who do end game things (what little there is atm) so put your baby booties back on and go level :p


    also ow pvp is not about even numbers, its about superior tactics and communication ;)

  12. If SWTOR played like this i think it would be the no.1 played game ever lol.


    i see 1 problem with this tho, the game engine need to be fixed first. if the game could handle 50v50 then this owpvp would take up most of my spare time lol.


    great work mate, i realy hope they listen to this.


    one guy said bio wont want to make 11 'new' planets. but THEY DONT HAVE To!! remember all them planets we flew by in a week or 2 on our way to 50? well take a few choice areas from them and bam! 11 'new' plantes :)




    do it bio, great work aneu! stay safe mate.

  13. nah the extra few % in battle compared to champ couldnt explain why i was so suck in WZ's today lol. i been 50 before the game was officaly released and very well geared and a solid pvp player, win 80% of my games. i usualy get 10-12 medals per match. lol i played a huttball there and got 4 medals, where usualy id get 7-10 that fast if i was medal whoring.


    i dunno, ninja nerfs sux. add that too the imps easy BM gear and all of a sudden that extra few % kicks my ***.



  14. any other vanguard out there doing crap damage today? with my adrenal and cd i can usualy stockstrike my way to 2.5k crit and around 500 for a normal attack unbuffed. just now i was criting for around 2k and auto was only 150-250?
  15. lol i think you got it wrong nub, not having 3 lvl 20 clowns who dont have a clue how to pass the ball or defend a door is a god send. saying that there still are ALOT of lvl 50 nubs. silly game, attracting idiots.
  16. They knew about this, no doubt read this very post and released that damn patch anyway. game killer bio. well done.

    All they had to do was put ilum on its own server and instance off the zones to maybe 20 vrs 20, i dunno. Im not getting payed to know, but thats what i would do.

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