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Posts posted by DarthDalton

  1. This is a video game! Not real life! You should be able to change your companion story. Get over yourselves! Not every person has a ton of time to put into this game only to know that you messed up and now can't change it. The thing is, giving us the option doesn't even affect you. Why would you care? Especially with this game, It takes forever to progress in the story.In mass effect, I killed off Ashley only to realize Kaiden sucked. I went back and switched my decision. I didn't have to play through the entire story again just because I made a mistake. This was one of the main reasons I cancelled my subscription.
  2. I have a level 50 Imperial Agent Operative and level 32 Sith Warrior. I have to say that I enjoyed the operative story line very much. The story picks up at the end of Act 1, then Act 2 kicks a**, and Act 3 was good but the ending was meh. I thought I would end up hating Kaliyo as she reminded me of Jack from ME2, but I ended up marrying her because she became an interesting character which liked all my DS choices. I found all the IA companions very interesting too.

    My level 32 Sith Warrior is absolutely awesome. I just finished Act 1 and I have to say, if you're rolling DS and want a force sensitive, then roll a warrior. Some of the cutscenes are the best! Just love how bas a** they make you feel. Definately like a Darth Vader. I haven't recieved all my companions just yet but I have to say they're great as well. Vette is hilarious, love her character. The rest are great too. That's my two cents

  3. I love playing dark side because it's not what I would do in normal life.....Unless i was some sick physcopath murderer....therefore it makes it more fun for me. When I get home from work and I have to hold in all the comments I would say to people but didn't because I needed to be professional and nice, then it's pretty fun for me venting and taking out my frustration on the characters in game. Muahahahaha
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