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Posts posted by Canemuto

  1. Cosmic Conquerors is a friendly, social guild looking for new members. Members range from novices to experienced veterans. Message me for an invite as well as an experience bonus so you can start leveling faster.


    Teamspeak Server

    Guild Website

    Guild XP and Rep Bonuses - Full

    Guild Stonghold - Several amenities and resources

    Guild Flagship - Half way there


    We run at least 1 op a week whenever we have enough people online.

    We are still looking for a few more PVP and Starfighter oriented players to round out teams for premades.

  2. I am on the Manaan quest line that takes me into the Depths of Manaan Flashpoint. Without being in a group I was able to walk into the [Group] Flashpoint. I don't think that is supposed to be possible. I realized almost right away that something was wrong and left the flash point.

    I took a look at my mission log only to see the [solo] Flashpoint had not been added to my Mission Log.


    I am forced to use the phase reset.

    I join group finder for [Tactical Flashpoint] Depths of Manaan.

    When the group is found and I click the "Travel Now" button, it tells me it has failed and I need to try again or leave the group and use the group finder again.

    Attempt to walk into the FP through the entrance, new error: "You are in a different difficulty than the group leader"

    So I leave the group and get locked out of group finder for 10 minutes.

    10 minutes go by and it tells me I need to reset the phase.

    Attempt to reset the phase, and now it is telling me I reset the phase too recently.


    I dropped any quest related to Depths of Manaan EXCEPT the "Shadows of Revan: Prelude" (because the devs for this game are so terrible I am positive I will never be able to get it back if I drop it)


    This allowed me to reset the phase and grab the [solo] Depths of Manaan quest from the NPC outside of the FP.


    I know all this is my own fault and everything in this game is always working as intended. It makes me wish I had a cushy job where I could be lazy. I could just blame the results of my sloth on my customers until it worked to their benefit, in which case, I would punish them for taking advantage of one (Ravagers) of my many, MANY mistakes.

  3. The real issue here is the bias. This mechanic only affects certain class/role/alignment combinations.


    I want to play a dark side power tech (imperial class) with Mako healing me as my companion. In the current version of the game I have to dismiss Mako before every conversation to keep my affection or risk losing affection and the 10k bonus.


    BioWare gives you an incentive to get over that initial hump by giving you a sense of purpose and the opportunity to breathe personality into your character. In the amount of time it takes to get through the first dialogue bit, you may be tempted to proudly announce to anyone nearby that you're "the most evil Sith ever," or "a Bounty Hunter with a heart of gold and an eye for credits." From there, BioWare gives you hundreds more opportunities to reinforce your identity (or flip-flop entirely). This makes learning the complex game systems feel like more of a side-effect of role-playing your character than a requirement to move forward.

    This is a quote from Nick Kolan's review of SWTOR on the IGN website. (http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/01/07/star-wars-the-old-republic-review)


    It would be nice if this was true. The truth is, one person wrote the story line for the bounty hunter and decided how it should be played, and now everyone needs to play it that person's way or be penalized.


    This is the kind of mechanic that will drive me to quit the game once I have played through a class's story line.

  4. What is the point of the legacy system? When it was released in 1.2, I thought the purpose was to develop a character and share perks earned by that 1 character with all new characters you create after that.


    The new character perks tree needs to be reworked (and in the spirit of the legacy system seems counter intuitive) . The legacy levels and cost in terms of credits is a ridiculous requirement for a perk that is only going to affect 1 character. Furthermore, the most expensive perks are only useful for limited amount of time (until you reach max level). If you are going to keep the ludicrous legacy level requirements then the credit cost should be reduced so that each individual character can VIABLY afford to purchase those perks with their own money as they level. An alternative is lowering the extremely high cost of new skills and abilities you learn when you level up.


    The character perks, companion and convenience sub categories, should be moved to the "Other" section of Global perks (and the credits cost should be increased to 3 to 5 times what it is now because it will be affecting all of your characters). This is with the exception of the Field Respecialization. Field Respecialization should remain in the character perks section, BUT this needs a legacy level of 1. EVERY CHARACTER SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO THIS!!!!


    Speaking of companion perks... There should be a set of perks that add crit, and efficiency.

    The way I see this working:

    Once you reach legacy level 5 and level 400 in a given crew skill, you should be able to purchase a crit perk, and an efficiency perk for that crew skill.

    There should be 3 levels of each type (crit and efficiency) for each of the crew skills.

    Each level of the crit perk would give each of your companions +1 crit for that particular crew skill.

    There would be a cap of +5 crit on all companions (this way companions who already have +5 crit do not advance)

    Each level of the efficiency perk would give your companions +5 efficiency for that particular crew skill.

    There would be a cap of +15 efficiency on all companions. (this way companions who already have +15 efficiency do not advance)

    I think this would work best as a Character Perk but could also be listed under "Other" in the Global Perks.

    The logic is that if you had a bunch of companions sitting around a ship together they are bound to pick up how each of them do things a certain way.

  5. Hey Bioware GREAT JOB WITH SERVER X-FERS!!! The more I play this game the more I pictures a bunch of monkeys in dress shirts and ties on the development end of this game. How did you MESS up something so simple?


    After my 15 minute queue time to get into the game, I have to avoid the imperial/republic fleet or suffer massive lag. Please stop focusing on new content until you get a server that is powerful enough to run said content. SERIOUSLY, what is your server made of gum and paper clips, powered by gerbils in row boats!? "Row row row row"


    It doesn't take Master Yoda to see the future of this is game headed towards the same black hole as Star wars galaxies.


    Quit flinging poop and find a way to clean up this mess you made.

  6. The patch notes say that blaster damage was fixed because it was some times being ignored. There are 2 missions that I have had no problem beating in the past, I ran them this morning and I lost each of the missions 2-3 times before I could beat them. I kept saying to myself, "why does it seem like my blasters aren't doing as much damage?". I just read the patch notes and I wish you would break what ever it is that you guys "fixed".
  7. I was thinking about this and I think a better option would be this...

    Once you max out (reach skill level 400) on a skill, members of your legacy can add efficiency and/or crit to their companions in that given skill.


    This is in no way OP while still being EXTREMELY helpful.


    I would set it up so there were 6 ranks (3 for crit 3 for efficiency) in your legacy.

    Each rank in efficiency would increase by 5% with a cap of 20% efficiency on all companions.

    Each rank in crit would increase by 1% with a cap of 5% crit on all companions.


    This would be most beneficial to C2-N2 who could potentially gain 15% efficiency and 3% crit on all crew skills.

  8. Tharan Cedrax (Jedi Consular Companion) repeatedly fails missions. None of my other companions fail missions as often as he does. I started giving him only yellow missions but he FREQUENTLY fails those missions. He also takes longer than any of my other companions to complete any missions.


    I have sent him on archeology, slicing, and scavenging missions, all with the same results. This is an epic waste of time and money, especially early on when your affection with him is low and his missions take 40+ minutes.


    Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else noticed that this pompous db takes your credits and uses them to go to the cantina and get liquored up instead of completing the mission to which he is assigned.

    I don't want to waste any more money on companion gifts for him if this is merely bug due to some programmer putting a decimal place in the wrong spot.

  9. So what I am getting from all of these replies is, "it's cool for me to roll on any gear I want for myself and/or my companion because the gear is really easy to replace, AS LONG AS I don't do it at level 50."


    Well then... gearing up my companion just got a lot easier. Sorry in advance to all the troopers out there who wind up in a Flash Point with my healer, but Qyzen needs his aim/endurance gear. Then again, I'm not sorry because after reading the replies in this post you will all understand and if you play a trooper and want to roll on willpower gear for your companion go for it.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply. Please don't bother trying to recant or to add caveats to your previous post. Clicking "Submit Reply" before thinking things completely through is the mantra of the forum poster. Flame on.

  10. Once you get into the 30s, everyone starts getting different gear. Tanks gear gear with defenses and more endurance, DPS gets more accuracy and power, healers get more alacrity, etc. By 50, each class might have as many as 4 different sets of gear each. Sages and Sorcs have 2 sets per AC: Force-Mystic (Sage Heal), Force-Master (Sage DPS), Stalker (Shadow DPS), and Survivor (Shadow Tank). What you're asking for is already in the game... you're just not at that level yet.


    You are right I am low level, however I am mid 30's and it doesn't matter how a piece of gear is constructed, as long as it has willpower a shadow tank/dps and/or a sage healer/dps will roll on it. Why? because if it contains one mod improvement for ANY of their gear they see it as an upgrade.

    You have to realize that it isn't just an issue of sharing gear.

    Let's I'm playing a shadow TANK and my orange HEAD GEAR sucks. I run a a flash point and an orange CHEST with HIGH WILLPOWER AND ALACRITY drops. It isn't an upgrade from my current chest piece, but I roll against my healer and dps for it and win. I then take out the mod and use it to replace the mod in my helmet.


    I should also make it a point that the people defending this current itemization system may not see a problem, and may love it. I am happy for you. There are several people out there that do see it as a problem and these people will not play SWOR as long as it exist.

  11. I for one don't want to go back to the days when we couldn't fill two DPS slots because nobody wanted to be in the same raid as a single other mage or hunter or warlock....


    Im confused. Are you saying that people who played WoW didn't like joining a group because they may have to roll against one other person who shares the same gear as them? AND you prefer a system where a DPS shares gear with not only another DPS, but also a tank and a healer?

  12. "You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake." ~Fight Club


    Agreed. This is the kind of homogenization that led to the discontent in WoW. When Cata. came out, Activision gave every class the same types of abilities. The most blatant example was giving rogues and warriors a way to heal themselves.


    This type of laziness was a shortcut to balancing the classes but ultimately it backfired in a big way. The game became boring and stale.


    Will the classes become unbalanced? Yes. BUT we are all afforded the same opportunities to roll any class we see as being OP, and anyone who has played mmo's for long enough knows that the OP torch changes hands from patch to patch, just wait a while and soon enough it will be your turn.


    This game has come light years in terms of improving on vanilla WoW (I compare SWOR to vanilla because it's only fair) however it still has a long way to go before it reaches its full potential. This issue is one that needs to be addressed.

  13. I can't get my friends to play this game because they can't see the class roles as being defined enough. Up until today I thought that this was just a petty view of the physical appearance of the classes (example: Trooper/Mercenary as a Tank).


    It never occurred to me how flawed the itemization is in this game. If a Sage healer winds up in a group with a Shadow tank and a Shadow dps they share gear. In spite of being separated by being two different classes and three distinctly different roles, the three of them are all rolling on the same gear. Why?


    There are 3 Armor Classes, 7 Basic Stats, and 9 Secondary Stats. This provides for an enormous number of permutations when compared to only 13 class/role combinations. Why is there so much ambiguity between items? Every class should be rolling on items as defined for their class and role.


    Bioware I beg you not to disregard this problem because it is a major one. Like I said at the start of this post, I can't convince people to play this game because of this exact issue.

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