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Posts posted by calamatiesend

  1. what was your overall dps for the whole parse? Over the 3min ish fight? People are talking about dps loss because even on an opps dummy which gives us 100% uptime, we cannot beat ranged classes dps and since we have much less than 100% uptime on boss fights or pvp our dps is not competitive with those classes.
  2. I'm not saying serenity shadows are OP, but they are top tier now, and I am sure as hell not calling for them to be nerfed. I am pointing out they work EXTREMELY WELL right now, and part of that reason is a set of design synergies completely lacking in sents/mara's. They are working so well that pvp teams of NOTHING BUT THEM, are very viable. Also a HUGE part of their success are their cc immunity tools, as I pointed out. To argue with those basic facts is pure stupidity.


    I AM calling for sents to receive tools that move them UP to the top tier, and that is what some noobs here cant handle.


    They are OP, because of there toolset and synergies as you have said/talked about. If you remove deflection hard cc immunity they will still be OP. That is not the defining quality that has made them that powerful. Hell I know a bunch that do not even spec into it because its honestly not needed with how powerful their skillset is already.

  3. Do you even play this game? Or a sentinel? Or a shadow? cc immunity is a HUGE part of the reason shadows are so strong right now.


    So vigi need it but watchmen don't? Ah the cluelessness continues. We shouldn't be pushing to be on the same level with the best classes in the game? You like mediocrity? What an idiot. My point is, in giving examples of why the alpha classes are alpha right now, that it comes down to cc immunity tools. You mentioned snipers...again they have GREAT defensive tools, PLUS RANGED dps. Do we have to have IDENTICAL ones as other classes? No, but a post leap one, similar to unremitting, since we are all knights and all have this skill, our main closer, called force leap, maybe you have heard of it....so a variation or version of unremitting would make perfect sense. Make it random for us, 1-3 seconds, or whatever. But we need SOMETHING that makes our MAIN CLOSER harder, yes HARDER to defeat, whereas now it is TRIVIAL.


    There is no bad in my post, just failure to grasp basics and the current state of gameplay in yours.


    Plenty of bad, but thats okay.


    We have been making our main closer work since beta without unremitting..... Once again all I see is you crying because your sent is not a sin/guardian. Many of us want our class to be BALANCED not a new FOTM, or overtuned like hatred sins are right now. I see you have all 3 FOTM specs as alts, just an observation. Snipers have good defensive cds? Interesting because they are no where near as good as ours..... It shows you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to competitive balance.


    We are trying to suggest new ways to make our class balanced and retain what makes the sent unique. Buffing pred/trans to give root immunity/mobility is a front runner and there have been others. Once again since you seem to love avoiding this, we are not saying we do not need some help staying on targets, but we do not need force leap to grant cc immunity. Also in watchmen with shorter cd and no min range you are suggesting they are cc immune 25% of the time........ yeah.......... We do not actually need any hard cc immunity to be viable and strong (maybe on UR/GbtF with utility, but that is it).

  4. Right, that is why shadows also have force speed, COMPLETE movement freedom/snare break on a 15 seconds cooldown, SO TOGETHER, they have two of the best cc immunity tools IN THE GAME. Plus serenity shadows can apply Dots from 30 m and from 10m and THEN AOE AND SPREAD THEM FROM 30 METERS. And they are supposed to be melee...PLUS they have TWO SELF HEALS...serenity strike and Battle Readiness...


    Got a clue yet? Or I can keep going...The best classes in the game now are the ones with the BEST CC IMMUNITY TOOLS, PERIOD. Or look at vigi guards. When I leap in, I have 3 seconds of cc immunity SO MY CLOSER CAN NOT BE DEFEATED. I immediately AOE SLOW. Then sunder and build resource, then *GASP* I actually get to start my rotation and stay in range a lot of the time. This is EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED.


    I have played sentinel since beta, and I play serenity shadow, vigilance guardian, and tactics vanguard quite a bit. I know what works for these classes and why they are in much better shape than sents, my first love in this game. So learn something, will ya....the clueless noob routine of yours and his are played out.


    lol yikes, so much bad in one post. This just in, different classes are different, and you pointed out why shadows are strong because they are not a true melee class..... they can dot/spread from range.... thats why they are so strong right now. I agree their whole tool set is too much but we should not be pushing to be on their level..... thats idiotic....


    First off your vigi guard has 4 seconds of cc immunity and DR on his leap and he needs it to set up his rotation and to actually be able to use MS/Ravage and get all 3 hits...... They did not used to have the mobility tools that we do and until recently in this game did not come close to our defenses. Now they are slightly stronger and with a few tweaks we will be right there.


    Also sins do have force speed root break, last for 2.5 seconds on 15 sec cd if they have specced into all of that. Still is not that hard to keep them at range with roots/kbs if you know how. There is a reason MM sniper comps are competing with double sin comps in 4v4s but im sure thats over your head. Once again we should have similar tools to be able to stay on target and Dark and myself are not arguing against you on that, but we do not need the kit sins have. Its currently broken and they are not really a melee dps with stealth/dot spread/multiple 30m rotation abilities......


    Talk about how our class can change/get better, not this constant rant of my shadow has this so my sent should too, its not fair! whine whine whine

  5. Just exactly what do you think controlling effects (cc) are? If you want to see clueless, look in the mirror. Sure sturdiness costs shadows a pt...its the best point I ever spent in my shadow, and I would kill to have the same option on my sentinel, compared to some of the crap choices we have.




    Thank you for saving me the trouble of having to point out the incredibly obvious to him. Its hard to have any kind of a discussion with people that don't even grasp the basics.


    Sturdiness does not prevent roots or snares! That is his point, we are shut down not by hard cc but movement impairments(yes i know still a form of cc) but giving us a cc immunity like sins/shadows would actually not help much since a kb/root would still render you useless for most of the cd.


    We need a mobility buff(most people would call this a way to deal with roots/slows or soft cc's if you want to get technical)

  6. The added range to crippling is fine, still could just bring deadly throw back and not need to waste a utility point.... But at least this is a step in the right direction. The root is very strong now, since with crip slash you could keep someone rooted for a long time..... given many classes have root breaks on short cds(no idea why this was added to basically everyone), but with leap ravage and crip its 8 seconds if you are able to land them all and crip can reset everyone 10 seconds and allow for another root shortly after...


    The problem with it is that it is a heroic utility..... Which makes it tough since giving up either brooding aoe cc cd reduc and full stacks every fight or expunge on camo since anyone worth their salt is taking unbound anyway. Does the root give as much utility as the other 2? maybe but I doubt it, moving it down a tier or adding another benefit to another skill could make it an actual tough decision.


    Finally the UR/GbtF change is much needed! Thank you devs, but once again you nerfed it to 3min cd..... It grants no CC immunity, last 4 seconds-6 with heroic utility which is nice but 1 stun or root shuts it down completely. Given it is a fantastic oh **** button, but for 4 seconds the cd should be 2 min.


    Just a comparison

    Evasion 3 sec-immune to white dmg 1min cd(75% force tech on snipes, ops shorter cd with specs/utility)

    Shroud 3-5sec-immune to cc and force/tech/yellow dmg 1min cd

    UR/GbtF 4 sec immune to both but just dmg, 3 min cd!? really does that justify that extra 2 min? I think 2 min was fine when compared with other classes skills


    Jugs heal to full is 2min, Sorc bubble is 3 min but thats 8 seconds of absolute immunity/cc breaker plus the stupid bastion at the end.


    If you make UR/GbtF usuable while cced/cc immunity I will accept a 3min cd but right now it is not worth that.

  7. Unremitting/unstoppable is the key for melee. Every ranged class having a stun means mara/sent is just stunned to death in any situation. Ranged classes can kite, mara does not have the option to kite.


    I see less and less melee in warzones everyday, if there was unremitting/unstoppable heroic utility point it would help melee to have an edge by being melee. It will have different effect on different forms like this:


    Unremitting/Unstoppable - Grants immunity to all character impairing effects after force leap/charge, has different effects depending on lightsaber form:

    Shien grants 4 secs immunity

    Aturu grants 3 secs immunity (enough for ravage/master strike, before people complain, damage was nerfed in 3.0)

    Shii-cho grants 3 secs immunity

    Juyo grants 2s immunity (they have reduced leap time so they shouldn't have too much immunity)

    Soresu does not benefit from unremitting/unstoppable (tanks can absorb the damage, they don't need the immunity)


    Being melee would be encouraged because you actually have a reason to jump in instead of waiting for the fight to start before doing anything and the skill of players using their stuns would actually have to think about it instead of just seeing a leap then stunning without even thinking.


    We do not need more CC immunity in this game, it has already almost completely broken hard switch comps/made them so much harder to pull off. We should not be adding immunities to our class or any other... Sins cc immunity is OP and everyone knows it. Unremitting would be OP for us, please if you do not realize this you do not play PvP at a high level.....


    Also as Dark stated, we need root immunity/movement impairment immunity to stay on target and the first round of changes does not do enough. The 10m crippling slash is a start but using a heroic utility to root someone at 10m is still not worth it...... especially with brooding and expunge/unbound still in that tier. Mobility is what we need.


    The change to UR/GBtF is great, but the added CD is not needed since it does not provide any CC immunity so 1 root or stun still shuts us down for the 4 seconds. However it is a much needed change and will definitely help as a great focus/burst prevention tool.


    Still hoping for some small dps tweaks unless other classes are brought inline since with 100% uptime we still cannot parse close to ranged and I would tell you I am lucky if I have close to 75% uptime against a decent player......

  8. Please enlighten me on "all these classes that have more mobility".


    Maras got just as much as everyone else, and again regardless of what U do, the overwhelming majority of Maras didn't stack accuracy that high, but I'm happy for you being in the scoreboard...:rak_01:


    Yes we did actually..... I guess you did not play ranked or any competitive pvp as a carnage mara. Nek is one of the most experienced pvp maras around, when he talks about his experiences they are pretty spot on.

  9. I guess we have a different definition of iconic. To me, an active skill like Guardian Leap is iconic. It is something that, by its function and nature, clearly says guardian, and not sentinel or another class. With all the recent tree simplification and streamlining though, things change. Unremitting is a passive, attached to Force Leap, a skill that is iconic to the JK basic class.


    I've played a sent since beta more than I have a guardian, but as I recall guards had saber throw long before sents got their twin saber throw at lvl 51 (makeb expansion). So was that just copy and pasting? Or was that a logical addition to a class that needed another ranged skill, one that would logically also have some type of saber throw? So would adding in a passive to adjust mechanics that are woefully out of whack...a PASSIVE...would that be copying and pasting, or again, simply taking a logical step to give a basic JK skill, force leap, the same perks for one build that uses it FOR THE SAME THING as another one does? That answer is pretty clear.


    Also, it is hilarious to hear you talk about copying and pasting...HALF THE CLASSES in the game are copy/pasted from the other half, with just different animations slapped on top...then you have EVERY AC that shares a basic skill set, say a skill like FORCE LEAP, with it another AC....so actually, IN THIS GAME, different classes ARE NOT ALWAYS or NECESSARILY different. So there, YOU just lost all credibility...lol, because in THIS game more often it is the case that different classes have a twin (sage = sorc, etc.), or have a lot of commonality through a common basic class.


    Anyway, who knows what the devs will do on this rollercoaster of imbalance, and whether the changes they make will help, hurt, or do both. SO cheers.


    Agree to disagree, but unstop/unremit have always been iconic and unique to shien form(well hybrids had this but they realized it eventually) which is veng/vig spec. To say otherwise shows you either haven't played a veng jug or do not know the classes.


    We need a unique way to deal with roots/kbs/slows that is not a copy of another class. Pred/trans is an obvious suggestion but it too will look a lot like HO/HtL if we can root/slow/kb immunity for the duration....


    I will say it again, we need a small tweak to DCDs *cough* UR/GbTF fix *cough* and fixing some defensive utilities and then we need a way to increase our mobility/time on target that is unique to maras/sents and makes sense with the specs/class.


    Also just an FYI if we got unstop/unremit, we will instantly be OP and then nerfed the following set of balance changes. You can absolutely destroy someone in a gore window if they cannot cc or kb or root you..... 2 maras jumping to a target would mean either blow DCDs/oh **** button or get destroyed in the 4 secs when you could not stop us..... and we could do that every 12 seconds or less with berserk...... does that sound fair to you?

  10. The class is not as much fun currently as It has been in the past, primarily because of the lack of frantic necessity to make instant choices on ability use due to the random refresh proc'ing that were in place, along with the never-miss but uncontrolled triggering Retaliation, and the 6s Force Kick. All of these need to be returned, to add back a little bit of the _fun_ craziness.


    Base Design Philosophy: I'm pretty sure Jedi Sentinel should be the highest damaging spec. in the game. This is defined via some inclusion of quantifiable metrics as follows: average all damage from all DPS specs in game using the appropriate baseline standard gear [currently Dark Reaver for PVP / Revanite for PVE]. The average of all Jedi Sentinel damage should be roughly 2.5% higher than that average. When compared to the averages of all other DPS specs., the Jedi Sentinel should be higher than all, but no higher than 5% of the lowest DPS spec. Also, fine tuning of class balance should reflect that the Jedi Sentinel may also do the highest theoretical possible/maximum damage of any DPS spec. As the DOT-spec. for Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Watchman should do the highest average damage of all Jedi Sentinel classes, and should also do the highest possible damage of any Jedi Sentinel specs. Use combination of buffs/nerfs to base ability damage achieve this end.


    Base Abilities:


    Retaliation. Return Retaliation, with maybe something like "Melting Puncture" debuff. Melting Puncture applies a X% [5%?] armor debuff for Ys [10s?] and increases all elemental damage from burns by Z% [5%?]. Melting Puncture may not be applied more than once per 60s. (Recall Retaliation had an 8s window after successful directly-applied attack, and never missed.)


    Revert self-heals to 2%.


    Revert GbtF to launch.


    Return CD to cauterize; add CD to Force Melt. Additionally add RNG ability CD refreshes back into the mix.


    1st Tier Utilities:


    Improved Force Kick: Reduces cooldown of Force Kick to 6s. This is primary for the purpose of returning Watchman back to the traditional role of locking down the healer.


    Internal Combustion: Force Choke also burns the target for the duration, doing additional Elemental Internal] damage.


    2nd Tier Utilities:


    Cleansing Burn: Passive ability. Each burn has a X% [15%?] chance to immediately remove all movement-impairing effects.


    Peripheral Watch: 30s cooldown. 10s duration. The Watchman gains 100% immunity to stuns applied in the front 180-degree arc. [Alternately, make it a passive proc not more than once every 30s or 60s that auto-immunes same?]


    3rd Tier Utilities:


    Purifying Burn: Passive abilitiy. Each burn has a X% [15%?] chance to immediately remove all stun effects.


    Fountain of Green: Passive ability. Must be in Juyo form. Each use of Zen grants 1-stack of The Force is My Ally. Stacks up to 4 times. Each stack of The Force is My Ally adds an additional healing for 0.5% of total health on that use of Zen. The end of Zen on the 4th stack resets stacks of The Force is My Ally to 0. (yes, that's right -- we progressively increase to __4%__ heals. Why not add a Sent. Healer spec. that could likely do a reliable 1500-2000 hps with ehps around 1400-1600.)


    Fire of the Phoenix: 120s cooldown. 60s ability duration. 5m range. On use, all burns applied to a target for the ability duration are held by the caster in a reserve pool, damaging the player each second for 1% of the total, also reducing the reserve pool by that amount. On second use, the total remaining reserve may be applied to a target instantly as elemental damage. An additional x% [25%?] of that damage is applied to the player instantly as elemental damage. If the ability duration expires, XX% [400%] of the remaining damage in the pool is applied to the player as elemental damage.


    Fire of Penance: Passive ability. Each burn has a 10% chance to remove a single buff from the target. This effect cannot occur more than once per 6s. Flashpoint and Operations bosses are immune to this effect.


    Alternately instead of "Fire of Penance," maybe something like "Merciless Breach" which does the same thing on use of Merciless Slash. I sort of like this better because of the Merciless stacks reducing time.


    Just some interesting mechanics that could freshen up the Sent experience.


    Some of these are ridiculously OP, but I do like the new ideas/different direction you went in. Unfortunately the devs do not always have that kind of insight. It would also be very tough to balance.


    The idea of having dots give a % chance to cleanse roots/slows is awesome and I think that would be a cool way to add some time on target/mobility in ways that are unique to the class. I hope they go this way instead of just trans being new Mara HO

  11. It is no more iconic to them than force leap is to them...force leap, a basic skill of the parent basic class, shared by both ACs...it is a perk, a free one, on a shared, basic ability. It makes PERFECT sense to have your main, primary closer, when you are a melee, also buy you a few seconds to ACTUALLY get to DO SOMETHING in melee range, instead of immediately partaking in the cc festival. You talk about increases to damage...we don't need damage increases, we simply need more resilience against cc, which is WAY out of control in this game. Then the rest will take care of itself.


    Its a pvp problem, and the biggest problem with pvp is the overabundance of cc and the disparate, harsher effect it has on melee. A ranged gets knocked back, he still does damage...gets slowed...still does damage...target fruns away, still does damage. Things are different for us. And having our main closer so EASILY defeated is ridiculous.


    You just lost all credibility when you said unstoppable/unremit is not iconic/characteristic of veng/vig. it has been in their spec/discipline since beta and it is their main bonus to shien form..... Yes we both have force leap.... Sorcs/Sins both have force lightening but use it in very different ways depending on specs/situations. This just in, different classes are different. We can get a buff to mobility that helps us stay on target that doesn't just copy and paste 1 spec of the jugs/guards most iconic move......


    Everyone knows we need more mobility/time on target. Yes this will up our dps and that will help our damage immensely, but currently if you are allowed 100% uptime on a target, I will still out dps you with my rdps toons. This is a problem since as you showed a rdps can almost always do their damage.... we can not and the devs have stated that our dps is adjusted to account for the fact we cannot always stay on a target. Currently we fall behind with 100% uptime and then get hit even harder when we get kited/have to dodge AoE's/mechanics

  12. Emp is correct we do not need unstoppable, it is iconic to veng/vig and should stay that way. Many of the suggestions here are good ideas. A little bit more uptime on target is all we need, plus UR/GBtF returned to its normal form. Sure some of the utilities should be optimized/redone but overall a small buff to DCD and a way to intelligently avoid control/roots and increase time on target is all we need.


    More important is BW/EA balancing range dps vs melee as currently our dps falls a bit short of ranged classes even with 100% uptime. This is a problem to me as I have to both try to chase them in PvP and dodge a bunch of ****/eat AoE's in PvE and ranged does not.


    My suggestions is still to bring our surge talents back into line with other classes


    Anni gets a tiny increase on bleeds..... :rak_02:

    Carnage gets bonus to Mass and DB, but not VT or Ataru nor do they get a ravage dmg increase..... :rak_02:

    Fury actually gets a decent surge bonus and can be decently bursty with the right set up but its sustained and reliance on bezerk is annoying.


    Or just bring ranged dmg back in line and you can leave all of our stuff alone! Your choice devs :rak_03:

  13. re read my first post then read yours again my whole point is extending our root would make little difference since the people that we used it on before are, mostly immune to some thing like that anyways. That is what makes Just Pursuit so terrible. Unless you blow two GCDs because if you try to apply it over time then you get the shaft due to having to apply leg slash 3-4 times. Even making leg slash apply a root really would do almost nothing for us since every one has a root break not to mention there is enough CC in this game to start with they should have never given us a ****** root replacement they should have given us more mobility.


    L2 watch peoples buff bar/CDs..... No class has 100% uptime on root immunity. Not even the sins with their fantastic DCD and cc immunities. With a ranged root and specifically a ranged trauma debuff, it gives you choices/situations where you can keep someone from getting away from you once you get slowed, or rooting them after HO/Speed wears off allowing you to reclose and keep dpsing. It has a multitude of uses over leg slash and the horrid double GCD root we currently have to waste a utility to get.

  14. Just to remind everyone leaving comments like this that the person in this video is playing the class to the absolute extreme of it's capability. In most of the the video the people he is playing against are not really a match for him, a smarter Mara probably wouldn't have even considered that 1v1. I'm not saying Mara's are fine but a smarter player would know that in the current meta that was a bad match up and would have avoided it.


    There are absolutely some tweaks that need to be done to all classes (some more than others) but I don't think this video shows that Sorcs are way overpowered. It just shows a very skilled player taking full advantage of the class.


    Of course he is..... He is one of the best sorc players around. No where in my comment did I say he was not...... That does not change the fact that if you watch him vs the maras in multiple occasions it is incredibly easy for him to keep them at more than 4m distance....... The point of the post was to show that, the class needs some help staying on target and he gives a perfect example of that.


    My sorc OP comment was more about the 3v1s where he could handle the dps of 2 sins and a mara pretty easily with heals/speed/bubble and good use of CD's. That seems pretty crazy to me given all the utilities and damage sorcs can put out right now. Does his ability as a player shine? Absolutely, but you still gotta see some of the glaring imbalances in pvp right now.

  15. But that's the thing, Crippling Throw would not work on anyone that it was used on before since most of those classes have received the buffs you spoke about. Egress was only usable by Tanks for Inquisitor/Consular the rest of the Specs for that class did not have access to Egress before and Trooper/BH classes have HtL/HO so there is really no stopping either of those classes. GS/Scoundrel kill us before we can do anything. Guardians don't run since they have DCDs to kick our asses. The only people CT/DT will work on is us.


    You do not PvP in isolation. Being smart about when to use crippling throw is what matters, it gives us the ability to root ppl at range. Currently if I get slowed and my opponent gets out of 4m range I cannot do anything to stop them from getting away unless leap/stun is off cd.... also putting our trauma debuff back on 10m range makes it much more versatile.

  16. Nice Video, really enjoyed seeing all three que types.


    This really highlighted for me how pathetically easy it is to shut down a marauder when a rdps actually tries...... And that maybe sorcs have a little too much utility for their dmg/DCDs.

  17. If they made Frenzy reset the CD of predation (if they gave it a CD and untied it from the fury mechanic), there would be no problem. You could still do a double pred like normal.


    I agree, and have the CD affected by alacrity. So for carnage popping Berserk would allow for a much shorter CD on pred if you were smart about how you used it. This would allow carnage to keep a relatively high uptime on pred like it used it.

  18. As of right now many range classes are parsing equal or greater than melee classes but during operations they suffer less downtime due to mechanics, what I would like them to do for 3.1

    Watchman: Everything that Mace previously stated

    Combat: Increase the duration of PS/Gore to 4.5 seconds

    Concentration: The rotation if fine and tbh is quite fun however to compete with other range classes dps has to go up. Have koan stacks increase damage of focused burst by 30%, increase the critical chance of concentrated slice.

    GBtF: Make it have no health cost and usable while CC'ed

    A utility that allows you to leap while rooted.

    Gives us back our 10m root


    Agree, all of those saying our dps is fine are wrong. We are 200-300 dps behind ranged and thats in a parse where we have 100% uptime.... Very few(pretty much 0) fights allow for us to have 100% uptime as melee. We need mobility help first, there is no question about that, but we also do need some dps boosts unless they plan to nerf ranged damage significantly.....

  19. They really couldn't :p

    and if they did it was because the healer was terribad


    This. We could have decent self healing like classes can currently, but we never outhealed healers. People just used to get pissed because with a well time medpac/berserk and broken overload saber we could heal close to 50% during UR/GBtF. Although this was way back when other classes had no where near the abilities/utilities they do now to deal with us.

  20. I liked the OP's ideas and agree with most of the analysis that he/she put forth. Peronally, I still find it insulting that currently we are 200-300 dps behind other top parses as one of the only dps classes.....


    My ideas for changes:


    1. Bring back 2% self heal on Watchmen/Anni

    2. Make DST spread dots, so both smash and DST can spread if your going to keep that mechanic. Makes more sense for the spec anyway.

    3. Pred/Trans is 30 sec cd 8 sec run speed buff for group, can be double casted with frenzy and has utility to make sent/mara immune to roots/slows for the duration. Is affected by alacrity though(carnage can once again be a slightly more mobile spec since thats what ataru is suppose to be anyway)

    4. Force camo cleanses baseline

    5. deadly throw/crippling throw is back and leg slash is removed. Can add in 3 sec root with utility but always brings 50% slow and trauma debuff at 10m range.

    6. UR/GbtF health is taken on activation like pre 2.5

    7. Our 30% aoe dmg reduction talent gets either 30% less damage while stunned or 30% less damage from dots added in to be on par with other classes.

    8. Make anni/watchmen faster/more exciting by adding back some form of dot reset like it had with rupture

    9. Definitely change clashing/devastating blast back into force scream animation..... thats a must......

    10. Fix maras surge bonus talents...... anni should get surge bonus per stack of juyo(3% in my opinion maybe 4%) for dots and for annihilate/merc slash Carnage/Combat should have surge bonus to ataru form crits and VT/dispatch like all other specs with execute proc, and Fury should get a slight dmg increase to a buffed smash(no we do not need 15k hits but right now I can do like 6-7k with Koan and when I compare that to sins/shadows DF/FiB that does the same plus spread dots, something seems a little fishy)


    Would like to see smash back up to 9-10k but only with Koan buff/relics proc etc...... So Fury can put some aoe pressure on groups as well.


    Edit: 11. Bring gore back to 4.5 seconds and off GCD or if you wanna leave it on GCD at least buff it to 4.5 or 6 seconds. The 3 seconds right now with server lag is pathetic......


    I do not expect all of these but the devs should at least get some ideas as to how to help us.

  21. Just shows the sillyness of the dot spread sin/shadows. Also it shows that deflection cc immunity is just dumb, pop it on opener and ensure that your dots/setup is completely uninterrupted and unhindered. And no offense but you gotta wonder why they gave stealthies a free cleanse on in combat stealth..... I remember when I use to have to actually worry about when I stealthed out on my shadow since dots or a decently placed aoe would pull me right back out.


    Anyway, according to BW they look at overall spec numbers and hopefully these teams will just help the eventual nerf/balance that is coming......

  22. Sorry but no. Anyone that thinks that sent/mara currently is fine has some twisted sense of reality.

    The only reason i don't complain as much is because 90 % of the playerbase don't play their class optimally and therefore i stand a chance on my mara. Playing against good players of pretty much ANY class in todays meta and we are toast.

    Not so weird considering most classes now have so much immunity and controll that being pretty much the sole melee class left in the game makes you wanna pull your hair out when you can't followup.

    Ironically we also sacrifize our dps in order to be able to move around a little.


    Fury tree i might consider okay though. Still not on par but works. More mobility with the extra leap makes a difference aswell as good burst. However playing a spec that the jugg can play blindfolded and kill me with because of his 3 lives makes it sort of lackluster, not to mention how boring i find it honestly.


    Oh, and just because you kill bad shadows the class is fine ? lol.. Ill pick up my assassin and destroy your little sent without even thinking and i don't even play assassin.


    Quoted for truth. This is a very accurate post.

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