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Posts posted by MagikxMan

  1. Resolve works as advertised. I think most people just don't like the way it works.


    Couple easy fixes:

    All aggressive pulls give full resolve.


    Full resolve gives immunity to roots, but roots do not add to the resolve bar.


    Friendly pulls lower your resolve bar.(This means if you have a white bar and get "rescued" it's no longer white)


    Any effect that builds resolve, when used on someone with a white resolve bar, fills the bar back to full.


    I think that would quiet a lot of the QQ and still keep a tactial element that so many seem to like.

  2. If you have full resolve and another CC effect, namely root/stun/mez/knockback, is applied to you the resolve bar fills back to the top.


    Roots can still root you while you've got full resolve, fine, but they will fill the bar back up allowing for no stuns/mezzes/knockbacks.


    Slows should stay as is and not be effected by or effect resolve, but remove stacking slows. Not sure if they stack or not, but the icons do.



  3. Aside from the whole east west debate(which imo is the most consistent and therefore the best) once you've done enough WZs you don't even need it to be called out. You can tell by the tide of the battle at the current turret whether or not you need to leave to go help another. And realistically you don't often have more than one other turret so you only have one direction to go.
  4. The skill Enure(I believe the mirror is Endure Pain) that guards get in the tank tree makes for fun times. It grants an immediate +30% HPs.


    Popping the skill and having it wear off right as you score to leave you with only 1 HP left. Or killing someone right as it wears off.


    The other night I was on the top ramp with fire to my right and below me. About to die, I pass the ball to a sage right as he pulls me. I die in mid air as he catches my corpse and the ball just disappears for a second as the sage's toon's head looks down at my corpse. Then he catches it and scores.

  5. Not gunslingers or sentinels. We don't have a defined roll in huttball. By we I am speaking for my guildies who also don't feel that we have a roll in winning at huttball.


    Sure you do. You cover the middle from above. You also make excellent goalies. I've been only a few feet from the goal before and had a sniper stop me long enough with roots that his team mates got out of spawn and killed me before i could score.

  6. For Sentinels, this map is the worst designed piece of garbage I've ever played. Show me a Sentinel who's having fun in Huttball, and I'll show you a guy who sits in the middle farming kills... because I've given up trying to make a difference doing anything else with that class. Figure, at least, I can take 1 of the enemy's players out of the game every few seconds.


    Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me because I enjoy playing the objectives and fighting in the middle doesn't win Huttball games.


    Not sure if anyone quoted this already or not, I didn't read all 20+ pages. But this shows a basic lack of understanding of the game.


    Controlling the middle is absolutely essential to winning a huttball match. That's exactly what a sent should be doing. That's what they are good at, tearing through the opposing team. No need to worry about being knocked off legdes etc, just kill anyone that comes to the middle and pick up the ball when it spawns then be ready to pass it to someone in better position.


    It's also what a sniper/gunslinger should do. Position themselves above the middle in cover and bring the rain. They can also then be ready if the enemy gets the ball onto your cat walk and knock them back off.


    There are three jobs in huttball: carry the ball, support the ball carrier, and control the field. Find your classes niche and your team stands a much better chance of winning.


    Granted, nothing is fool proof. And with pugs you'll have to improvise.

  7. For me:

    1. Force sweep is better. Still wouldn't say it's good though.

    2. Blade Storm is still terrible. Sometimes repeating the first half of the animation 5+ times before it will go off. Or occasionally it activates the GCD without actually doing anything.

    3. Riposte: Works fine if use after another ability, smoothly overrides the first animation(haven't had that issue for some time though). However no other ability will override the riposte animation, none. So if I try to pop riposte and hit blade storm right after it does not work.

    4. BPE animations: All still seem to cancel whatever animation I am in causing that skill to either not fire needing to be pressed again or to misfire and activate the GCD without doing anything.

  8. Strange. I haven't noticed any difference at all. If I move as soon as the mount is finished casting it still dismounts me. If I chain abilities quickly, I'll often get a random GCD and no spell will actually go off. Spells off the GCD still don't activate instantly.


    Pretty much this. I'm not sure if the issue where when you bpe something you're animation is interupted was supposed to be "fixed" in this patch. But it still happens and the skill therefore doesn't go off but sometimes still activates the GCD. Or you just repeat the first half of the animation 3-10 times in a row futilely trying to get your skill to fire.


    That said, it seems as long as nothing is hitting me that my skills do chain better....:confused:

  9. The only realistic solution is to seperate the animations.


    You should be able to deflect while in another attack animation without cancelling said attack. One needs to take piority over the other. I honestly don't care whether it's the attack or the bpe animation that takes precedence.


    What I DO know is the way it is now is not acceptable. And giving me another skill, be it active or passive, that reflects a blaster, shotgun, force attack, etc back at the attacker will not make it better. Especially as a tank, it is far too important that the skill I am trying to use actually activate.


    As for deflecting fire from a flame thrower, etc. We would do it the same way yoda redirects the emporer's lighting....using the force.

  10. I may be in the minority. But I think the class is ok where it's at. But it's only ok.


    There is a lot to monitor, there is a lot to do but that's what makes the class fun for me. It's not just 12341234123422134.


    I think one thing that would go a long way towards making the class better would be to shorten the CD on our interrupt. Make it a 6s CD. Yeah, that'll make us a pain in the @ss for casters in PvP but it gives us a bit of extra utility and would be crazy helpful for some of our class quests.


    Put an "Advance" tag on the character selection screen and I call it good. If you actually read you're tool tips and your talents you can do some crazy things.


    Edit: Oh, and fix the mitigation/shielding/avoidance issues cause that hurts us hard in PvP AND PvE.

  11. I feel like I should put something here, so here it is.


    I think we agree on a fundamental level and are mostly arguing semantics at this point. I also get the feeling you like playing devil's advocate.


    Should it be fixed? Yes, obviously. But if it was an easy problem to fix every mmo in recent history with pvp benefits wouldn't have had the same problem.


    I think it's lame personally, and basically the same thing as killing yourself over and over on two accounts.


    But if BW decides that people doing this is "unintended game play" (my choice of the word bug was poor) they can ban them for it. Will they? Not likely as the outcry from the rest of the players isn't nearly large enough. But they could.

  12. You're missing the main point. It's right at the beginning of my post; the only point you didn't respond to. It's the thought process.


    The examples were just that. Examples. They were meant to reflect the mindset, not be mirror situations.


    Now I agree with you about human nature, etc. People will naturally take the path of least resistance. But that doesn't obsolve them of the responsibilities making that decision entails. There is always a choice to do it a different way.


    It doesn't matter whether or not it was stupid of me(BW) to leave my keys(bugs) in my car(game). You(general you) still made the decision to take advantage(exploit) of it. Could I have take better precautions? Most definitely. Though in the end it only slows down the people who want to find them. Even the most cautious people make mistakes and there are always those people with that mindset who will take advantage.


    Is it not BW's goal to make money as well? I know it is grossly over exaggerated on these forums, but people are cancelling subs over this. While I may be directly stealing from Wal-Mart the people who are exploiting are cause BW to lose money as well. And worse, as this spreads through word-of-mouth people that were thinking about picking up the game won't now causing even more potential profit to be lost.


    Wal-Mart is estimated to lose about 3 billion dollars to theft per year. While that's less than 1% of the total sales it's still a huge amount of money. So while their security is effective I wouldn't say it still has it's faults. There is only so much you can do without going completely Gestapo. See: putting a GM in ilum to one shot anyone they think might be/have been participating in things like this.


    My argument was never that they should leave bugs in game, exploitable or otherwise. In fact I was never even arguing that any action actually be taken against people that participate in these kinds of activities. I simply said if you choose to you have to accept the consequences.


    Business sense has nothing to do with it. But for the record, accepting responsibility for your actions is very good business sense. Why do you think there is so much outcry for BW to just admit that they screwed up? Because it would pacify people; it would make them happy to know that BW understands their frustration and are doing something about it. And that's not even counting the whole word-of-mouth fiasco this mess could represent for them.


    I don't actually care one way or the other what happens to people that did/are doing this. See: main point. I don't even care if BW does nothing about it and leaves the ability to do it in game. All this does is give gear to poor players. In any given MMO skill is the determining factor in an on level PvP match up. Only if the difference between gear is so extreme that you stand no chance of survival will it really make a difference and others have already pointed out the difference between BM and champ gear is small.

  13. The thought processes in this thread are mind blowing. People actually think like that?


    I leave my keys in my car and you steal it and it's my fault you stole it? It's my fault you decided to get into my car, start the ignition and drive off? I made those decisions for you by leaving my keys in my car?


    Sure, the insurance company may laugh in my face when I tell them what happened. But when the police catch you how well do you think, "He made me do it by leaving his keys in the car," is going to work when you're put in front of a judge and charge with grand theft auto?


    Say I go to Wal-Mart and steal a pocket full of jewellery and a leather jacket. When I get caught you think it's gonna fly when I say, "It's their fault, they shouldn't stock anything that can fit in my pocket or that I can wear."


    No, it's my fault. I made the decision to take the stuff without paying for it. I "exploited" a "bug" in the system and broke the law. And for that I will have to pay the price.


    The ToS is the law, and it's purposely very vague. If BW decides you are using the system in an unintended way they can take action against you. You agreed to it when you checked that little box. It doesn't matter if you're paying for the game or not.


    Now, maybe I am "out of touch with reality." Or maybe, just maybe, I was just raised right as another has said. Taught to take responsibility for my actions and not feel as though I'm entitled to any and everything.


    As Johnny would say, "Flame On!"

  14. People keep mentioning "Acts" in the story line. Maybe I just haven't noticed but are there like stopping points? What are the acts, when do they start and end?


    I assume Act 1 is Darth Angral? And once you beat him you start act 2? When does that end?


    I ask here because I'm still not 100% sure whether or not I've got my Kira line bugged and I just want to know when to expect quests to show up with her if I'm not since I'm already at 10k affection.


    tys in advance. :)

  15. I don't know exactly what happened with my Kira Quests. I did the DS flirt, I know becasue they are the only DS points I have, and didn't get any quests for some time. I got to a certain point in the story and all of a sudden I got a whole bunch of quests from her that eventually led me to talk to someone on NS.


    Then I had several quests with her after that. But they just stopped. I'm at 10k affection with her and I'm not sure if I just need to advance farther in the story line to get more or what. I just got lvl 40 and headed to Hoth.

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