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Posts posted by Jezarel

  1. Hi all. Just come back from over a year of real world antics and when I logged in I was guildmaster in a dead guild. So I am looking for a nice english speaking guild.


    I have a level 50 Assassin and PT and am currently leveling a Jugg. I'm looking for a mature group of individuals. I'm a 80 year old man trapped inside the impeccable body of a 29 year old :D


    Im not majorly into instances as my connection is shocking, but I do like having a chat when ingame and helping and being helped out.


    So hit me up with some replies.




  2. Haha funny reply. This made me laugh.


    Anyway, don't worry about it man. MMO community is a large group of indecisive people for the most part. I'm one of them. I never feel like I'm playing the right class, or what alt to roll, etc.


    You're going to be much happier if you just roll with what you WANT and LIKE to play. Don't think about what you should play. if you choose a class/playstyle/role based on if you are going to let others down you won't have nearly as much fun playing this game as you otherwise could be. I would strongly urge you to pick the class that you are drawn to, the one that you truly have the most fun playing. For me, at the moment, that is my DPS Rage Juggernaut in PvP. It may not be as optimal as a Rage Marauder, but I have more fun playing the class. If you get into a good group of people to play with and you master your class no one will question you.


    As for 1v1, yes a DPS Juggernaut is very, very good at fighting in a 1v1 scenario. Vengeance is amazing for 1v1 fights if you can learn to play it correctly. Rage is not quite as good, but still very strong, in my opinion. A Marauder is a terror to fight 1v1 because of Undying Rage and Force Camouflage. Both a Juggernaut and a Marauder can be easily dealt with 1v1 if the opponent knows how to play correctly, but that can be said with every class. The best 1v1 class, in my opinion, would be a Deception Assassin, but to me that's just not as fun.


    That's my 2 cents! :)


    Nice one buddy. I'm sat in front of the trainer on the fleet and the two boxes in front of me now. This is harder than choosing that wedding ring. Thats real life, not for Vette or anything :D.


    I'm going Jugg. Soresu form is amazing if I have to jump in and pull an add off a healer if the main tank is pre occupied and I shall head down the vengeance and rage trees.


    Next stage is going to have to be fishing for the light side. I have never once rolled a good guy and Im getting a little used to the story lines now :D


    Thanks again for the friendly conversation dude. Kill well ;)




  3. I was a guild tank for Lotro and I quite enjoyed it. I guess my assassin is a dps force user and PT I enjoy for pull and uppercut and generally wailing on peeps.maybe I should just bite the bullet and roll an operative. I have never played pew pew or healer could be time for a change.


    My basic play style is run in and pummel. I'm not the sharpest tool in the box and my Internet is shocking so primary roles like tank scare me a bit because I dont want to let people down.


    Mmm ever since ultima online I've been this way. Un decisive should be my middle name.


    What can a dps jugg finish 1on1. I would like a nice 1on1 toon. Would marauder finish off a sniper or assassin 1on1.


    Oh and your answer was helpful. As you can probably tell I'm more woman than man when it comes to decision. Lucky I'm I'm a gorgeous son of a gun. :-D

  4. Hi all.

    So I'm back after a year away abd have forgotten how to play :D.


    When I left I had a capped PT and a capped assassin but I am rolling a new toon to get used to the mechanics of the game again.


    Question is do I roll a nice big dps marauder or the mighty juggernaut tank. Main play style will be pve till cap then I will mess around with flashpoints if I can ever find a guild.


    Logged on yesterday and I ws guild master in a very empty room :)


    Best regards


  5. Hi all.

    So I'm back after a year away abd have forgotten how to play :D.


    When I left I had a capped PT and a capped assassin but I am rolling a new toon to get used to the mechanics of the game again.


    Question is do I roll a nice big dps marauder or the mighty juggernaut tank. Main play style will be pve till cap then I will mess around with flashpoints if I can ever find a guild.


    Logged on yesterday and I ws guild master in a very empty room :)


    Best regards


  6. Hi all.

    I am looking for a Malevolent Elder Exemplar's Lightsaberstaff. I would have thought it fell under hoth comm rewards but I can only find it on torhead. I am looking for a kitted out L40 (or close to) Double sided LS for a deception assassin. If anyone can give me any recommendations please do.




  7. Hi All.

    Bit of a noobie here so please try and keep it simple for me. I run a deception based assassin and LOVE it. I have been doing a bit of PvP recently and have amassed about 900 comms. If I'm not mistaken they max out at 1K.


    So my question is should I go for some L40 pvp gear or save my comms for L50.


    If I go for the L40 gear what set would you suggest to a deception assassin.


    Thanks for the reply's in advance




  8. Hi all.

    Total noob wading in here but I rolled an op yesterday. Needless to say I'm confused by all this nerf stuff as I haven't played enough to know what the hell is going on. But the last comment confused me, ranged dps is better than melee, so if i roll my op as a dps build then I'm still going to get places on raids. Or should i just choose sniper. The only problem i have with sniper is ranged dps may be good but then I fail at WZ matches as I'm made of glass.


    As a noobient what advanced class and build will work for WZ and raids?





    PS what is Sin?

  9. Hi all.

    Brand new to MMO's played LOTRO for a bit but still rather clueless. I would like to apologize for the same question being branded by yet another noobie but my brain dont work so good and I dont understand the other posts :).


    Pvp or Pve. Is the ganking a big problem. will i get my scrawly behind kicked every time I do a quest by a gang of L30 bad*****es.


    Oh and is my gear at level 50 going to be useless for raids and warzones? I'll do what I normally do and pve it to death and then jump into pve when I've taken in all the lore like a true geek but I don't want to be underpowered when I get to L50




    Oh while I'm here. Is bloodworthy the best pvp server for a British player. Keeping those noobie questions comin at ya thick and fast :D

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