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Posts posted by Maniacal

  1. This...is actually a cool idea. o_o It would promote keeping to a toon other than logging on a few times a week to do runs and give the community of lowbies / endgamers a bond to continue building.


    I'd go the extra step and submit this via feedback instead of just posting on the forums, which in the end is only likely to bring in bored trolls.



  2. How bout class-changing nerfs? Or the game being so boring nobody wants to sift through it all on a new toon?


    Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's going to happen either and couldn't care less either way, but there IS reasons, and perfectly legit ones, as to why they feasibly COULD do it.


    You have to ask...who is the bigger nimrod? The person asking, as per their right of opinion, for a game mechanic that has seen success in many other MMOs or the trolls that flame them with insults for having said opinion? These boards are the worst boards ever.

  3. I remember the first time I hit Outland back when BC released...all that 1337 gear I grinded so hard for became completely worthless like 3 quests into the game when they gave me gear more than triple the stats of my prior. At first sure, the loot whore in my rejoiced, but after awhile I realized how stale it made it


    Then came all the other expansions which repeated the cycle, until even getting new loot was a boring chore that one could do in their sleep. The only thing that could make it worse is if they came out with sleepwalker Raid Jr encounters where they practically give you gear...


    ...oh wait.


    GW2, lvl 80 out of th box, no plan to raise level. Chalk up another one for everyone's favorite unreleased MMO to hate!

  4. The OP is right.


    However, I believe it should be renamed.


    This update should be renamed, Character Perks, as it has nothing to do with

    the Legacy system, of trickle down bonuses to alts.


    They tie it to Legacy, but it costs you lots of money, and

    upgraded versions, do require Legacy 25.


    If you play alot, legacy 25 isn't hard, but if your a working class joe, this will be a problem.

    After 6 months, of playing, i just got legacy 20, and i play about 2 to 4 hours a day averaged.


    I like at least having the option, but you should have told people, in the game,that buying anything,

    from this new stuff, is only on that character, with a popup warning. I wasted 40k on the speeder gain at level 10

    on my level 50 main, thinking it would toggle that for all my alts. Luckily, i switched to alts, to check,

    before buying next upgrade. The utility options like email and repair bots, should be true legacy

    items, as they would be nice to have on alts, without the money sinks.


    I know the players that are on all the time, have no problems with cash, but most of the rest of us, DO.

    We don't need more money sinks, give us options, like this update. If your going to call something,

    Legacy, then use the concept of legacy, and not another money sink.


    This. ALL of this. With a fiery passion. I, too, spent money on the speeder option on my lvl 50, simply because I assumed anything tied to Legacy would benefit my actual LEGACY. Also, my main is the only one with that kind of money just laying around.


    Bioware borked this one, regardless of what others say. Yes, it lists it plain as day, and yes we should have read more carefully, but it's not out-there for us to have assumed this stuff would be Legacy-bound.


    Also, side-note, not everyone who plays these games reads every blog post and hounds for every scrap of information. Some people just wait and accept it when it comes.

  5. It's not that bad at all, the prices are very reasonable. And you have to have Legacy levels to unlock them.


    This isn't a case of people not wanting to spend money this is simply the case of entitled people that think they should only ever have to buy anything once. Because everything should free and super-easy.


    Seriously get over it. The new unlocks are awesome per character and you buy them as it fits for your characters. There is unlimited money in this game and it's easy to make it.


    Your just being lazy.


    Do all of us a favor and stop assuming YOUR experiences are the same as everyone else. Or YOUR opinions are universal. We are not lazy, we are accustomed...that is, to a certain level of catering from our MMORPG developers. Bioware is not catering to us, though I can assure you this is not out of conscious decision but rather sloppy developing.


    You call me lazy, I call you arrogant.

  6. Ironically, I also re-subbed yesterday. I unsubbed midway through the first paid month, but never really finished it. I was one of the 'hit 50, get bored' people. And that was with my casual playing.


    So far, I notice the polish is a bit better, with less lag, framerate issues and no graphical glitches on any planets I've returned to. Right now I'm trying to finish my Trooper ( main ) story to try these 'dailies' people keep rudely telling me to do to get money to buy PvP gear...


    That's one thing I did not miss from PvP MMOs...I zone into a Warzone and before I can even press a button I'm being called all sorts of insulting names and told to 'l2p' or whatever just because my gear is PvE oranges. sigh...

  7. Epiphany. Out of nowhere. I just figured out what made this game so low-brow, so boring, so STALE compared to what we all wanted it to be.




    Nobody at Bioware or EA was passionate about this project. Nobody ranted and raved about how awesome it would be, or sat down and babbled for hours on their favorite parts of the game. I listened to some of the dev discussions, and it always seemed to boil down to deadlines and projects and what they planned to do...never on what they had that they enjoyed!


    Everyone from camp BW / EA came off as robots, repeating the same lines over and over, which is ironic given the CS responses we get from in-game tickets ( or I guess 'got', I'm not paying anymore ).


    Anywho, just wanted to share. All along I kept thinking 'why don't I like this game?' as if I was playing it wrong, and I was supposed to swallow the 'coming in March' drivel, but in the end I think I lost faith in this game because the devs never had it to begin with.


    The Force was not strong with this one.


    EDIT: Oh, and for those who want passion? Click


    Anywho, got a few days left on the sub, but I won't be back. For all those sticking around, have fun and good luck. And for those like me who are on their way out...see you down the road. ;)

  8. Because players have become less tolerant & patient over the years, like you I started wow 7 years ago and compared to Swtor it was nothing. Give Swtor 7 years and it will be amazing in my opinion. But the sad fact is many players wont allow BW the opportunity, we are refering to the now crowd who wants everything perfect and they want it now.


    I just want to point out that not everyone that isn't happy with the game is in the 'now' crowd, as you so eloquently referred to them. I'm a patient man, hell I stuck with WAR for a good long while after launch simply because even in it's flawed state it gave me something that nobody else could ( and still hasn't, sadly enough ) in it's RvR content. SWTOR has NOTHING that another game does not do better, aside from VO and story. And frankly, given it's design-type ( which would be a, in simple terms, 'WoW clone' ) the story does not hold me as much as I hoped it would. At least, not after the first character. From then on, on my alts, by lvl 20 I had gotten a firm grasp on what they were going to say in non-story quests and I ended up space-bar'ing through most quests until it just got old and stale.


    Which happened fast.


    Yes, this IS a new game...it is a new game in 2012. Certain other games have released since WoW back in 2004 or whatever that have raised the bar on what we expect in an MMORPG at release, especially one with a AAA budget. When you take a company like Bioware, partner it with EA, allow them a HUGE budget and turn-around window and then put out something sub-par to even most f2p MMOs out on the market you have a problem. There is simply nothing to hold people ( SOME people, myself included ) in the game once they hit the cap a few times, because we feel our money would be better spent on another project.


    I'm sorry, but the arguement to keep feeding Bioware my money until they put out a full game that can keep me entertained is not a valid one.

  9. I'd be real excited if this had launched with the game on December 20th like it damn-well should have, instead of rushing it and making us pay for 3-4 months of service before we get the completed product.


    Everything they list in 1.2, from UI to guild perks, should have been in at launch and you all know it. They do to, I'll bet you, which is why I expect to see lots of PR touting this new Vonderfix.


    Personally, I went from hyped to jaded to angry to uncaring all way too fast. There's simply too many other games that deserve my money to continue to support slipshod management such as this.


    So TL : DR no, I am not excited. In fact, I might be more 'umadbro' than usual if that is possible.

  10. Well Sto is dead wish it wasn't, I was there since it was announced and didn't even make it through my first month. It's also f2p same as aoc.


    As I said rift is too new to tell long term and well, wow is just a monolith.


    Appart from wow NONE of them have more players, not even close. Sto makes you feel like its more by having the one sharded server.


    But again it's your personal opinion, why state it as a fact? Just because you feel this way doesn't mean everyone else does.


    To step outside the convo for a minute...if you haven't played STO since before the f2p model, you REALLY need to check it out again. It's a totally different game now. I don't even like Star Trek, but the game is pretty damn fun.


    But anywho, wait for EA to release the updated subscription numbers, if they even do. Then we'll see. I've already got a feeling.

  11. Healers do get the short end, more often than not...I kept switching to Gunnery on my Trooper, because I would get so tired of being in a Warzone healing while 2 Sith pound on me, only to see people spawning and running into the fight going PAST ME to fight someone further on.


    I wanted to pause the fight, walk over to them in-game, and slap the taste out of their mouths.


    And then, after I inevitably died and they soon followed, they'd go 'Why is nobody healing?' Ugh...


    AND THEN, after topping heals with like 600-800k, I got no MvP and only 3 medals.

  12. Well let's see, one of those games is all but dead, ones dying and ones too new to tell long term. So, all that varied and fun endgame content worked great for them!


    Fun fact, I can log on to ANY of the aforementioned games and see both more players, more activity, and generally a more-mature community having fun and being vocal.


    Well, okay, maybe not AoC so much...the f2p guys tend to dumb down most conversations.

  13. Speaking of Age of Conan, they have just sent out e-mails to old subscribers offering 30 days free subscription if you reactivate your account... seems like they sense and opportunity.


    Dead-serious, I have gotten an email from like 6 or more old MMORPGs I had subs with all in the last week and a half. It's like sharks smelling blood in the water...they're circling.


    Unfortunately I got Kingdoms to keep me busy now, with some RIFT on the side, while I wait for GW2 / Secret War / ArcheAge.

  14. Please switch to empire, you make all reps look bad. Win some, lose some, that's how it is. So much for empire outnumbering republic 5:1 was it everyone was saying? Something outrageous like that. The other day I played 3 straight matches rep vs rep.


    Must be awesome to be you. Great job!

  15. I hope this is a joke. If not, then those are some serious rose colored glasses you're sporting there.


    Not rose-colored, but unbiased glasses of someone who has played to end-game on all of those MMORPGs, multiple times, and many many others over several years.


    THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO DO END-GAME! Many games have proven this. It's funny to say 'Bioware copied WoW's end-game' because they didn't...they couldn't even COPY it right. WoW still does it better.


    But by-god I'm NOT going back to that game.

  16. Excuse my ignorance, but at max level in other mmos, what is there to do appart from grind for gear?


    Grind for gear in a FUN AND REFRESHING way. End-game in RIFT blows my mind, because there's so much to do. I had to drop 2 alts just to keep up with all of it on my main.


    Same with AoC, if your server is active. Constant warring cities? Yes, please.


    STO has user created content.


    Hell, even WoW has achievements, guild leveling, and fun variations of dailies.


    SWTOR has...kill quests. The same ones, every day, over and over.

  17. Once you finish all planets, besides Illum of course, and finish your class storyline up to the last Act, it opens up Daily missions on Belsavis and Illum that get you Daily commendations which you turn in for lvl 50 mods / gear / ect.


    I'm sure, way back in the day when Bioware thought all the best for this game, they assumed people wouldn't be hitting lvl 50 four planets away from the last zone, but alas.

  18. I love the pvp myself. I leveled one of my 3 toons exclusively using pvp and class quests. He just dinged 50 today, did my weekly (win 9 warzones) within 4 hours of dinging 50. My guess is that people are used to the wow pvp where fights last 2-4 seconds and its a gankfest. In swtor you have to actually be part of pvp, probably gets too much to handle for some people.


    Were you able to type that out without throwing up or crapping yourself? I mean, the ******** has to go SOMEwhere.


    Illum is broken. Broken beyond repair. Every fix borks it even more, and nothing they crap out in march is likely going to fix that. Warzones? Yeah, those might be fun...if you roll Empire, and know alot of Sorcs, and don't have to play Huttball with a ranged class.


    It's not so much WoW style PvP that has people pampered and angry at SWTOR's sorry excuse, but the fact that most of us have played FUN PvP that ruins it.


    But then again, as everyone LOVES to point out, this was a game built on STORY and not PvP. Hope ya'll don't get too angry when the expansions start rolling out without voices because Bioware can't afford them, and doesn't have the time to record them for fear of hemorrhaging the last of their subs.

  19. I've never seen such a complete collection of illogic displayed as "argument" before.


    1) No one cares what WoW had at launch: Very simply, we are not competing with WoW "at launch", or EQ "at launch", or Spongbob Squarepants "at launch". People are going to say


    Game A has Features 1 , 2, 3, 4, and 5.

    Game B has Features 1 and 4.


    Game A has more of the features I want. Choice made.


    If damage meters and logs and all of that are important to someone enjoying the game then they would be stupid to invest any money in SWTOR until such time as it ACTUALLY implements such things.


    2) Saying WoW or any other game had problems as launch does not excuse the excreable showing made thus far by Bioware


    How much time did WoW spend in beta? How long in development? How much money was spent? How about EQ? RIFT, wait, there's a good recent MMO that launched with almost no bugs.


    There is a vast difference between saying "WoW sucked at launch", which it did, and saying "Since WoW sucked at launch it's okay if SWTOR sucks at launch" which is not. Games that suck at launch nowdays (Warhammer, AFB, Tabula Rasa, Matrix, STO, LOTRO) tend to end up F2P , casualties, or broken and empty.


    If you spent (pick a figure 80 million, 150 million, 200 million, 300 million) and (pick a number 3, 5, or 7) years in development and a month's long massive beta and nearly two months live , you very simply should not have bugs where you can't even get a stupid WZ counter to register a win. The bugs in raids are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Raid bosses who reset themselves is not acceptable. Raid loot that is subpar or vanishes or assigns itself in a stupid manner is not acceptable. Saying "But WOW didn't have this" just makes you sound like the people claiming the game sucks because it doesn't have a feature WoW does.


    3) Common sense has to be applied - there simply is no reason for these features to be left out. What EVERYONE blithely skips over is that these features weren't in at WoW's launch because some of them hadn't even been developed.


    NO ONE had come out with a dungeon finder.

    NO ONE had come out with gearscore like tools

    NO ONE had come out with real "damage meters" just log parsers, and they were a pain.


    Of course these things weren't in at launch, they weren't invented yet!!


    EVERY single MMO -- without exception -- has launched with a combat log in recent years. Even STO, which couldn't even figure out anything else, had a log. SWTOR's explanation for not having one? It's bugged.


    EVERY single MMO has provided some elements of UI customization from the start in recent years. SWTOR's explanation for not having one? Um...we'll get back to you.


    I'm sorry but no one should have to waste $60 to see basic features every other game launches with.


    4) No one expects perfect PVP balance at launch. There is a difference between that and expecting at least some level of actual concern. When people display long lists of large disparities between Empire and Republic classes, and you launch a SHOCKINGLY bad PVP system that encourages all the worst aspects of goonery, ********s, facerolling through WZ, AFKing, and of course, intstgibbing new players, we have every right to say "Dude, ***.".


    I, myself, am sick of people defending designers from facing the reality of piss-poor design choices. I can understand ability delay, no damage meters, issues with parts of the NM level raids, minor bugs, lags and crashes. I can tolerate broken questlines, a GTN that is non-optimal, and annoyances in gear, leveling and content. I can endure crappy PVP taken nearly point for point on two maps right out of Warhammer, and an anemic end-game.


    But don't expect anyone to golf-clap Bioware for not even bothering to hit the lowest end of the bar in every single category of the game besides story.


    Oh - My - Mother - *********** - God


    You, sir, are the messiah of this topic. You hit EVERYTHING head-on, and I agree with you whole-heartedly. The thing that pisses me off even more than being sold a broken, half-assed unfinished game by a company I ( used to ) respect is the amount of blind denial and pointless defense people are giving this with the simple 'It's only launch' or 'WoW didn't have a good launch' either. I expect my AAA-budget games to EVOLVE as the years pass.


    So far, the best MMORPG release for a present-day Pay-to-play I've seen is easily RIFT, and that is the foundation as to why I went back there while I let my SWTOR sub drop. Even after their polished release, they continued to add improvements and roll out content nearly every month to keep everyone happy and busy. If Bioware can do that, then this game MIGHT find a small niche somewhere down the road. However this game will NEVER be what Bioware blew it up to be, and people need to freakin just admit that instead of defending it until the ship disappears beneath the waves.

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