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Posts posted by Gritfiend

  1. Normally I wouldn't complain but I am a bit miffed after dropping 1000 tokens for this rubbish.


    A Thul statesman armor set? Really? I only had about 5 of them from back in the day and was giving them away. And as a bonus I got a reputation booster for one that I already maxed out...Literally the pack is trash.

  2. You should prob take this up in the customer service area instead of poisoning the server discussion area. RIIIIIIGHT, Thaaaaanks.


    If you can't afford a transfer...tough cookie.


    This is pretty laughable coming from the guy who posted for months about how great the population of the server is and we should be so grateful. I have a feeling that if you had your choice nobody would be allowed to transfer off even if they paid. You are the poster boy for misery loves company.

  3. Thank you guys for the responses and advice. I think this little experiment is about to end. I am 2/9 for the weekly after about 15 games. Most games consist of me zoning in after my team has already lost.


    Would be nice to have premades only play other premades like most games out there today. It really makes a poor environment for new pvp players getting curbstomped time after time.

  4. I have been playing my healing sorcerer the past few months and hit 55 a couple of weeks ago. I am coming from the PVE side of the house as I used to heal ops on my sage.


    Obviously pvp is different, so I need some advice. In each WZ I usually average around 400k to 500k healing but have yet to win a single one at 55... Under 55 was fun but now it just plain sucks. So if anyone has some pointers I would love it hear it. These losses can't be all my fault can it?



  5. Do we really need 100 different types of XP boosts? Some of them are so pathetic unless you just happen to be doing things like grinding social runs or driving all over all the maps. Why not just have a minor/major boosts that work for all XP streams?


    Nothing like having to buy more bank boxes to fit all the cartel crap in the hope that one day they might actually be useful. Maybe this is EA revenue stream? Bank boxes everywhere?

  6. Can we please have an account wide " I win" button? I do not want to log in with all my characters separately and press the button. I should be able to press the button with my one character and all my other characters including the ones I will create in the future should automatically reach max level xp and100% achievement. Please put that in the next cartel market update


    You can haz! Only 100 CC every time you login. Moving forward, back ,left or right costs extra.

  7. The legacy companion +50 presence/12 to all secondary stats(surge/alacrity/etc) and +100 presence for human legacy race unlock already make levelling smoother, the +60ish to all stats at low level wouldn't be particularly gamebreaking.


    Exactly right. The people against it are just butthurt over the fact that they were stupid enough to datacron hunt on 8 different toons and now they want to make sure everyone else has to experience the misery.

  8. They gotta make a new cartel pack that will give rarely give you a random datacron that you can unlock for the whole account.


    /Agreed. Then they could be so random as to get duplicates. They could also make them indestructible and unable to be sold so they will fill all your bank boxes. This in turn forces you to buy more bank space from the CM....



  9. Oh. Yeah. I guess I missed that.


    Learn patience? Needing to have stuff NOW invariably increases the price of that stuff.


    I apologize, I shouldn't have been rude.


    The problem with getting the chair was actually patience. I was waiting for the price to go down and figured as many packs as I buy I would eventually get it...Boy was I wrong.


    As far as people saying well duh it's random. Sure it is and the cartel vendors were supposed to help the unlucky ones get what they wanted. Like I said before I have the 10 cartel certificates but the one I want isn't on the vendor.

  10. So you know it's random and a rare drop yet you CHOOSE to gamble anyway and then you COMPLAIN that you chose to gamble and lost? Eh?


    How about you buy packs unopened, post them to GTN, collect credits, buy item you want from GTN?


    That's much more +EV than gambling.


    Oh you must be one of those selective readers or maybe just slow? If you had read what I posted you would see that I couldn't find one on the GTN.



  11. So next time someone complains that their subscription should be enough then they are fooling themselves. This game is here because of the CM,. Without the CM then this game would be as dead as City of Heroes.


    So what exactly is your point? I have spent at least $500 on this game since beta and have no problem with the CM. What I do have a problem with is the fact that damn near everything in the game is on an RNG. Can't I just buy something I want for a change instead of buying 50000 packs with no guarantee that I will get it?


    Example is I have been trying to get the blue or purple meditation chair. Can't find a single one on the GTN or packs I have purchased. I have 10 of the cartel certificates but guess what? The vendor only sells the orange one.


    I don't think it is too much to ask, is it?

  12. I disagree. Guess what happens when you complain to the cable company or your water/power provider? Nothing. Maybe you should all learn a lesson here: complaining and whining is not always the appropriate solution. And for once look at it from their point of view, they are in it to make money, regardless of you may want/need. I think they've given the F2P plenty. In addition, I think they are making every effort to make the existing game as good as they can for everyone. AND, they keep addressing al of your complaints. So, again, if you're still not happy after, almost, a year and a half, go play GW2. And I played that game, and it stunk.


    That has to be the most retarded post yet. The water/power companies are a monopoly. Look what happened to the phone companies once they had competition.

  13. Listen you whinny little kids.


    If you don't like things coming into this game - leave. Don't just unsub and come on my forums to tell us how it is. You made your statement (even though 99% of the time its a bluff and we still see your moronic posts on these forums).


    Don't like it? don't buy it. Want to complain? Do it on your time, without flooding the forums with your garble. Send private messages - emails to them. Stop trying to rally people to your pathetic b*tchy cause. Its sad. I know this thread will likely get deleted, but the difference is I am a subscriber. If you're not - eat sh*t.


    I love you bioware! Do your worst!


    So the people who can't play the game because of the issue with Windows XP, they aren't owed anything even though they pay every month to play the game?

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