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Posts posted by ZGOZZ

  1. I found an easy fix,. Go to main folder of the SWTOR game, make a new folder. Name it SWfix. go and download and unzip LauncherRepairUtilityP1.8.2, in that folder. Then test the launcher from that folder. if work, copy and past all file in main folder and over write, done..

    scaling up DOES NOT make the content "new". all scaling up does is make us do old raids we are sick of to get our gear. we need proper endgame, similar to what happened at 55.

    what i (and a lot of other people) need in KOTFE

    NEW OPS!!! at least one really good operation people arent sick of. give us another operation a few months later

    if tos and rav are being scaled up, NiM rav/tos

    new warzone


    please do somethig about this because the raiding community WILL quit which means that barely anyone will know how to do proper raids. there are a lo tof good people in the raiding community and losing them will be a huge blow to the overall people of this game.

    so get your lazy asses off the couch and get us a new raid, if not im leaving :mad:


    You are correct, but they do not see it that way, and whats sad. I think this game, may be dieing.

    And the lack of any of the Dev team responding is sad..

  3. This is what I am going to say about this.

    Raiding Guilds will go, and may come back if, new ops coming out.

    Adding a LvL to the ops we have now, is well boring.

    So being in a raiding guild, there done with the game, for now. And going to other MMO that has progression.


    I have been playing this game from day one. See friends come and go.

    Here is the question now, were will the game go now, and will it be better, or sub par?

    What is going to happen to PVPer and Raiders. Is this the end of theses guilds has we know it?

    Has SWTOR jump the shark, and EA is more concern with other games?

    What kind of updates are we going to get? How many updates are we expecting.

    Or will it be the same stuff over and over. Bounty hunter and Rag, and slots, so on so forth.


    Will the game change so much from what we are playing now, will there be a need for guilds anymore?

    So there is a lot of uncertainty ahead. Only thing I can say is a really love the game. But have not been playing because the lack of new content. You can only do so many dailies, so many of the same ops, to the point it becomes really long in the tooth.


    Only thing I can say is, TIME WILL TELL!!!!!!!!

  4. Although I can understand concerns about the fairness of the current conquest system (I have pointed out the folly of the design in the past many times) and would certainly like to see all players get a chance to contribute, I have to question the wisdom of a contention that states that the unfairness of any system like the conquest system would effect subs or total players in any real measurable way.


    I contend that casual players likely could not care less about the conquest system. Since they likely make up the vast majority of players in this game, it is unlikely, IMO, that any problems the conquest system has would effect player retention in any meaningful way.


    It just isnt something that I feel the majority of players find important or even worthy of participation IMO.


    Does that mean it shouldnt be adjusted or altered? Certainly not. But, if I am correct, it does mean that making claims the system will hurt the game in its current state is a silly premise at best.


    I will have to disagree with you. Let’s really think about this, shall we?

    If you make things beyond 70% of your players who, one do not have the credits others have, and make it next to imposable to join in new content. Plus the old content is boring and respective. Why would you stay? Why would I pay for something, let’s say not fun anymore? I think you’re missing the point.

    It is to make it, not easy but balanced for all to be able to have a fair shot. Is this asking too much?

    We are beta testing this new product, which we are paying for, which IMO nonsenses too, but hey.

    To open Guild Ship and Stronghold, it cost is 2000000, to open one room. What I am saying is to just make it fair. For the guilds that only have 40 players. Or the 20 players. I hope your understanding what I am trying to say.

  5. It's not just they control the faction bosses at the bases for conquest, we actually had one tagged and had the kill taken away from us by another guild of our own faction. It's intended for the opposite faction try to stop you in their base, but not your own faction. We have reported the guild and the members of said guild that participated in it for harassment and griefing multiple times and still nothing. And this guild has everything unlocked on its ship and has over 90% of the blue incriptions and purple frameworks that are on the gtn for sale. What they are doing is against the games policies and they know it and continue to do it cause they know that bioware isnt going to do anything to them. For once Bioware needs to make a example and enforce the rules on these guilds.


    Yep that is low..

  6. I have to agree with a lot of the statements here.


    There should be caps on crafting, bottom line, legacy wide. Should be no way that 4 people in a guild can get 4 million on their own by crafting only.

    Events need to be balanced that all guilds, big and small have fun in the events. To see 2 guilds first day be in the millions, less then 4 hrs. is just amazing, and crazy.

    Just shows if you have deep pocket guilds, you’re going to take planets. What really is kind of not cool is feeding mats to other guilds to keep others down, Just wrong.

    If this is not fixed, this event is going to push more people out of this game.


    Spread the events out, every 3 weeks or so.

    Make legacy Caps on crafting, like you did with FP.

    I really think this event can be really cool. But at this point. It is a waist of time for small guilds to even try.

  7. This post is completely out of line. I and others tried to come up with any explanation possible for this to be a quirk. Read my posts back I ALWAYS assumed innocence when I pointed out what looked odd. Also, the reason that a two week old parse was looked at is Cotrex specifically called out the community to scrutinize the parse.


    How can you say there is no evidence of cheating? I still won't say for sure that she absolutely altered the parse knowingly, but as far as evidence, there is heaps. If you read the posts and don't see anything out of the ordinary I'm not sure what to tell you.


    I agree.

  8. I think we are at that point where even then person who everyone is looking at wants to put this behind her. Can we please move on. We're in a parse board thread and we've gone about 10 pages without a new parse being posted. That in itself is a bit ridiculous. There is zero reason to continue this if she herself wants to just put this to rest.


    Sorry to say two of your guild members caused this issue.

    People do have the right to discuss and post concerns on this matter.

    Yes at this point quit, but still question , are there others?


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