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Posts posted by ZaruenMakai

  1. 1stly, the whole they cant figure out whats going on ion the data excuse is getting old.. its more like.


    weare too lazy and dont give a crap so herese the worst excus ewe can think of.


    I highly doubt they cant trace anything at all.


    If they really cant.. than yes.. they need to give EVERYONE compensation....


    mistakes liuke this destroy game.. look at diablo 3.. the auction house exploit destroyed the economy.

  2. regardless of whether its illegal


    this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and disgustingly immoral..



    If bioware is aware that people are losing items that were technically paid for in real life $ and at no fault of the player. , they need to didsable the feature causing loss of items and compensate all those affected.


    such a destructive bug should never been allowed in the game and bioware should take responsibility for their mistakes.


    but of course this will never happen as it never does with any AAA game company dealing with major bugs/eploits

  3. SWG went down with NGE... once the nge hit, it was over


    at that point it was not worht keeping it up because anyone who played the NGE was only doing it to wait for SWGEMU.


    so long as this does not go the way of NGE (which is quite impossible)

  4. artificie was the only profession not fixed in the most recent patch.


    a big F U to anyone who chose artifice.


    how is artifice any less gamebreaking?


    we dont have access to 2 new color crystals and our crap still requires other class materials..



    id say its just as important to fix.

  5. No. Before EP7, there will be a much lacking medieval themed MMO that will "kill" swtor....because God knows that what this genre needs is ANOTHER MMO that focuses on swords and wizards...swtor is doomed well before EP7...



    EP7 has nothing to do with SWTOR except for the shared theme of the Star Wars universe...other than that, they are 100% independent.


    without a past there is no future...


    to deny the history of star wars is like saying well aside for humans and dinosaurs sharing the same planet.. we are completely independant.. except we wouldnt be here if the dinosaurs didnt go extinct.. so our survival WAS Dependant on dinosaurs.



    just like the future of star wars is dependand on its past or else the future would not exist in the state that it does.

  6. Well, you replied without to the OP without quoting anything specific, so I'm going to guess that all you need to do is just read all of the other posts in this thread to get up to speed. Everything you need to know has already been explained in depth.



    i read all the posts.. wheres the scam?

  7. Why are people coming across as jealous in this thread..... that subscribers who refer others are getting free CC..... so they are trying to report them and "try" to get the banned which is just a case of sour grapes it seems...Why doesit matter if people get free CC for referring others?


    the guy postinbg the thread probably had it deleted simply for spamming off topic discussions on forums not for the referrals. probably antways... as for the links.... i dont see how its a scam for people to click on those links? It just seems like people wished they would have thoguht of it first.


    If i am misunderstanding than please explain to me how that link to get people to be referrred by someone if they choose to sign up and sub... is considered a scam..

  8. Well I am glad to hear that is no longer the case than.... back when i first started playing it was something i saw people complaining about quite frequently.... I wasnt sure if that was still going on on my server as i stopped running ops /raids deleted all my old gear (not out of rage but because the gear was no longer good and i wanted a fresh start ( it was Rating 126 Columni anyways) (which can easily be replaced by makeb comms. I am glad that no one cares about people not skipping story anymore! That is the only thing that really bugged me about ops and flashpoints...
  9. One major problem about all the last page discussion of this threadf. and a problem with doing HM FP/OPS for story.



    Most people who do ops ruin the story for everyone by forcing them to skip verything.. so the people who do want to do ops for the story dont even get to do that because they are forced to skip it every time.


    No ... but I've seen it a thousand times argument... anbyone who has seen a raid/ops story shoud not be pugging with randoms and first timers.. Whenever i form/join an ops group i always check to make sure if anyone hasnt seen the story and i allow them to take as much time as they need.. in the mean time i just take some time to do some IRL chorse....


    I just cant stand when poor newbies dont even get to see the story cuz of people that are ignorant about newbies who care very much about the story and dont want it to be ruined because of skippers. Also catching up and watching on Youtube is not a viable solution imo... its not the same as it happening in the game.. not to mention that like i said... the story/gameplay is spoiled this way.

  10. That's actually a good idea. Personally, I had no problem running Esseles 35 times because I enjoy running that FP and would do it anyway. At least this way (prior to the patch), I get an extra bit of reward at the the end. I have no interest in running my mains through any PvP except to do whatever associated mission (Intro/Daily/Weekly) there is one time for completion's sake. However, I never thought about going AFK, or at least just flying around avoiding combat, so I can minimize my XP gains from that to avoid overleveling the content I enjoy playing (Planetary and Story missions). I guess if this is how BW is going to set up this whole conquests thing, then PvP is going to have to suffer. Sorry guys, nothing personal.



    Tough to have fun when you are forced to play aspects of the game that you find the least fun of all in order to get some rewards that are useful for the things you do find fun.


    1. Don't do it that way.... I don't see how going afk in a PVP match is any less of an exploit than just running FP over and over for conquest points.


    2. if your going to give in and pvp for conquest than actually contribute... you dont play this game to consume.. you play to contribute.. thats why its a group game... if you dont like being forced to pvp/gsf to do parts of the game.. than you are welcome to find another game. Going afk in pvp/gsf just because you are too lazy to participate and want the most rewards with the least effort is just selfish and pretty much ruining it for everyone and no you should not see it as BW fault for making you do it.

  11. ah well the decoration prices seem to be way more cost efficient than the cartel packs ( and this is if you buy them in hypercrates)


    That is why i was sketchy at first about buying these decorations because I was not sure if they would actually sell at even the minimum prices that i see them listed as in the GTN.

  12. I suppose you took your time to finish the in-game tutorial, read up all the tutorials on the forums and read the tooltips on your components and crew members to understand what you're supposed to do and what you have equipped and what the enemy might have equipped? Oh wait, you obviously didn't...


    Oh, and here... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=755330 (TY Drako, love pasting that thing)

    Multiple evidence that gear means diddly squat.


    no offense but no game should require you to use a walkthrough to play... now if the tutorials in game are enough than nvm ( as i never played GSF yet... just started playing again recently and dont even have ship yet.)


    i also know that doing flashpoints/hm/operations without doing proper research is wrong but if there are no proper tutorials in game (or not complete enogh) than no .. i do not agree that people should be forced to read forums .. watch out of game videos from youtube to simply be able to play a mode ingame.


    Do you really think it makes sense that to play a game .. one is required/forced to read a walkthrough?

  13. Focused Defence gives a 3% heal per hit taken, plus Vigilance adds 15% DR when it's active and Blade Barrier is now low enough in Defence come 1.2 that Hybrid Vigilance tanks can take it, plus another 6% DR from Soresu giving a total of 31% DR every 45 seconds for 10 seconds, although you said absorb from your wording it sounds like you want to to take 10% DR constantly for 10 seconds.


    Add armour into that and it becomes a pretty crazy suggestion.




    What does this have to do with anything? Healing Sage's love our buff anyway.


    VIgilance? maybe i just dont remember it by name but i dont see any talent that increases damage reduction by 15%.. where is it that a tank can get this?


    if you are talking about vigilance tree than its dps not defense.


    after reading your post again, no offense but 15% DR for 10 seconds on a 45 second cool down does not count in my book... way too much can happen in that 35 seconds both in pvp and pve.... sounds like its more of an emergency situation kind of skill...


    so yes i would like atleast 5% Damage Reduction from Blade Barrier without Set Bonus and 10% with set bonus... i dont think its too crazy to ask consideriong guardians are under performing, not bad but not as good as they should be.

  14. This'ull be kinda insane given the new placement of Blade Barrier, that's 25% DR + 3% heal per hit every 45 seconds for 10 seconds and then every Blade Storm 10% DR in-between.


    I'm not seeing this anywhere on the PTS notes, unless I'm missing it, I think he means this is how he wishes it was.


    25% damage reduction from what? Unless you mean from armor, where as than its 45% for Heavy Armor Users in soresu form.



    guardiasn also have the WOST class buff

  15. yes i apologize for the confusion, i was stating what my opinion of bladfe barrier should be.. this is nothing to do with the actual 1.2 blade barrier fix..... which is nothing. i did not intend to have people think Bw was going to do something like that.



    and yes maybe 15% would be way too much... but keep in mind its a set bonus with 4 columni pieces... i believe we deserve something a little stornger than the current set bonus, our set bonus is the worst.... as is alot of things compared to the coolness of other classes.. and it was getting to me. so i wanted to post my opinion


    im not saying guardians suck or anything, i jkust find them under performing compared to other classes... .

  16. I prefer 4% more defense than 4% more health. Coming from WoW, avoidance is more important at avoiding damage than having more health. The only thing that more health benefits is that it is effective against magic, which cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.


    You only need enough health to survive that few seconds that it takes for your healer's heals to reach you, then a bit more extra as cushion.


    Edit: Oh, endurance is probably important in solo content I suppose. I am talking about group content.


    than you musta been a rogue or some dodgy class cuz point of tank is that you can take as much damage for as long as possible.. NOT to avoid damage... but to ABSORB it.

    and you are not getting 4% more defnse.. we are getting 3% heal which sucks.... wouldnt suck as much if blade barrier actually worked properly.

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