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Posts posted by Neik

  1. I agree with alot of the above. SWTOR has alot of potential. Some planets are kindof linear but for the most part even on those planets the way you level still beats any other MMO out there. The majority of the planets are very fun and interesting. Some of them are shorter than others but what they lack in size they make up for in performance.. I mean just look at all the detail in the terrain on Voss or Quesh.


    I've heard alot of negative things about SWTOR and all of the rants and complaints allways compare it to WoW. When WoW was six months old it didn't have this much content. Its end game was Upper Blackrock Spire... The only real differance between the two imo is that when WoW came out there wasn't another monster of an MMO to compare it to out there.


    Here are my biggest two points when it comes to comparing the two.


    1-Don't look at wow now, look at wow at the same age when comparing gameplay/content.

    2-How many of Blizzards Expansions dissapointed you? woo another 10 levels of some fairly different creatures to be killed in the same old way for some new gear.. oh look a new continent and another pvp zone...

    My biggest pet pieve about WOW's expansions... A level 70 green item that drops off a random mob that is better than my tier set on the first group i killed in the new expansion... Kinda takes the pride/enjoyment of working my arse off for the gear just to have it replaced by something not meaningfull 2 minutes into the new game content.


    In TOR I hope and forsee new planets with extended class storylines and an actual goal to achieve when they expand (still to be seen but TOR hasn't let me down yet, WoW has... over and over)

  2. Think you could implement a way to tax members of your guild to appropriate guild funds? This would make it easier to buy further guild tabs in the guild bank and support a guild bases economy in game. Just a thought...
  3. If they could seperate them that would be awesome!.. even though I am on the US side, my regular playtime is during downtime (when i get off work).. I could pass the time on a EU server while my servers are down. and vice versa thus less negative complaining from people that take bioware for granted!!!
  4. Is there any way to see who is online in a custom chat channel? I've created a custom chat channel for my guilds regular friends that go on runs with us. So far all i can find is it displaying when they login or log out. My whole guild has been inviting regular quality members to the channel for fill in personnel. All i can do is spam.. I try to keep all of them added to my friends list but when i login to an alt it's gone... Maybe something as simple as a text display when you login


    You have successfully loged into channel bla bla.

    use /4 to type in channel bla bla.

    current members of channel bla bla online are: Ricky Skadoo, BoBo, Yogi, etc...


    This would be a quick and semi easy fix i would think.. but I would prefer it to be available in the /who screen.

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