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Posts posted by Naserick

  1. Bottom line is that threads like this exist because the overall PvP experience is worse now than in 1.1.5, and a lot of players are unhappy with it. In my opinion class balance was better before the patch, and time to kill is way too low now. Combine that with consumables being very expensive relative to rewards (to the point that players still buying BM gear pretty much cannot afford to buy them at all), and it kind of stinks. Creds from PvP are also way down making solo questing mandatory if you are doing other credit heavy play. All of this is bad and could stand to be tweaked.


    I can't say that I'm surprised that 1.2 has been disappointing though. Every time I have seen a developer try to change so much at once in an MMO it has made things worse not better in the short term.


    This I agree with.


    I have no trouble getting my medals in just about any wf.. Except one in which i'm vastly outnumbered 2 to 1.. Which just so happens to happen every other match now.


    I say inrease the reward for losing from 1/2 to 2/3rds of the winner, add a quiters penalty of about 30 mins, and give us full credits/xp win or lose.

    Also maybe add a vote /kick to get rid of afkers.

  2. You are going to have a repair bill regardless if you clear content or not...Especially if you're a tank...


    You make far more from pve than anyone could have from pvp. A repair bill is nothing but a few seconds of wasted time.

  3. The both of you, I run with no special gear for PVP, I do not carry expertise bonuses, the gear is not the issue, it is the players in my observations...


    My premise is not invalid by your Randian logic, as it is an observation of what has been happening in wz, based on the fact I am not decked in BM gear, run WZ without expertise. I am sorry no one on your server likes playing your faction, but that is not the problem, the problem is equality for equality's sake makes winning pointless. A participation trophy cheapens the win, especially when it equals the winners trophy.


    And yes we are the consumers... if you are unhappy no one is forcing you to stay.


    I play this game to pvp. I play some pve content as well but it normally isn't very exciting in my opinion. I wouldn't mind not getting anything for losing except that it gives the winners more of an advantage towards winning the next match. If they simply gave everyone the same gear rating I would be more than willing to suck it up heh. But that is not the case. Every match my opponent wins it makes it more difficult for me to compete in the next match.

    If this were a sport, as they seem to be trying for, Then this should be unacceptable. After all this isn't an open world pvp game like eve online, where imbalance between factions is to be expected and even encouraged. This games pvp is more equatable to football or Baseball. Where both teams optimally have the same amount of players. One team may have more talent which will lead them to win more often, but they certainly don't get better equipment that increases their capabilities.

  4. Funny thing is, it is mostly the "I did 500k damage" crowd who loses the wz....


    For the most part, they are killing people in mid arena in HB when there is a carrier who needs support near the endzone, they are killing people between turrets instead of defending or capping them, they are not disarming/planting or even backing up those who are, they are NOT winning the warzone, they would be happier in an open pvp area...


    I was on a team which OBSCENELY won ACW pre patch, I have no idea what the 300k damage guy did for his three MVP votes, I know a healer and I defended center turret, I capped a side turret and the third turret was back and forth. Maybe that 300k damage guy will be more active in winning now that winning grants the reward rather than look at my damage!!!!


    and if you had lost said wf and got next to nothing for your attempts? what if you were on a faction that statistically lost a greater number of times and was then further reduced in it's capabilities to fight back?


    Remember this is a game in which "we" are the consumers. If the majority of us arn't satisfied then we will leave. If enough of us leave, this game will fail.

    Losing constantly do to circumstances that are beyond our control, ie~ our incompetent team mates, is not fun and we will leave as a result. ;)

  5. >,,> whats up with the thinly disguised political overtones here. :rolleyes:


    People don't want something for nothing. People want their personal actions to have more weight in random warzones that their team loses for them. Plus we pay $15 for a reason and thats to have access to a reasonably fun game. Take that away and we will leave. it isn't like real life where we just have to shut up and deal with it after all.

  6. you won't kill a competent, equal geared healer solo, because they never walk off alone. If by some miracle you do get one alone, it helps if you play a marauder or operative heheh.


    Healers in all recent mmo's have been purposely made overpowered to attract more people to play them. Bah they give healers damage and defensive powers they shouldnt have.

  7. I have played both empire and republic.


    On empire it's really easy to be evil when over half your in game companions favor dark actions. Not to mention that the whole atmosphere seems to favor darker options over light options (example being societal acceptance of brutality over compassion).


    On the republic, especially while playing a jedi, It's the opposite of the empire. Light side options are accepted more easily than darker ones and your companions dislike your dark side options more times than not.


    I would say that most people tend to conform to the "expected" behavior of their chosen class. So I would say that simply playing dark side wouldn't be a good measure of a persons personality type in game.

  8. same can be said about snipers ^^ just use LOS. run behind stuff.and if your marauder you got stealth to breake theyr lock on you.


    marauders/sentinels are much more powerful then you think.


    heheh I was joking about the snipers. as for sentinals/marauders, yeah they can be strong if some one competent is playing them.

  9. people complain about premades mostly when they get owned by one to a degree that they consider offensive heheh. They actually seperated premades from pugs in rift for a time.


    I honestly think it has more to do with a gear disadvantage than with organized groups.

  10. Nerf Snipers... they annoy me. darn little red shields and their guns.


    And whoever is talking about nerfing marauders or sentinals :rolleyes: meh some one good must have killed you recently. They arn't that tough if you know how to hit your stun button when they pop their defense cooldowns.

  11. Think premade. You a green player just hit lvl 50 and qued for a wz. You get in hutball,or whatever,and you notice that the majority of the other players are really well geared and you think that your going to likely be on the winning side when your screen starts loading and you find yourself standing where ever you were before with a big fat deserters debuff stuck to your hide.


    Unless they put this in right things can get very hairy for your average pug player.

  12. i've played pretty much every class to at least lvl 15. So far I can honestly say that isn't enough to get a true feel for a class. you need to at least play it to lvl 35.


    but of the class's that i've played to that lvl I would say my sentinal is my favorite, for a combo of game mechanics in pvp and the great story so far.

  13. thats joke right? that really isn't jedi end game pvp armor is it?




    It isn't even jedi~ish! It looks like what goldmember would wear if he were in a star wars setting lol....


    Well my sentinal doesn't really need expertise I suppose. :mad:


    The dev who designed this armor must have really hated designing the jedi orders armor or something heheh.


    At least I have my marauder

  14. idk on my server which ever side I decide to play on normally wins lol.

    seriously though I have good luck with pugs on the prophecy of five server.

    still an imbalance of 3 imps to one rebel it feels like.

  15. the sorc/sage is basically a priest from any other game. Of course it's tough to kill. They took a mages aoe and fused it with a priests heals and created a class that could viably do either depending on the persons spec.

    I don't think its op. maybe the bubble can be reaplied a little too fast but for a good player this is a none issue. The simple fact is that people have to concentrate and actually try to burn down this class for more than a 30 sec period and that annoys them.


    I play a marauder mostly these days btw :cool:

  16. No, How sages/sorcs work in pvp is my level 60 valor fully geared assassin gets the opener on one....does the priority attacks all with every offensive buff I can possibly use... by the time I die at most I have to sorc down to 80% health because they tank better than any tank or raid boss ever could while dishing out top end damage. They need a nerf to bring them in line with the other classes , sorry.


    heheheh lvl 60? you know that situation reminds of rift on my assassin when I tried jumping a preist that was specced for heals. he just wouldn't die and I would end up dieing of attrition. Perhaps sir you are attacking the wrong class?

  17. operative shouldn't have been nerfed. the stims being stackable was the problem I think.


    people are only saying sorcs and sages are op because one they are ftm and two they are hard to kill. They get top damage spots because they spam aoe abilities like chain lightning or death field but their actual "strength" comes from cc, force speed and the bubble.

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