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Posts posted by Turrican

  1. asking because it shows up as heavy, with one instance of imp fleet and 80 ppl, while the red eclipse has 2 instances of fleet with 240 in the first and 100 ppl in the second instance. on kaas a similar picture (one respectively two instances of dromund kaas). both show as heavy in the server seletion screen. i find this a bit irritating. eventually i want to pick a server thats not again going to be deserted soon.
  2. Then why was the "based on gameplay time" not available during the first moves? Thanks to that stupid and faulty policy I now lost three!!!! favorite names, have to choose ones now that dont fit the legacy name either and there is no name change server in sight.


    this really sucks and i emmediately regret having subbed this fail again.

  3. so this basic service took bioware over 6 month to implement. as they stated char transfers are sooooo difficult because: LEGACY i was thinking of some complicated mechanism of merging this stuff. now it gets overwritten. then names, yeah pick a new one, even if theres a level 1 blocking your name and you are max level.


    really poor implementation.


    and the group finder still cant find cross server? even poorer.

  4. The community being ignored so much is really a slap in the face. My sub ends in 20 days, if until then theres no near solution to the server population issue I will cancel and doubt I will ever come back.


    Too bad Bioware, the first month was good, and the game is excellent, but you missed to make something out of it. Now we get emotes and races, stuff that no one really needs, instead of real issues being adressed. I thought with EA in the back you might do better, they should have the MMO experience.

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