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Posts posted by nobadee

  1. Something that has bothered me as far back as beta in this game, is the lack of control over the way dark side corruption looks. Those like myself who want to go the dark side route with their characters; but, only want to have the yellow sith eyes and nothing more are SOL as they will either have to avoid numerous dark side options in order to maintain dark side one or be forced to simply disable the dark side corruption appearance.


    The effects of later stages dark side corruption become horribly apparent on my red sith twilek. At stage II her skin turns from red to a pale pink color that looks horrible, so to avoid that I have to disable the appearance of corruption, but then I miss out on the yellow sith eyes that I wanted all along. What is needed is the option to pick the appearance of any stage of corruption we have unlocked. You have come a long way at making it so players can customize the appearance of their characters in so many ways; but, that one limitation has bothered me since the very beginning. Now would be a great time to remedy that one problem.

  2. I hate that the star wars universe kills off all the good villains. Not just Malgus, but Darth Maul and Boba Fett.


    Darth Maul was cut in half by a padawan despite having the high ground; which, seemed to be important later when Obiwan easily diced up Anakin while maintaining the high ground; meaning that despite having the advantage in every way, he was laughingly annihilated. Then there is Boba Fett. He doesn't actually do anything in any of the movies. How he came to be percieved as this total ****** by fans before they turned him into a demi god in the EU, is beyond me. He merely follows them to Cloud City, then waits for Darth Vader to do all the work catching Solo, then he lazily carts Solo off without hardly any resistance. Then in ROTJ he gets face rolled by everyone on the barge, to such a degree, that it would be pure comedy if you played the Benny Hill theme along with it. It was embarrassing that they tried to revitalize him in the prequels by making a billion copies of the worst bounty hunter in the original movies.


    I'm waiting for Jar Jar to become some total BA with fan fiction.

  3. Recently I came back to the game after being awhile for awhile. I started questing, thinking that perhaps some of the quest lines would have been revamped since the game isn't exactly booming with players. What I mean is, heroic quests. Why are they still in the world?


    Sure, at low levels you might see an occasional group form to knock a few of them out; but, as you get into the 20s and 30s, you see almost no one requesting groups for them. Some of them you can actually corpse run through and complete solo, others can be completed by sneaking around while avoiding NPCs. Still, I wonder what the point of having them there is.


    I have a couple of points I would really like to make here on this topic:


    1. Why don't characters with heroic missions, have different colored markers above their heads? Most people don't make a habit of doing them, as I have observed and so they end up listening to several minutes of dialogue only to discover that it's a quest they have no intention of completing. Why not simply change the icon color to orange or purple so people aren't wasting their time?


    2. Why not nerf the heroics so that they can all be easily solo'd? A lot of them have some pretty good rewards that would help them level up easier; but, no one wants to sit there spamming in general chat for hours to find a group. They might have been a fun social idea in the beginning; but, even old MMOs like WoW have moved fast away from world content that obligates players to group together, as it tends to create too much of an inconvenience. The more modern solution to forced grouping is shared loot with the elimination of tagging. This is what makes an MMO like GWs so fun because you don't have to be in a group to work with other people. You can see someone in the same area and the next thing you know, you are all running together killing the same stuff, because that idea that you are in some sort of competition has been erased and replaced with a very cooperative friendly means of game play.


    The reality is, MMO players don't like being shoehorned into grouping; if they run into encounters where it benefits them more to work with other people, it should be a perk and not a requirement.


    I am coming up with these ideas and I know I have seen them on here before; because, I mentioned a lot of this when I was a tester for this game. I see heroics as decent content and would not like to see it taken away; but, obviously there are better ways that they can be utilized.

  4. Is swtor missing almost every decent feature modern mmo's have and that people take for granted? (server transfers/forums/cross server bg's, instances/in game, out of game re-customization) Sure, does it have more bugs then my ant farm? sure. Isn't it missing more graphical configuration then it has? sure.


    But guys come on...can't we all just accept what we're given without complaint?


    Wont sticking our heads in the sand be far better then trying to get problems addressed?



    Ha ha QFT, I've filed more bug reports/complaints since the game went live than the entire 6 months I was in beta; which, is a ridiculous amount I should add. The last time I saw this much disappointment in a IP titled MMO it didn't do so hot. STO anyone?

  5. So WOW has lost more subs than TOR has. ok.


    ha ha :D ^^


    It's February, anyone with a life is out trying to work their social skills. I haven't had time to log into the game in weeks. Might eventually quit the game; cause, well I'd rather have someone at home at night with me than a video game that's rapidly loosing it's appeal.


    Fully voiced my ***, half the time you're reading because they got lazy and threw in some fake language that's just a couple of phrases being repeated over and over. Kind of like how each class has this same set of phrases that they say over and over and over throughout the entire story line.



  6. It was already addressed in a sticky when the game first came out. They took out the feature because it was preventing the feel of gear progression. It's not coming back.


    I've already pointed out that their claim was an excuse to cover up a statement they had made in regards to it's removal in beta; which completely contradicted that sticky you are referring too. In beta they stated that they took it out because they wanted to see how the players felt with it not in the game. There was overwhelming disapproval of not having it in. When the game was close to launch they came back and stated that they took it out in order to make a better system that would take months to implement. Ha!


    From what I gathered, someone in their art team got butt hurt that people weren't seeing the gear they designed in the colors they made them in due to the option to match all colors. So they took it out to keep them from crying. It's as simple as that. Now they are talking about throwing in an appearance tab; which totally contradicts EVERYTHING they stated beforehand.


    Where did they find their PR reps, Washington?

  7. What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




    1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

    2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

    3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




    1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

    2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


    I hate to say it; but, I'm with the OP on this. I've been against dungeon finder tools since WoW; but, only because they did the whole cross server garbage. If Bioware kept it localized to the same server for the first year or so of the game it wouldn't be an issue for me at all. I understand that when a game has been out for a long time, you don't have a regular stream of players going through the low level content; so it makes it hard to find groups for things outside of spamming chat, sometimes for hours. At end game I don't really see same server queuing as an issue seeing that everyone is usually all doing the same thing anyways, so not hard to find groups.


    I really believe that dungeon grouping tools belong in next gen MMO's they just need to be handled delicately or they end up creating a horrible HORRIBLE community.

  8. I would have laughed at that statement about a week ago; but, playing Empire on an RP server, ya, I have to agree. A large majority of them are twits, that seemed to not realize the difference between an RP server and a normal server. I've met more respectable people on the republic side and I only saw the starter worlds.
  9. Yes default is 0.5 but it is important to understand that it is not the Queuing of Abilities that is the issue, it is the execution of an ability.


    It has nothing to do with this sadly, for example... I cast "Aimed Shot"... about 0.5 seconds after I hit my button it starts to cast (at 40-50 FPS and 20ms Latency). Also, my "next ability" that I am spamming already before the Aimed Shot Cast Time is completed (as to not miss any time between) never goes off and no animation ever happens...


    I mean, the whole system is just messed up, not smooth... not responsive.


    I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm a pretty avid gamer myself and have played countless other MMOs in the past. I was in beta on this game and noticed this very issue; I assumed it was related to it being a beta build and nothing was optimized yet. When my fps still jump all over the place in this game post launch with all of my graphics settings optimized.


    I voiced concerns about the delay many times in beta; but, it was ignored obviously. It wasn't evident to me at first; but, I noticed when I was casting chain lightening; which has a 3 second cast time, that it was actually 4.5 seconds. 1.5 seconds might not be that big of a deal to newer gamers; but, to someone who enjoys fluid movements in combat, this is very troublesome, especially if you intend to do raiding, where 1.5 seconds is a long time.


    I know how frustrating this is; because, many people assume this is an issue with your setup; but, it's a software issue. The game was never fully optimized, the most obvious way you can tell is because it has no AA. Had they turned that on, the game would be unplayable.


    It's really confusing for a gamer to jump from a game that is credited for it's top notch graphics, which runs smoothly on your system, to this game and it runs like it's an early beta build.

  10. I've been on Ebon Hawk since day one and noticed the majority of the people in general tend to be of the stereotypical WoW sort. Not to mention the assortment of characters with names that you'd expect to find on a PvP server, such as Ludacritz. Seriously, who goes to a roleplaying server and decides to role with a ridiculous handle like that? I've been seeing it a lot on top of guilds with really wacky names designed to get a laugh, but are totally out of context.


    It's very hard to roleplay on this game outside of mingling within a very tight circle of people. That is, if you are capable of blocking out 90% of the other players who have no clue what the purpose of a role playing server is versus a normal server.


    *shakes head*

  11. My guild consists of people of who played SWG with me and none of them miss SWG. Ya, we had good times in that game; but, we don't cling to the past and for what it's worth, we saw SWG for what it was in the past. It was nothing but a broken hodgepodge if the worst Star Wars canon all thrown into one place. The only thing that game had going for it for a very short time was it's community. Once CU then NGE came, that game was destined for December 15th.


    If you honestly believe that game was better than this, you're simply deluding yourself.

  12. Let me clarify - in the movies they don't acknowledge on screen passion - beyond rather tame kisses. And even with the Sith that I've played, everything is off screen.


    That's been my experience with romance in this game. Everything is implied; you never actually see anything happen. Even the kisses are rarely shown; but, I don't really care about any of that, I just do it for the story, I'm not looking for some **** to get off on.

  13. Just from seeing the first few lines of the OP's pointlessly long winded post; I can tell you this person has never been a part of an MMO that crashed and burned. By crash and burn, I mean the game never even had a chance, like Tabula Rasa. I can list many other MMO's they fit into this category and this game doesn't even come even close to being a failure in comparison.


    Why isn't when people decide to go on an emo rant, they always have to say something is the "Worst ever"? Absolute statements like that just make you look ridiculous in the end and no one will take you seriously.


    I agree that their customer support in the game could use an overhaul, I've had them close out tickets and with replies that had nothing to do with the ticket. But, that in no way makes the game a failure. I've been playing with several friends and we've been having a blast since we all started in beta, months ago.


    This game fills every basic expectation of an MMO, if you wanted more, you were either dreaming or being unrealistic.

  14. I am a Twi'lek Inquisitor. I want a hood. Like other people in this thread, I am disappointed this is not an option. I do not want headbands and boxing helmets.


    It was the general consensus during beta that the Twi looked silly with their lekku poking out the back of a hood, aka clipping.

  15. I don't understand the purpose of forcing us to level twice in order to try both advance classes, especially given that the story line is EXACTLY the same.


    Why not allow us to change our advance class for a credits cost between levels 10 and 20? That way we can get a feel for the play style and pick what we enjoy, not randomly select off a one line description and some talents.


    I understand not having AC switching at higher levels, but making us level twice to ten is silly...


    Just my 2 cents.


    Are you telling me you would level a toon all the way to 20 then decided you wanted to try the other AC, not having any clue how they play? It's called research.


    Hint: The AC's don't change a whole lot from how they play when you first get them at level 10. If you are saying that you need to play to level 20 to make up your mind, you're doing it all wrong.


    *throws your 2 cents back*

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