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Posts posted by Mosfett

  1. Seriously, an expansion without PVP maps is quite disappointing... to stay polite.

    Here is what an expansion should include:

    - new PVP map(s)

    - new flashpoints, not just taking existing ones and make them harm mode

    - new operation(s)

    - new planet(s)

    - 5 to 10 more levels


    Any less than that is a failure. An expansion should "Expand" every aspect of the game (PVP/PVE and solo/group content). If there was as much effort put in playable content as there is in cosmetic and CC crap, this game could really improve.

  2. Although I second the request, I frequently switch from tank to DPS on my Guardian and it only takes about 5 minutes and only having to move around three skills on my hot bars. If it's taking you a long time, that sounds like a work flow thing on your part, not a problem on theirs.


    It is not a question of how long it takes, it would just be more convenient. Either it takes you 1 min to respec, or 10 min, being able to do it in 1 sec without the hassle of moving stuff around is just a lot better.

    Anyway this feature is way overdue... it should have been introduced a long time ago.

    There is so many features that were inspired or copied from other MMO, why not this one.

  3. This new system could be interesting.

    But, since you are changing the spec system, please for the love of god, now would be a good time to create a multi-spec save option (spec, gear and keybind save), like you know, every other decent mmo on the market. Field respec has been available for so long, the quality of life that a multi-spec save option brings is greatly needed.

  4. As a healer, i prefer rdps to mdps only because of the extra damage i have to heal when we bring a mdps to a fight. On Zorn and Toth for exemple, if u have melee(s) on Toth, they take his aoe damage and if they manage to move out of it, we lose dps while they move. Or the first boss in LI HM, the tank has to move a lot more when mdps are present. Also, rdps can usually swap target faster then mdps. There is plenty of other exemple where i would prefer a rdps to a mdps.


    But in the end, ive done EC HM with a few mdps, ive done LI HM with 2 mdps... it is no doubt still possible, but in my opinion having mdps does makes some fights harder. I dont think anyone can argue with that.


    I am not a pro dps, since i mostly tank or heal, but i think it take more skill to be a good mdps vs being a good rdps (high dmg output with low dmg received).

  5. It's not lag, EC was too easy, so they put a server stun.

    It's not a bug, it's a feature.


    Now, seriously, yeah this is really annoying. It is not game breaking bad, since we can still clear EC HM every week and it very rarely causes a wipe, but seeing how low it takes solving their bugs is quite sad. This issue came with the merge, but i am more pissed at the unfixed bugs that have been present since Beta, those are simply pathetic.

  6. Four bugs present since beta comes to mind:


    -Mobs that die standing up (no biggy, but still),

    -Camera sometimes shifting up when it hits a wall or roof (when your character isn't centered in the screen and even get out of sight of the camera)

    -The permanent faceplant position after a knock down ability

    -When u kill an NPC or another player and your gun still shoots at the corpse for a while.


    More then 8 months to solves bugs from beta and some obvious ones are still there...


    I know there is more bugs that have been around since beta, that is the ones i remember for now, whats yours ?

  7. It is so funny looking at people getting all angry when someone dare speak about adv class respec. Like if the game would totally be destroy if such a thing would occur. I have absolutely no problem with dual spec or even dual adv class. I personally like to have flexibility with the class i enjoy playing. I think what the OP is asking is reasonable even for people horrified by dual AC.


    And please stop trying to convince yourselves that advanced classes are 2 completely different classes. AC are more like different spec then different class (they even share a talent tree). Picking between merc and ptech is not even close to choosing between BH and SW.


    Anyway, how will it kill your game if people could change their advance class. If AC respec existed, you couldn't make the difference between someone that respecced AC and someone that leveled another toon of the same class with a different AC. It would just be more convenient to re-spec than to re-level.


    its my opinion.


    I enjoy the game as it is, so if a feature like that is implemented, cool. If not, no biggy.

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