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Posts posted by MisterAych

  1. All three of these have been reported by others. I guess you've given me hope for myself, though. I clearly don't have ADHD, or I'm not a gamer, because I don't browse the web while waiting for the game and/or my characters to load.


    well yea.. so here's the thing... when i open the game, i often have the browser already open. so when i press play, the launcher goes away, and attention turns to the screen full of browser and I go there. by the time to do make it into swtor, the characters have long been loaded, and sometimes i'm even back out to server selection (much, muh rarer)


    Hell, even as i type this, my character was loading onto fleet.

  2. Ok, so I have a few bugs I feel a need to address.


    The first one is the one that caused me to reinstall, and still seems to be present. I open the launcher, sign in as normal, and launch the game. Now as any ADHD gamer can attest, while waiting for characters to load or whatnot, I go back to browsing the web. Only to pop into swtor seconds later and "SWTOR.exe has stopped working" with an immediate termination of the game. After what seemed like an hour fighting this, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. (it persisted after driver updates, restarts, and even when chrome wasn't open - but happens more often when chrome is open)


    Secondly, after reinstalling, I now have to accept terms and services every time i log in. I have seen that this is apparently an issue, but another mention couldn't hurt?


    Third: My Light/Dark affiliation seemed to reset. My main Sage dropped down to seemingly nothing (who never had a dark point grace her screen), and is now in lowly Light 1. She was a maxxed out Light 5 or whichever is highest now -- it was turned all the way up on the scale. I haven't checked other characters since reinstalling, but that's because i care very little about them, which may be a bug in my code..?


    Anyway, 3 actual issues I'm having, 2 of which I haven't seen others having, or haven't dug deep enough to find others.

  3. I am not going to do these new dailies at all. Dailies should reward you, not punish you by giving you less credits than you started with


    There are PLENTY of more lucrative quest areas anyway. They'll need to put these on the level of other planetary dailies for them to even be worth me going to the planet. Let alone be as fast to complete.... The shards just seem like a stupid way for keep us little busy mice so we don't burn through the little content they can actually produce with the pennies of our dollars that EA let's them have.

  4. I bought the Iokath Monitor with credits and comms to complete the daily mission assigned to it, only to be killed with an incomplete task (7 out of 10 machines killed) remaining. I now have to purchase again to finish? I'm sorry, but this simply dumb. Cut out the BS Iokath comm grind and make this a one time purchase... at the very least.




    THIS! I would be slightly ok if it was a one-time cost. At least then, it justifies spending 7200 mats to UNLOCK the walker for future use. Having to spend 600 shards every time I want to step into it is ridiculous. I'm not stepping on Iokath at all if I'm not walking into the Op until this changes. Screw rep and screw shards.

  5. Wait a tick....It's costs "what" to do the dailies? Is this going to be the new norm? Charging you some sort of currency to do the Dailies? Or just Lokath? Holy %@$king hell?


    To perform certain dailies (ones where you need to use a walker or mouse droid or turret), you have to pay credits and Iokath crystal shards to gain access to the new "body." It is not a 1-time fee, rather you have to pay every time you want to enter the device.


    The walker is the most expensive, costing 20k credits and 600 shards. 600 shards breaks down to needing 7200 level 10 mats at a mat conversion vendor, for reference. Shards are also no given out nearly enough to warrant the high cost. You will net a loss in currency and shards doing the quests.

  6. Paying currency AND a new collectible just to be able to perform the quest is ridiculous, let alone the cost associated with some of them. A turn on the walker costs 20,000 credits AND 600 Shards. To put 600 shards into perspective, they give an NPC where you can buy them. My level 10 archeology stuffs are exchanged at 12:1. So 1200 Iridescent Blue thingies nets me a WHOPPING 100 shards. So i would need 7200 archeological crystals per day to sustain that daily quest. NO. I'm not a chinese gold farmer. I don't have tens of thousands of mats sitting around doing nothing.


    On top of that, the dailies hardly return to you any shards. If it were a case of I paid 600 shards but got a rep token AND netted at least 600, them maybe i could believe it was worth it. But as of right now, i'm not doing any Iokath dailies so that their in-game statistics can't count me there.


    It's quite a shame. I wanted Iokath to be nice. I liked the mystery surrounding its creation and hoped to find out more about the planet.

  7. I have just discovered that in Tier 2 command crates, I was lucky to get a set piece chest MK-13 (crazy right!).


    So I'm there thinking, hey...instead of modding this piece, or ripping out the armors and putting them in my BoL set I wear, I'll go and try to upgrade that to tier 3.



    BUT NO!


    Apparently, command crates drop the MK-13, but I need MK-15 (plus unassembled) to upgrade it.


    No instead of making gearing simple, they really seemed to have screwed the effing pooch.


    Why can't I upgrade those pieces? I was bad enough I sold the 2 tier 1 shell to vendors so long ago there was no hope of recovery. They took an OK system and made it unplayable. I'm sorry, but I think this pushes me over the edge.

  8. First and foremost, the word "Operations" was delivered upon. Interesting, although it doesn't seem to be plural, but sounds promising.


    You guys keep saying that you want to "keep Galactic Command fun for players." GALACTIC COMMAND IS NOT FUN FOR PLAYERS.


    You made a system and said 1 hour of playtime for 1 level of GC, which was mostly true at the beginning. however the thought process of WHY, from a sales perspective is where I'm going to try to go.


    300 hours of gameplay to reach top level should mean that you get the "average" player to sub for 20 more weeks -- this progression system is PURELY to lock in subs that want to progress their gear.


    While a post-level-cap system may seem attractive to players, GRINDING for gear is absurd. End game gear should be a reward you earn by playing the harder content. An RNG box should not determine if I'm going to be able to down that next boss this week.


    You said something about not wanting to bring back weekly passes. I'm guessing that you have a boatload of former subs that could readily buy weekly passes with their olf monthly grants and keep playing for another 5 years. --That's ultimately why passes were taken away. No new content (in terms of Operations) led to more and more players using the game that way -- I know I and others in my raid group considered it (one member actually bought a bunch a few days before you removed them from the game with no warning).


    So you've implemented a system to keep subs (which i'm sure worked out well to your bottom line, right?), and you have a community in uproar about gearing and command ranks and RNG boxe. Meanwhile some are staying subbed just so they can keep getting rewarded for playing..


    You nerfed enemy kills because someone hit cap via that method 3 days in, and you continued to nerf any area that had farmability despite having said GC about playing the "way you want to." GC is purely about keeping people subbed.


    Now... uprisings and ops...


    My personal thoughts is that there needs to be an actual in-game progression system -- Flashpoints and dailies to get starter gear followed by HM flashpoints and ops to get mid-tier, and then HM ops to get BiS gear (you could even argue that another tier could be attainable for Nightmare mode).


    I like the idea of a boss releasing as it's finished, and I've even been saying that amongst my ops group.


    Obviously Uprisings are the new FPs, ok, fine. So Dailies > Uprisings > HM Uprising / Operations > HM Ops / Nim Ups


    A progression system like that would be wonderful. Many other successful MMOs have had systems like that.


    But you still seem to be lacking content, and I'm certain that comes from either budget or lack of devs (or both).


    1 operation over a year is hardly an attractive outlook.


    Overall, I don't think I can see light at the end of the SWTOR tunnel anymore.

  9. With these crappy gearing options I have no choice but to let my sub expire. I really want to write some sort of long, drawn post pointing out all the reasons, but it's just too much to list at this point. I hope that in 2-3 years we get to hear how ****** Bioware Austin was treated by EA, so they decided to kill a game from most successful IP of all time.


    Your fixes are bad, and you should feel bad. Grindy-grindy RNG box is not the game we bought 5 years ago, and I will not continue supporting it.

  10. I am done.


    I haven't posted on the forum much in the 5 years of this game, but I do lurk on the subreddit from time to time.


    I CREATED a twitch account so I could be one of the loud saying NO RNG.


    With this nerf, I have removed my payment options from my account. 56 days of sub left, and that is it. Without serious change to the gearing system, no group content from January's "announcement" will bring me back.


    This game was the last of my pennies that went to any EA game. Guess now I'll be happy about none of my money supporting EA.

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