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Posts posted by Gremlis

  1. As long as the devs have their little OP imp class nothing is ever going to get done. Just look at all the trailers and see what they were playing. Thats the reason NOTHING is getting done. Patch 1.2 is simply a pacifier they are sticking in your mouth while they are ramming something else up your behind. Until the imp devs want to change, nothing substantial is going to get done.


    If they wanted to they could have handled factional imbalance by forcing an equal number till planet cap then ALL overflow goes to the next instance. But then the little OP dev classes wouldnt have rebs to zerg.

  2. In World of Warcraft, the implementation of the arena system shed a light on the glaring imbalance of certain classes that were pretty much ignored by the devs up to that point under the premise that "pvp is balanced around groups, not 1v1." I'm sure that something similar will happen when rated WZs come out on SWTOR.


    If the devs were rebs and were having their arses handed to them on faction imbalence do you think they would have changed it by now?


    If the devs were rebs and were being defeated by an obviously OP class dont you think they would have solved it by now?


    As long as the devs have their heads up the imps stool shaper NOTHING is going to change. All you have to do is look at what class most all of the trailers had in them.

  3. They could cap it at 50 per if most of the games designers wernt imps. I like the idea of capping at an equal ratio and having a 5 lvl up or down attack range for open world pvp. Cant attack someone 6 lvls higher or lower than yourself.


    I would like to see some form of honor challenge during open world pvp so someone can challenge the opposite faction to a 1 on 1 duel without the other 30 people of the same faction jumping in. They would both be invulnerable from outside effects till the duel is over and a few seconds after.

  4. They need to cap zones at an equal ratio of imps to rebs. If the imps whine about it to much isnt it an issue of their own creation?


    After all, if the imps are as good as they think they are then shouldnt they be on the reb side, where they are vastly outnumbered, so they could show their superior combat prowess instead of hiding behind their numbers like sacred wow babies.

  5. Not every one likes to drive the same kind of car just like every one doesnt like the same kinds of games.


    We make choices in our lives that effect our enjoyment of life. If there were only one game out there it would be an easy choice. Car dealers let us test drive vehicles. Fortunately for us mmo's let us beta test.


    If your not happy with this game then why are you still here except to cause problems? I understand legitimate problems, addressed properly, and presented maturely, effect the speed in which those problems can be addressed. It appears the "presented maturely" part is being skipped. Most of this seems to be comming from the WOW babbies beacuse BW didnt make a car they wanted to drive. Kind of makes me wish for another "Suck it up Buttercup" thread.


    If you dont like this car then go find one you do but just get your *** off my car lot.

  6. It isnt like BW outright lied about any thing I can see. They communicated well after they decided how to handle the situation. They are ahead of schedule.


    Just because BW didnt do it the you would have its bad? After all, if you were really that good at it we would be reading your release notes.


    If people are disappointed, maybe its not BW fault. BW didnt put those unrealistic expectations in YOUR head, YOU did.

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