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Posts posted by Cruces

  1. I re-subscribed today.

    I Played SWTOR at release for about 5 months.

    I want to continue playing my Imperial Agent as "concealment", but find myself very lost.

    I am currently level 32 and have no idea how to set up my skill tree.

    If possible, could suggestions be made for...

    1) skill tree set up (I pve and pvp)

    2) rotation


    I was somewhat good at one time, but now as I look at my IA, I might as well be playing with both of my feet.

    can someone throw a man a bone!!!??!!?!??

  2. My character is level 30.

    Valor is level 30.

    My Warzone Commendations are very close to max (arount 1900).


    What is the next step to maxamize my time in PvP?

    Not sure how to spend the Warzone Comm's without wasting them, or my time.

    Is there a strategy from here?

  3. It seems they're not dumb... You need people about to buy the gold/credits they sell.


    Dead servers = no sales! ;)


    Which is shocking as this must be the biggest money sink mmo I've ever played, it makes leveling arti's in daoc & saving for a epic mount in wow seem like fun! :o


    I would have to disagree.

    I was on Warhammer Online (trial account) a couple of weeks ago and gold sellers are still spamming there.

    They are down to 1 North American server.

  4. I played SWTOR for 2 mths after release.

    I resubbed a few days ago and having a good time.

    One thing I've always noticed before and now is the lack of gold sellers.

    Not that i'm complaining, I think it's great. Loving not being intruded on by some jerk yelling out where to buy gold.


    Does anyone know how EA/Bioware was able to stifle this?

  5. Thanks to those who helped with the Concealment build.

    Next question is rotation.


    Currently i'm level 25.

    Any suggestions for rotation?

    As stated before, I played for a couple of months after release, but resubbed a couple of days ago.

    ...kinda forgot everything.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. I resubbed a couple days ago.

    I was wondering, now that 1.3 has been released, what is the best crafting skill to pick up if play style leans more toward PvP?


    I currently have cybertech (I think thats what its called), but at level 25, I can easily switch to something else.

  7. I played at release for a couple months, and resubbed a couple days ago.


    I have a level 25 Operative that I enjoyed playing and want to continue.

    I'm looking for a Concealment DPS spec that I can use in PvP.

    The other thread about the subject seem to lead toward using the Lethality tree.

    I would rather focus on Concealment as I believe I would enjoy that play style better.

    On that note, maybe if there can be a link to both Concealment and Lethality, for PvP, than I can make a choice.

    ...but, I think i'll be leaning toward Concealment.


    Thanks in advance.

  8. I am rolling either a new Gunslinger or Sniper (depending on feedback).


    I was wondering opinions about which would be a more enjoyable experience.





    I have heard talk of some Gunslinger abilities being "slower" based upon animations, but not sure if that is valid.


    Any feedback would be appriciated.

    thanks in advance.

  9. Thoughts?

    IA: Operative (dsp) and Smuggler: Scoundrel are dead classes.


    Groups and Raids don't want them, and they don't have the mechanics to be viable in PvP.

    The nerf took away their burst, which may have been needed, but there are no other abiities of this class (other than their nerfed burst) that makes them viable in PvP.


    thoughts for ressurecting this dead class for dps?


    Patch 1.2


  10. Simple question.

    in Patch 1.2, which class got hit the hardest?


    I vote for dsp IA:OP / Smug:Scoundrel.

    They were nerfed a couple times already and were worthless before 1.2.

    LOL, Bioware really wants to just totally bury the IA/Smug dps class.

  11. I have level 16 Marauder.

    Was thinking of leveling Artifice, but I hear mixed responses when I as other people in the game.

    Do you think Artifice will be worth leveling now that we know that crew skills are being reworked for 1.2?


    If so, i'm not sure the benifits of Artifice other than making lightsabers for my Marauder.

    Can it also be a money maker?

    Not sure of the strategy of going Artifice or if will even be worth it.

  12. Thoughts?

    IA: Operative (dsp) and Smuggler: Scoundrel are dead classes.


    Groups and Raids don't want them, and they don't have the mechanics to be viable in PvP.

    The nerf took away their burst, which may have been needed, but there are no other abiities of this class (other than their nerfed burst) that makes them viable in PvP.


    thoughts for ressurecting this dead class for dps?

  13. Coming from the Republic side, I want to play a DPS class on the Empire side.

    I've narrowed it down to two...



    IA: Operative


    How about some pros & cons for both, what which will be more viable at level 50.


    I plan on doing a bunch of PvP, also.

  14. What is the most useful crafting skill other than Biochem?


    I have a friend that can already supply me with Biochem stuff. Also, looks like Bioware is nerfing Biochem and taking away reusable stiim/adr.

    Want to suppliment both of us with a different crafting skill.


    What crafting skill, and why, would be the next best one?


    (Probably playing Marauder)

  15. Hola Marauder Community


    Was looking for some Marauder leveling info and highlighs.

    What unlocked abilities are available and when.

    I'm leveling up the Ann tree.


    (Example: on the Smuggler/Scoundrel early leveling is challenging. But at level 20 you get a skill (cant remember the name) that changes the leveling process. Then at level "blah" you get "sucker punch"...etc.)


    I guess I'm looking for skill highlights, when when they become available.


    Right now I'm new at level 13, and feeling a bit squishy/weak.

  16. I'm not sure how affection gain works.


    I've "hit escape" when I get a -1 on my cut scenes.

    I'm looking for the +15 to increase my standing with my compaion.

    But when I do a "before and after" on my affection, there is no increase.


    I'm not trying to build a relationship with my companion, just want to have the best success for my crew skills.


    Is there a difference between crew skills success and affection?

    I guess i'm wondering where all those +15 companion points go to if not to increase your affection with your companion.

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