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Posts posted by Warmaster_Vigor

  1. ok i have been here since early beta and im still playing, what Bioware have done works and to be honest they have released so much in such a short space of time its jaw dropping, and to be honest hating what they have made isnt the way to go, except it as a work in progress and leave it as that, because lets face it no one gets things right the first time around, hell i remember in early beta that on Korriban you left the phase point and if you didnt walk exactly in the middle up that small flight of stairs you where going to get stuck, simple little annoyances like that where fixed, so give them time to iron out bugs and then judge it is all im saying.


    That being said i know what i would like to see, lvl60 crystals that can be crafted for one

    level 50 crystals arent cutting it anymore,

    two i would like to see more of a story based drive towards your companions like what we saw on Rishi, i mean they are apart of your crew so why are they always struck dumb after the main story.

    Third would have to be where we can get a wookie and or a trand for our crew (aside from the ones we get on the Rep Side) so a trip to the Wookie home world would be worth a look in my opinion

  2. (1) making a wookie companion that can use the crossbow, maybe involving it in their home world,

    (2) making hooded garments so they can remove the hoods (not everyone wants to hide their hair styles that they just paid for)

    (3) making a Warzone where its not like Capture the flag, a flat out pitched battle is always good fun as well

    (4) increasing the cap on companion crafters for lvl 55's from 5 to say 6+ most of us who have HK51 and Treek don't like having them sitting around when we are offline

    (5) making crystals for lvl 55+ for crafting would be nice as well, currently having 41+ crystals are good but not when most of the stuff available is over that

    (6) possibly introducing a way to earn in game cartel coins for those of us who have been around since day 1 other than completing achevements

    (7) for guilds to have more in the way of things to do as a guild, like guild only Operations or missions that require you to be part of the same guild would be amazing

    (8) making Scims for rare crystals I.E purple ones more accessable in game (been trying since day 1 to get those and still no luck)

    (9) making more use of the planets in the early stages is a good idea (bounty hunters missions I love) but can you expand on that a bit more to include Typhon and Korriban

    (10) checking into the history of the SW game there is a lot of unused Law you can tap into, (for example the vally of the jedi from Star wars Jedi outcast) they would be a really good driving point for caracter development

  3. The only reason I can think of for Star Wars to put up a fight is to combine every faction including The Old Republic, the Sith Empire, The Galactic Empire, the Infinite Empire, the Chiss Ascendancy and the like, to band together and put up a fight. But unless they discover time travel that aint happening.


    Well if i may just say even if they did manage to combine all their forces from the past with those of the current SW universe then you must allow the 40K universe do the same, so we are no longer dealing with just the Imperial guard of the current 40k universe but the massive legions of Astarties of the past, where a chaptor of space marines number only 1000 psypathic killers now we are talking along the lines of 50,000 plus per legion and there are something like 20 legions each led by a primarch which is a true demi-god and thats not to mention the Emperor in his prime along with the Adaptus Custodians (proto Primarchs) which are his personal guard and he used to conquer earth without losing a single man might i add, twin that with the fact that your talking about combining all the factions of SW so we can combine all the factions of 40k as well, so lets see the endless swarms of the tyranids, the lightning fast raids of the eldar and dark eldar, the never ending march of the necron's undying legions, all currupting might of the forces of chaos, the rampaging orcs, the unbelievable firepower of the Tau all marching along side the for mentioned forces of the imperium


    now to add to the imperium's forces


    the forces of the the Grey Knights and Sisters of battle

    all the chaptors of space marines (ultramarines, Space wolves, Dark Angels, Black Templar, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands, Ravens Guard, Blood Angels are names of but a few)

    the Forces of the imperial guard including massive tank batallians all of which have the ability to reduce a city the size of London and hong kong combined to rubble within 12 hours

    the Titan Legions of the Adaptus Machanicus

    the Imperial Navy (past and present)


    now if i have forgotten anything please forgive me as its like 05:30am here and im a little tired

    but in a single caption no matter what little advantage you may think the SW universe has over the 40k one your not going to win regardless, mainly because your looking to take on a bunch of people and aliens that fight on a totally different level to that of the SW factions, for instance a general in the imperial guard wouldnt even blink if he lost a million men in a attack he would just send more and keep sending them to their deaths its just the mentality of the imperial guard they really dont care for their men they will keep coming, as for destroying Agri worlds in fast attacks and stuff like that (hands up) (oh well big loss) worlds can be repopulated and guarded easyly by a small contingent of their hugely overpowered ships, that is if they even consider caring in the first place, all they will want to do it whiping out all life in their way thats all they will care about especially considering that all your planets have been tainted by aliens and unpure tech, (orcs and the other races will just kill you without just cause) so yeah your SW universe past and present wouldnt stand a chance at all really its the carebears (Ewoks) VS crazed battle hardened Warriors (nearly everyone in 40k) sorry

  4. While its obvious the Imperium would curbstomp pretty much any SW nation in a land war, Star Wars has one incredible advantage over 40k: It's FTL travel and communications are infinitely faster and more reliable than that of the Imperium.


    In fact, Hyperdrives are so fast that Star Wars ships would be able to outmaneuver everyone in 40k besides the Necrons and Eldar, who, respectively, have the problems of most of their assets being inactive and having a really small population.


    I'm not all that sure about how powerful 40k starships are, though from what I know they aren't that much more powerful than Star Wars ships if they're even more powerful at all.


    Having such a huge mobility advantage also has the nice benefit of marginalizing the Space Marines outside of their home systems, and would pretty much allow a Star Wars power to go around sterilizing Agri worlds until all the Forge and Hive worlds were crippled by famine. It also makes Impeium forces particularly vulnerable to the effects of attrition, since they can't resupply their forces in a timely manner.


    sorry but i had to read back all the way to the start of this tread to find this and i think your arguement of how Powerful the Imperiums ships are compaired to that of the SW universe's ships are is really laughable considering the a standard size of a imperial class star destroyer being really big compaired to other ships in the SW universe as the same size as a cobra class destroyer in W40k i mean the main guns on a Emperor class battleship (40k) is a little smaller that the empire state building, and fires shells that can rip through ships in the following patten (there is something moving over their....... ok point the guns and fire in that direction and saturate the area with gunfire)

    which means that nothing in that area can servive for very long, as for being out manovered when your dealing with stuff that fires shells that big and carry that much firepower, manoverability isnt a issue i mean the solo's ship is equal in size to that of a Spacemarine Thunderhawk Gunship and carries much less firepower even SW fighters arent a match for the NON FTL fighters of the imperial navy being that the average squadren size in SW is between 10 and 20 fighters and a star destroyers can only launch 2 to 4 squadrens from its 2 hangers where the cruisers from 40k (agreed that they are bigger and carry both a bigger crew complement and larger hanger bays and are generally larger ships with a crew of over 10,000 crew just to man the weapons and engines no to mention the imperial guard troops they have on board) can launch (depending on Class of cruiser of cause) between 2 and 4 squadrens of 30 to 50 fighters, all of which are faster and more manoverable than that of a tie fighters and carries heavyer armourments, im sorry but Warhammer 40k FTW in a space or ground campaign in a ship to ship engagement, as for the FTL comunications i agree that they have their advantage but when we are dealing with pure size and strengh of imperum's ships they are going to best even the biggest ships of the SW universe past and present, now i would like to point out that massive engagements in SW consists of a few hundred ship's when they wanted to pull their entire forces of the Galactic empire together it would THEN be a match for one of the Battlefleets of the imperium considering that the size of battlefleet tempest alone consists of over 10,000 warships and support craft

    im sorry SW fans but its really a case of the powder puff girls VS blood crazed Psycopaths with no holds bard in the tunderdome its not going to be pritty but it will be over quickly and very very messy for the SW universe

  5. The new favorites of the Chaos Gods? Not really. The 40k universe already has tons of warriors and psykers who have been shown to be far more powerful than most Force users. The vast majority of the Sith would end up being small-time minions lost in the infinite ranks of Chaos. Nothing more.

    A typical Space Marine is more than a match for a Force user on the level of a seasoned Jedi Knight. And they have access to weapons that can cut through pretty much anything as well, so the Lightsaber isn't that impressive. Also, Dark Side insanity is nothing compared to the reality-r@ping insanity of the Warp. I'd say a lot of those Sith are probably gonna sh*t their pants in agonizing horror when they get a small taste of Chaos.




    Again, the Sith are not that scary when compared the forces of Chaos. Certainly not scary enough to rise to daemonhood status. To say that they would have no problem crushing entire legions of traitor Space Marines and even the Primarch demigods is, quite simply, laughable.


    I find it highly unlikely the Force would be able to do anything to the Warp.

    Agreed i havent found any law that tells of a Sith exploading or being ripped apart by the powers he was trying to control and thats the risk that the Warp has over its tame counterpart, ok force lightning is good at lighting a room but not compaired to powers of Warp its nothing but a prity littly lightshow with the mild risk of electricution compaired to the risks of Warp Energies hitting your body, (chao spawn say it all really)

  6. On the inverse, the traitor legions would be crushed by the New Sith, a single Sith would rise to daemonhood very quickly and the only ones capable of putting up a fight would be the fallen primarchs themselves. Plus the darkside of the force would start to warp the warp even further. Anything psychic or psionic would be touched and affected by the force. Then it would create a balance, like it always does.


    These two universes would succumb to each other and nothing would be left but wastelands and woe. The Darkgods would even be guided by the force, at first trough subtle manipulation and then full on control, because the force itself is also a path to more power.


    It would be a rich in lore battle, where it can go either way because each faction involved are fanatical zealots.


    ok your pitching the fact the Sith Empire would pick on 1 legion at a time here, but your forgetting the fact that your missing some of the major players out of the battles like that of the primarchs and their legions and the chosen one of chaos Abaddon the dispoiler along with his black legion against all the odds you throw up you are ignoring the fact that in the last 10,000 years the best of the imperium havent seen the full strengh of chaos united against them since the battle of terror (battle for earth for those who you dont know the law) and if they are going to be united against the forces of SW then your dealing with Legions of Chaos Space marines and their armies of slaves not just the Legions of the Damned but the everything that is Choas itself that includes the daemons of chaos and their host gods aligned against then, your entire arguement is based on the fact that chaos will except then new bloods into their ranks, as the lore of chaos dictates only the strongest servives, and the sith's main weapon isnt a match for most weapons used by the traitor legions (Long range Bolter, Plasma guns, and many other projectile weapons) (close combat weapons ,Powerswords, Brute strengh and skill of the Astarties, Lightning claws, powerfists, chain swords and axes) are more than a match for anything the Sith Empire can throw at them, as for the force against the forces of chaos, i havent seen a single instence in any SW Law that indicates that the person exploded and killed everyone around him from using to much of his powers, where as in 40k they are more prown to it because the Warp is that much more powerful, and if someone does from such a fate happen to the sith or jedi that use such powers?, i mean come one its like using a ice pick good for what it does but next to the wrecking ball that is the Warp its nothing but a minor annoyence to those that will be aligned to face it, and thats just the elite of your forces being a sith can use such powers, the foot troopers of 40k are Astaties and Legion of the Damned (currupted Imperial guard troopers, chaos slaves, and general cannon fodder) most of which are armoured and armed to the hilt with from lowest to highest (Close Combat weapons, laspistol, lasgun, chain weapons, bolters, power weapons, Heavey Bolters, Lasconnons) and thats just the standard troopers you will be facing, SW troopers weapons of choice (combat knife, Blaster, Blaster rifle, vibrosword, blastercannon and lightstaber) i think i need to mention that the when the sith themselves face off against the forces of chaos their armies wouldnt stand a chance, as for their elites (as in the sith themselves) facing off against the Elites of Chaos your out gunned against and again nothing the sith empire would or could throw up can stand against chaos, i need say no more no more the idea that the chaos gods would favour the Sith in anyway shape of form over their Astarties is both laughable and no realistic...... sorry

  7. Star Wars, any series, wins hands down no contest. Simple reasons;

    1) WH40K weapons are ridiculously short-ranged, the Leman Russ Battlecannon only shoots about 150m. AT-ATs will have 10-15 turns (or whatever) of firing before the Russ's can even shoot back.

    2) Rivets and bolts; NOTHING that's bolted/rivetted together can take even a modest hit without falling apart rapidly. The USSR Army of 1943 could waste the Imp Guard, let alone the SW Empire/Rep/Rebs...


    Any SWv40K battle would be like Zulus vs (any modern army) fought on open plains at night.

    sorry to burst the bubble that your using but the lemon russ battle tanks use squadrens for every 1 AT-AT you field you can field 3 Lemon Russ battle tanks twin that with the fact that your using a Titan size transport against Battle tanks of cause your going to win that fight, no put it against something more PFP (pound for Pound) its nearest counterpart in the superheavy tank range is the baneblade (with varents) or the Warhound Scout titan (enfersence on the name scout titan) the main weapon on the AT-AT is equal to the 2 lascannons on the Baneblade (and thats me being generous) means that its main guns are not going to be a match for Bane cannon or the demolisher cannon has, ok you have the range of your main guns but your ignoring the plyability of the Imperial Guard Army has against your weapon of choice, the part where during the battle of Hoth Skywalker was quoted saying ''that armour is to strong for blasters'' he never mentioned the fact that they where using anti trooper weapons not anti tank weapons against a heavy armoured target, now when the imperial guards main weapons are equal or slightly less powerful than the imperial lasguns the Imperial guard has the plyability to use weapons that can melt away armoured targets really quickly let alone deliver highly manoverable troopers and tanks to the battlefield quicker and more effectively than that of the SW universe, i have said this once and ill say it again the last 50,000 years of the 40K universe has been war if it came down to it the 40k universe would win hands down every time

  8. The Sith Empire would become the servants of Khorne. Imagine Sith Warriors, corrupted wit dark gifts, collecting skulls for the throne. They have the force to boost them beyond the superhuman enhancements of a marine, a weapon that can cleave and hew the armor apart and they were mostly insane before the dark god entered their universe.


    They would become the new favorites of All the dark gods. Tzeentch for their secretive ways, Slaneesh for their self indulgence and deep emotional recklessness. Nurgle... Well not really.


    The Jedi would be crushed and the Sith would serve new masters because it would be a path to more power.


    i agree totally the Sw universe would fall really quickly against the powers of the chaos gods

  9. ok now im going to bring the forces of Chaos to bare against Starwars, ok for starters the chaos fleets sport more fire power than that of the Starwars universe the death star isnt as small or as manoverable as the Planet killer, and isnt as destructive as the Black Stone fortrices are considering they have the power to send stars supernova, space battles would be based on heavy guns and shields that are designed to take damage against weapons that are capable of ripping a planets crust apart, so losses will be minimal on the ground the Lost and the Damned would be the cannon fodder of the chaos forces as they throw themselves at the armies of Starwars to soften them up for their masters ''Traitor legions of chaos space marines'' now everyone is on about how good the AT AT is now compaired to the 40k equivilent its nothing but a 4 legged coffin, out of the titan legions strengh the one that i can think of being the closest titan i can think of that is a even match for the AT AT is the warhound titan even then the AT AT is out classed because the Warhound is faster and more manoverable and carries the same type of shielding as their ships do, now if you want to talk about sith and jedi vs the powers of chaos then we are talking about the 4 gods of chaos and their patren armies and ideals fighting as one against Starwars so nurgle's plagues, slannesh's pleasures, khorn's blood lust and tzeench's ever changing ways uniteing against the jedi and sith, the sith would be the first to fall to the powers of chaos, its alure of promissed power and immortality is enough for most mortals to fall

    the jedi wouldnt stand up for very long ether their want to study their enemy would be their downfall as the curuption of chaos is absolute and cant be resisted for long. im sorry Starwars fans but there wouldnt be a single way for Starwars to win in a battle against the forces of chaos

  10. ok now if 40k hit the SW universe everyone thinks its going to be the imperium that will hit them first, lets say they sit it out and left to the other races to play with SW and in my previous post i mentioned the tyranids so this time im going go bring the Dark Eldar into the fray, the sith lords will know fear like nothing before a they find that their Starships both out paced and out manovered by those of the Dark Eldar, as well as the weapons that have been known to smash most space defences into peaces with nearly no or little losses to them, on the ground the Dark Eldar's lightning fast strikes and weapons would reap a heavy tole on a armoured coloum, any and all captured men women and children wouldnt servive the encounter for very long as the hemonculases get to work on them, they are the only race in the 40k universe that sole focus is piracy and as such wouldnt be able to stand against a large army but isolated pockets of populas wouldnt stand a chance
  11. Again you asume 40k is going to focus on the star wars armies.

    Between the imperial of man, chaos, tyranids, eldar, necro's and who know's what else killing eatchother.


    It is quiet possibol for star wars to survive.


    And if you read correctly i never said they could win militery speaking(second line)


    The star wars universe much rely on staying below the threat radar until they can level the field.


    i was under the impression that it would be the 40k universe vs the Starwars one if so

    then 40k will be bringing all the enemies of the imperium into the fray aswell, the armies of the imperium could just sit back and watch the carnage from orbit and let one of the other races do the ground pounding while they just happley sit their and watch the fun on the sirface of any planet they hit, having said that if the tyranids came out of the warp on any planet the space battle would be short and sweet as the average Tyranid fleet size consists of over 10,000 ships of all different shapes and sizes, the standing armies of the planet would be subdued in less that 3 days based on the fact that the SW fortifications arent as sturdy as the 40k ones, within an hour 2 million tryanid creatures would be on the planet and the atmosfear would start to turn toxic, and within 1 week the planet (unless considerable reinforments are sent to help) the planet is left as a lifeless rock with no air, water or dirt left on the planet sirface as they move onto their next target or targets depending on what the hive mind deems to happen after that first planet is destroyed


  12. im sorry everyone but if 40k and Star wars came to blows then you might as well bury Star wars right now


    their ships are bigger and their are more of them


    they have THE most nastest armies in the gaming universes


    the death star is nothing compaired to the both the power of the planet killer and the black stone fortrasses


    and where Star Wars has marality the 40k universe has none they will give no quater and wouldnt want any in return

    the only thing the 40k universe has known in the past 50 thousand years has been nothing but war and as such is more than geared up for it


    now thatss just the imperial side of things the other side is that the other races in the 40k universe are all equal in the fact that they would be more than happy to rip the hear out of any enemy they came to blows with

    (please forgive the spelling mistakes)

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