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Posts posted by deecee

  1. I also do not see an HK statue. hmm.


    I have been subbed since the beginning with no breaks or anything in my subscription so i cant imagine why he would not be in there.


    If thats the case its a bug because the hk statue was clearly posted in the list of items supposed to be on the vendor.

  2. I'm not surprised more will be picked through tomorrow. The end date for signing up was today. Still seeing all this makes me glad I did not reinstall that junk for a chance.


    There was never a signup though, only thing you had to do was download geforce experience. It was never meant for current swtor players it was meant for new players because the prize pool is anyone who has ever downloaded the geforce experience which would be a massive amount of people.

  3. From http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171212-0?intcmp=sor_bwa-mkt-t-us-lp-231




    Not seeing the statue of KH-51 or "all previous anniversary rewards" like the 3-year anniversary artwork.

    Is there more than one anniversary vendor?


    I don't see the statue either on any of my characters on the star forge server, been playing since launch but unsubbed before shadow of revan expansion because they hadn't released a new raid in over a new year and no new ones were announced in the current roadmap. Wonder if that's why?


    They really punished players for taking a break from the game during that expansion, missed out on hk-55 the jetpack and the revan vendor next to security vendor plus probably more stuff.

  4. It was a confusing contest, only requirement was download geforce experience. Only thing is almost everyone who has a geforce card has downloaded geforce experience at least once. So the prize pool had 0 to do with swtor players, wish they wouldn't even told us about it tbh.


    Everyone who has downloaded geforce experience is in the prize pool and very few if any actual swtor players will even get one.


    They should have given them to all geforce experience users, that would have made much more sense. That way new players and swtor players get them also. Someone in marketing needs to up their game imo.

  5. I will say I've personally seen a slight uptick in the amount of people sitting through the cutscenes in FPs. I've wondered if that's an RP thing. It doesn't bother me any, gives me a chance to rest my hands, but I know there's always going to be the "OMG SPACEBAR!!!!!!!!" ragers. That's the one thing I've noted since merge that might affect gameplay (sort of).


    Watching cutscenes should not be exclusive to rpers hell I want to watch all the cutscenes its a freaking kotor game! :p


    If it weren't for the story this game would have been done long ago.

  6. The only thing silly is the use of hypercorrection over the now removed server labels from the login screen.


    Just because server types labels were removed didn't make Ebon Hawk any less of a RP server. Since Ebon Hawk's playbase makes up the overwhelming population of Star Forge - Star Forge therefore is an RP dominant server.


    There are still few Star Forge RP/PVP topics left in addition to RP clashing with PVE/P in general chat to the point of want to ban general chat, alongside several server transfer threads where NON-RP'ers and RP'ers want to transfer away from each other - all of which completely buries the 4 posts backing you up.


    Regarding the parting shots I registered for the game on 2011


    Display Name: jimmorrisson 
    Account Creation Date: 03.31.11


    Since 2013 - I have played practically everyday - for several hours each of those days which contrasts with your gametime which shows extended breaks for almost a year at a time. You are a casual player.




    Star Forge general chat is dominated around RP whether it comes to guild recruiting, gameplay, defending or mocking RP.


    In almost every PVP match there are those who either rage in chat or quit midmatch over being forced to play alongside RP'ers. On the other side, even before the merge there were complaints on Ebon Hawk about other servers players transferring there just to roll over PVE and Story-oriented RP'ers in PVP.


    Ok troll confirmed,


    Far from a casual, had well over 10k hours in before you started the game. Still a pointless way to measure if a point is valid or not lol. Don't let forum posting be a gauge of my in game participation, I only bother posting when I need to do business or to clear up a nonsense post I see like yours.


    Yes the server has RPers but there are 0 official or unofficial rp servers, they removed the designation long ago in anticipation of the merge. What does that mean? In game mods will not respond to any tickers related to "im butt hurt cause that guy/gal ruined my rp" if it were a true rp server action would be taken. Thats the difference btw :p

  7. Star Forge is the unofficial RP server of which RP players form the majority of players

    RP'ers do not like the "toxicity" PVE-P'ers bring

    PVE-P'ers do not like the RP the RP'ers bring.


    source: EVERY STAR FORGE TOPIC ON THE FORUMS along with Star Forge's general chat itself.




    Jim "jimmorrisson" Morrison who has been on Harbinger and Shadowlands since 2013 and Ebon Hawk since 2015.


    Every one of said threads have been deleted by the moderators also. 4 people have posted against your silly false post and not one person backed you up.


    The RP designation was removed from Ebon Hawk and other servers long ago, be glad you have a server to play on. The only chest thumping about SF being a rp server only goes on in the forums none of that nonsense goes on in general chat with exception of the random person complaining about rpers.


    RP servers no longer exist, welcome to Star Forge please remember to be gracious and humble on our server. ;)



    A human being that has been a member of these forums since 10/22/2008, and a first wave closed beta tester.

  8. Star Forge was on Heavy Saturday night, I hope they don't turn the transfers on. Things are going well, people are getting along and we have the most populated server.


    I say leave them off at least until next year or make the prices 2000CC per character so if people have to move a character they only move one. Everyone knew what server their characters were heading to and had the chance to move them long before the merge happened.

  9. Subscribers should get one free transfer either from:


    East Coast server to Unofficial Official RP Server (also located on East Coast)


    Unofficial Official RP Server (also located on East Coast) to East Coast Server.


    Not going to happen PVE and PVP don't get their own server, RP is not getting special treatment.


    East and west coast don't even get their own server, you think they will give special treatment for RP? :ph_lol:


    Transfers need to be locked for a minimum of a year, possibly even a few years imo.

  10. There are no official RP servers, the RP designation was removed long ago for a reason. If you want to rp do that garbage in private, if SWTOR wanted RPers they would still have RP servers. If SWTOR wanted RPers they would have made RP specific content. They should have never merged these RP people with the rest of us, they should have their own server or have designated areas or fleet instances for RP.


    I shouldn't have to deal with these creepy RPers and nobody else should have to either. RPers think the normies ruin their gameplay, well guess what you are ruining ours btw.

  11. The last few weeks or so I have been having crash issues and can't even play cause I lag so bad. Either I load in to a black back ground screen with my skill bar, map, chat showing. Once it loads up I start to attack something the thing is dead before my toon has even leaped to attack it or by the time my toon gets the the game crashes. I have played for 2yrs I have had issues before but never this bad. I know I need a better computer but just can't afford right now and was able to play on lower graphics settings, mainly solo but I would love to play multi player if I could but at this time I can't. I tried to get help with support but all they do is tell you something you already tried. Pretty much after all the trouble shooting and reinstalling the game 4+ times I figured out my computer just isn't up for all the new changes? I'm Not against the server merge! I run Intel Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz, 3.5GB ram, Win 10 32bit, Nvidia GeForce GT 730. My PC is wired in internet and I run 100Mbps. All of my drivers, Win and Graphics card is updated. :D Lol I know not good stats but like I said i did manage to play this game for 2 yrs. My question here is with my stats on my pc known; Will I be able to play this game anymore or will I have to wait until I can afford a new, better pc? Maybe this question can help more players besides me. Thank you for your answers! May the Force be with us all! :csw_falcon:


    Pentium D? you sir need a system upgrade badly.

  12. look bioware all this maintenance crap should of been done and over with this mo9rning in the allotted 1zm to 1pm time frame that was givien this is total bs that we still can't even log into the game or our servers that we play on due to you there at ea and bioware taking your own damn sweet time! get with the program and get the damn game up and running for christs sake! yes i'm upset I have every right to be!


    Actually you don't because server merges are a big deal, pretty sure the FFXIV revamp took 24hrs or more. Stop being entitled and start being patient.


    I want to play also and check things out but no amount of crying is going to make it happen any faster. :eek:

  13. I’ve been thinking about how the Star Wars franchise has been changed after Disney bought it.


    Considering the fact that EA hold the license to make Star Wars games and that they have clear intentions of making Multiplayer games now instead of single player ones plus non-canonization of the lore that isn’t in the shows and movies, perhaps we could see this being a option?


    Although I still think this wouldn’t be likely, there are indications TOR is gonna be part of the cannon (i.g Book of Sith, SW shows mentions) so the window of opportunity is there at the very least. I’m not feeling comfortable to speculate too much on this matter since I only recently came back to the game and still updating myself after years away from star wars in general.


    I will say though that a change in the storyline of the classes (pre expansions) could be a thing considering they date before the Disney acquisition of the Franchise, which personally I wouldn´t mind if it only means giving stories like Revan, Meetra Surik and other characters of KOTOR series a second chance to properly shine, but that’s as far as I’m willing to comment on the matter.


    I want to know now what the community thinks and if agree on the reboot, what would you guys want to be changed in the game to make it more enjoyable?


    I don't get the vanilla reference, this is the same game it was at launch with a few added abilities and many class nerfs. PS I have a feeling that Visceral game will end up being the next Star Wars MMO LuL.


    You know how SWTOR failed us? The hero engine, everyone wanted open world PVP at launch but 3 to 7 fps on high end PCs made it unplayable. That left the game with mostly star wars fans and raiders, but then swtor stopped making raids leaving that community nothing to do so boom they leave. Now all thats left is die hard kotor and star wars fans who are being milked by the cartel market until they shut the servers down.


    Screw vanilla servers, make a successor to SWTOR make it capable of open world pvp and keep the raids coming. Full raids BTW none of that one boss every few months garbage.

  14. I would like to see something on a larger scale like Alterac Valley in WoW.


    16 v 16 would be nice or something in open world areas that is reminiscent of war plots in Wildstar like 16 v 16 on a map where you control points build resources and have a blast doing it!


    This little 8 man and 4 man content is stale and you would bring back a ton of players that left over 8man ranked and a ton more that left over last years announcement of no open world content.


    Players need some type of reward for level 55 v 55 open world PVP. Something thats NOT standing in a line clicking an item. If the reason we don't get open world content is that the performance is hit by too many players then just make a new planet and limit each sides instance to 40 players each.

  15. please bring back the T/C/R armor! i barely got to see the armor. only juggernaut and sentinel armor. and still i loved both looks. now im watching a dude who has a marauder with that armor. looks too good to be taken away!


    No thanks!


    How about we keep a few items in game rare. Why does everything have to be re-released?

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