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Posts posted by Derfmiolleh

  1. Are you guys all f***ing idiots do some research and you will see Tera isn't a grindfest.... Just admit SWTOR is bad, and move on.


    Your reply shows that you are financially supporting the game. Thank you, I know I will be enjoying the product or your contributions. I also know Tera bad is a poor game that will not last a year. I have forseen it.

  2. I kept running to the wrong side with the Hutt ball. I would die before I got there and people started freaking out. Not only did I not know what side to go to but I had no clue how to pass the thing.


    Attacking a turret I always saw the enemy arrive on speeder bikes. I would complain about hacks in chat. I started complaining at work about these "hackers" and everyone started giving me a hard time about being such a scrub.

  3. I think it's undeniable that activity has declined on many servers. A good LFG tool with cross server or cross faction abilities would help with group content but would do nothing for local social things like the market or world heroics. Many are starting over on full servers and even a couple servers had Qs last night(FRI)....Fat man being one of the most popular re-roll spots it seems.
  4. I agree. SWtOR has redefined leveling. It's hard to break out of the old idea that a game starts at level cap but with SWtOR the game really does take place from the moment you create a character. Time flies when your having fun! I wish we had the option to turn class level xp gaines off or turn kill xp off. That way with alts we could move through class level slower and milk legacy as we play. Legacy would just take off in popularity if they introduced entirely new unique playable races.
  5. I love the story. I sat through all of the Republic story on my trooper, and I mostly skip it on my alts now (except if the quest is awesome story-wise). I don't skip any of the class stories though, and I might do the Republic story again at one point in the future. That said I always skip alien dialogue. It is so annoying to listen to.


    Thats me too. I love the stories. Interacting with the NPCs give the game a layer of emersion I enjoy. I don't constantly play but when I do I just take my time, relax and have a good time.

  6. Your essay is poorly written, unoriginal and untrue. Your opinion is far less important than you think. The games is amazing and beautiful. The content is very well done. The game play is entertaining. I do think having the ability to turn off class experience point gains would be nice but I believe people like you wouldn't use them anyways. I would turn it off because I really enjoy the game and would love to level slower but you would likely complain and continue to write your useless thoughts.Nobody cares about what you think professor, get over yourself.
  7. Did you know that perception is the hallmark of marketing and advertising? For the first time in history a customers perception of a product can be negatively seeded from unscrupulous competitors from right in the mindst of the customer base. The perception of many very good products are now hyjacked on the net and once the trend has started the influanced cunsumers take over the smear campaign.
  8. Diablows 3 is launching with no PvP and even though its not an MMORPG you have to be online even for single player. its a solid title for sure but it will have its flaws.You wont find hordes of SWtOR fans on the diablo forums causing hate and discontent most of us just simply wont play and leave you zombiez to your Hell.


    My sons friends have been trying the free SWtOR thing and they mostly all love it. I have a feeling this summer we will find our game filling with youngsters. PvP will become very competetive, though they don't have the attention span for the story line, generally speaking.


    Yes, This game will survive.

  9. This conversation about FPS will go on and on forever. They have no intention of admitting the engine is garbage. If you ask the people who say "My FPS is fine.", they do not have a screenshot nor any FPS info available. This works in BWs favor by having massive amounts of people who know nothing about computers commenting in these threads saying everything is working properly.


    Funny the friend invites and free weekends already? This game is starting to look very close to WAR. Diablo III May 15th. I bet the patch gets put back till then.


    Runs great on my PC...like a dream in fact.


    Oh and Diablo 3 will be meh. Not launching with any PvP at all....What? LMAO

  10. The game runs great on my rig, thats all I know. I had problems earlier to release but I researched my personal computer and found the problem. In my case it was the router. I was angery and came onto the forums and did the same thing lots of people do but at the end of the day the truth was that I needed to take personal responsibility for some of the performance issues I was experiencing. The console customer base does not understand this but PC gamers know how unique and specific each individual rig can be.
  11. Oh! i have another suggestion



    Pazzak points and speeder racing points to unlock legacy talents?



    might bring some additional diversity


    Agreed. Just ingame gambling would be cool.


    I think it would be nice if we could turn off class leveling experience gains, that way we could level slower and earn more Legacy with our alts. Making alts will be more fun as they add more legacy options such as races and maybe even gear.

  12. I thought BW said the forum would be restricted to active subscriptions only. Did that not happen?


    Once the time runs out then the hyjackers can't post. Unfortunately some evidently paid for months in advance before they knew if they would like the game so we are stuck with them.

  13. I liked the companion system and the stories.


    What i want more of at lvl 50:


    More companion content and stories.


    I'll sign this. This is BW at its best.


    I would add that unique crafting items would be cool too. Maybe some modable stuff that is off the wall crazy looking. Sort of like the social items but in heavy and medium. maybe unique crystals that have unusual effects. Chems that change the appearance of the character or turn them into a creature. maybe even mods/enhancements that change the color of gear or add effects to the gear like electricity or a red/blue slight glow.


    Rare drop rideable creature mounts for sure would be cool. Even vanity ones that don't go too fast would be something to collect and good to sell if they where boe.


    Pretty much anything that we can make or get lucky and loot then use, sell or trade.

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