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Posts posted by DarthSianiz

  1. Once you're out of combat, the debuff goes on a timer. After a certain amount of time, just like any buff or debuff that you can see ticking down, it will disappear. Not sure how long the time is, it's something like 8 seconds or so.


    Pretty much, chances are you will end up being in combat again by the time it wears off.


    Thats my point exactly, the CD after its way too long (not really sure but about 10 sec). And it only start counting down when u get OOC.


    Edit: Its 15sec CD and start counting after u get OOC. Way too long for its purpose if u ask me...

  2. If so... this sucks. When i manage to efectifly get out of combat (wich in this game it still a pain to do so) and there isnt any healers around this debuff should not be affecting the self healing ability. I understanf the purpose of the Debuff and the reason for it to be there. But in PvP scenarios were u manage to barely escape alive from a confrontation and have the chance to get OOC i think that the self healing ability should be avaible to u @ its fullest and not give the advantage of a kill to an oposite player that just got there and saw u agonizing (less than 10% health).


    please correct me if im wrong but i think this debuff should go off as soon as u get OOC or probably just dont affect self healing @ all? What do u guys think? /discuss

  3. my 2 cents... a juggernaut can kill me in 3 global cd's if am stunned.


    if a jugger pops adrenals and trinkets he is hitting me for 6k back to back...


    That can mean many things, including the gear that u are wearing and the gear the juggy its wearing... i havent seen anyone yet get a kill ALONE in 3 GCD the TTK went down alright... but its not as high as many people think. The juggy must have been BMS full and u just ding 50...

  4. Well that says it pretty clearly for me. My healer requires my very own dedicated tank, focusing on me, to have a positive impact on my team's WZ.


    Sounds very balanced! /sarcasm off



    Devs: with the speed at which people get mowed down, there are FAR too many deaths where we don't get to:


    Make strategic decisions and take tactical actions

    Activate abilities to attack/counter an enemy


    ...you know...actually play the game?


    Unsub'd tonight, would love to come back if you fix it.


    SO... u are suppose to heal and tank 3 to 4 dps @ the same time being 1 mans army....


    /sarcasm off


    learn about balance, learn about team based pvp and most of all L2P...

  5. You have good English :) Nice use of slang - you don't seem like your vocabulary came straight out of a text book.


    My thoughts on healing - and I think this is what you are kinda saying too:


    Basically, in some matches, people with roughly equal expertise will kill the target you are healing very quickly when it is only 1v1.


    In other words, if you have a teammate who you are healing, and an enemy comes up and starts attacking him, there are times when even with your heals he simply dies very quickly.


    Am I right in saying that is kind what you're saying? Basically, sages now can't even keep one person up (or themselves) while taking damage from one person.


    Sure, if it is 2 or 3 on 1, they should die quickly. I think what many sages are upset about is that they can't even keep themselves alive against 1 dps (or keep 1 target alive against 1 DPS), even when the amount of expertise seems to be about the same on all characters involved.


    Now, to be honest OP, I have had mixed results. Some games it seems like people are sliced through in seconds... other times it seems like it is normal as it was before 1.2


    I really don't know what to make of it. For now, I'm just going to stick to healing and see how things change once i get my War Hero gear (which has better stats for Sages than our Battlemaster gear - so that should help). So far, I am having enough fun and PvP and while I do notice being way more weak in warzones, I'm still having fun and finding ways to help my team.


    OMG!!! i applaud u sir, this guys really its a healer!!! :)

  6. Healers are so easy to kill they are nothing more than a speed bump. Healers made groups bring a more balanced approach. They made groups stay up longer. They made PvP more planned and thought out. Now PvP is face, assist kill, next target, next target ,next target. PvP is pathetic.


    Once again a MMORPG takes aim at destroying itself. The mistake, doing too much too soon and unbalancing the game. More games fail on large patches and new content release expansions. I have left other games for the very same reason, and looks like I am headed in the same direction. Why stay and play a game that evidently is self destructive?. This was an enjoyable game. It was very very close to balanced. A few classes could have used a few tweaks.


    The long enjoyable PvP match battles are a thing of the past. The game lacks strategy. It is all now who can dps and assist the other side down the fastest. And it is fast. Gear and expertise the only important things and of course a dps melee class. I can not say often enough or loudly enough this patch was poorly thought out, poorly tested, and too many changes at once. A complete fail. Some where some time I hope a gaming company will realize the same mistakes are made over and over. If game companies continue to hire devs that failed in other games without investigating why, it happens again.


    I think this is mostly a perspective matter... since for me fast reaction in pvp = skill. A fast paced pvp not necesary mean that it lacks on strategy. There are just players that react faster than u do. So in my perspective yes they are using their tactics more faster and adapting to the new speed of the game better.


    After patch 1.2 i have seen the best thrilling, fast paced, exiting WZns matches in all the SWTOR history. The fast reacting PvP really put the thrill that SWTOR pvp has always lack.

    Also there are healers doing fine after the patch. Obviusly PvP its not perfect yet, but for me patch 1.2 was a step on the right direction.

  7. There is just no pleasing everyone, thats a fact.


    I fully realise and recognize the fact healers got quite squishy and subsequently discouraged from PvPing. I've witnessed it happen in my own guild, they just refuse to que nowadays when we used to run WZs all the time.


    Then again I remember how it was when the major complaint was that you just couldnt do anything to them. An team with 4 healers in them and you couldn't kill nada. WZs were finishing with one side netting 40-50 kills and the other side 4-5. The other side of the "omg pvp is terribad now" coin people seem to forget about.


    It's hard to get nerfed. And it's gonna be hard to accept support classes in WZs will require guarding and being actively looked after now, when they used to melt face off on their own in the past.


    But let's not over dramatize shall we.




    Having said that I think BW fracked up royally by fixing a lot of things that perhaps werent broke by forgoing the fine tuning approach in favor of the broadsword. I firmly believe ranked WZs were postponed due to these changes the results of which they had no way to predict given the fact there's so little testing of note done on the PTS.


    For that at least I salute you BW. Pushing ranked out at the same time as these changes would have been insane. I'm glad there is at least some common sense amongst the devs.




    Well said brrother

  8. The changes to pvp is unacceptable. If the game started out this way and was this way in Beta that would be one thing. Then my statement would be hey that is the way it was designed.


    However I will let my pocket book do the talking and just get a refund for the remainder of my time. This reminds me of SOE and their attitude and I am not going to endure another 6 plus years of that ever again. So essentially I will quit while I am ahead.



    lol 6years+...Yes u will endure this... Dont lie to yourself.

  9. This... Game is fine. You have to LOS and be strategic. Before on heavy armor I would just finished off my current target and not even care that people were shooting me. Then heal myself to full and faceroll on.


    /agreed People are just overreacting, and its because the OP faceroll healers had been tanking 4dps and being able to keep the rest of the group alive.


    Healers cant be ONE MAN ARMY...

    It was a slow, boring and very frustrating way of pvp...

    Now its more fast paced and trilled.

    Healers had to actually move around, peel and stay close to team mates to be assisted. but i dont think they like the idea or know how to do so... :rolleyes:

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ZOKDmorj0


    p.s.: It's not that bad. I'm sorry you got used to being able to faceroll your way to 500k healing while being pounded on by 5 DPS as a ridiculously out-of-wack PvP healing tank.


    p.p.s: QQ




    invincible healers made the game slow boring and incredibly frustrating...

    now they are in line... it still takes 2 dps @ least to kill a good healer, before was like 5+

  11. Right, because 99% of the people in wow did arena for the competition. No they did it for the gear. You add in arena with no gear, people will cry for gear to be added next. It is such a pain in the butt, why ruin a fun CASUAL game. This game isn't about the hardcore people, it's about the casual gamers having fun. Most of the people playing the game are casual gamers, and changing things to appease the hardcores just chases away everyone else.


    I dont care if they dont put gear on arenas... I just want my arenas and a halo rating sistem. Prices can be Cosmetic Stuff Like mount titles and other silly stuff.

  12. I hope arena never comes. It completely ruined the balance on WoW and even the Blizz devs said it was a mistake.


    This is so not true...


    Arenas did in fact balance most of the clases... Also they refered @ the way they implemented arenas was a mistake... Not really the arenas. I mean... they are still there and far from going ANYWHERE...

  13. you realize content is released for all kinds of different people not just you who don't need it right?


    special snowflake complex


    U realize there are something that takes priority over others... they just want to keep their subs after free period. Its a marketing rush patch. Look!!! dont go just yet.. we got a new flashpoint... plz bare with usss.


    The game its INCOMPLETE. and not just for me, because the issues im pointing out affect everyone.

  14. it's not like it's a new tier of gear. gives you more to do, it doesn't take anything away from what is already there


    Like i said since i don't rush things and i do work Full Time, I don't need more to do @ least for now... I cap my professions and reach level 50, Still working my last chapter of the story but stopped since im farming my PvP gear witch its lot of grind and my luck with the bags haven't been the best.... also im leveling a couple of alts too. I Need My PvP to Be complete!!!! it Feels Incomplete, Im paying for an Incomplete Game!!! And if im paying Thats unacceptable.

  15. Is it only the patch release that is postponed or the maintenance as well?


    Dont think so... if its like that other game, the maintenance will be always on Tuesdays @ the same hour, its one of the services u are paying off to keep thing running smooth on ur P2P MMO. Also the patches comes on those days too, so expect the patch to be on a future Tuesdays @ maintenance hours.

  16. people always say this and it shows most people clearly don't understand how game development works



    it's not like the people who create flashpoints, quests, art are the same people that fix things like ability delay or wz disbanding. there are many people with many different jobs. better to keep the content makers busy and have new content.


    Nope u are right. I dont understand the logic of releasing new content for 50s when i just reach 50 last weak. how long did the game went live... A month ago... Im not a hardcore player from what u can read, but i play a lot on weekends. A lot... and i hit 50 last week... I dont like to rush things, and that includes my leveling. And i dont think im the only one feeling that this games has rush things on the PvP department and on patches... It should have been release in Spring 2012... The game its incomplete @ least for PvP. And it should be address.

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