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Posts posted by The_Chosen_One

  1. <Busta Squad> Is looking for a melee and a ranged DPS to run with us Tuesday's and Friday's 8-11 on our Progression Team we are 9/10 HM DF/DP and are looking to get into the NiM content as well i am looking for people who would like to be an active part of our guild aswell. Please PM me on the forum's or send an in game mail to Chriistopher if you are intrested. Thank you
  2. Sat night around 8 EST would like to get as many ppl possible to queue solo ranked and get some matches going. Would like that everyone has atleast Conq gear for your own good and to not drag down other's. Hopefully we can get alot of people queueing and have a really busy ranked night Busta Squad should have anywhere from 6-14 of us queuing that night hope to see some more of you :)
  3. Busta Squad is looking for 3-4 DPS to fill out our 2 Progression team's one running Tuesday's Wednesday's and Friday's. The other running on Sunday's and Monday's gear is not a big issue I would take raid awareness and a good attitude over someone with flashy gear as we can all way's get somebody better gear. We are a close knit group looking for people who wan't to be part of the guild and not just show up on raid night's. If you are interested in joining either team you can message me on here or in game on Chriistopher or Thugnificent
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