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Posts posted by Sefrix

  1. While I agree that the music needs to be more common the quality of the music is amazing. The fact that I even notice the music is a testament to it's quality as it's normally a "background" thing. The two best instances I can think of were cruising along the Tat. sand dunes and hearing the original Tat. Star Wars music playing was awesome. There was another time on Alderaan where you have to blow up the tunnel under Thul's palace place/whatever and it was a simple little suspense music that faded in and out.


    Honestly I've been very impressed with the quality of the game, just needs a few tweaks (like more of what's great (the music)).

  2. That kind of min/maxing and mathematical simplification is what is wrong with this kind of end game. And just because people don't raid doesnt mean they don't deserve a challenge and the ability to meet it. The idea that I could sink months of my time and money into something only to be rendered useless by .2758% is not only insulting but borderline criminal. That is not what the end of these games should be. They should be about community building and game content and non raiders are in no way and should not in anyway be treated as inferior. With that kind of min maxing it makes everyone the same regardless of gear or anything else, it homogenizes play styles and makes playing the game pointless until a new piece of gear comes out that is what .00001% better? Pass on that thanks. But hey thanks for providing a differing opinion without just trolling. Good play.


    Did you ever play CoH/CoV? Loved that game and they purposefully didn't give you a number value to attacks. It was just simply average or whatever. I loved that about the game as I could care less the actual number value and it made it to where I didn't have to focus on that. There was also no equipment which was great.

  3. 1. Eh, not really. Most flashpoint groups form on the fleet, and while you may get an invite while out on a planet leveling the time it takes to return the fleet rarely makes it worth it.


    This is why they need some kind of system to teleport people in the party to you. Whether that is to you personally, your general location, or instance; or if it's an ability or something you click on at certain locations can be hammered out. I loved this in LOTRO and though it was a great idea.

  4. If you don't like the PvP in the game then go play a different game. I'm sure you're enough of an adult to be able to, oh I don't know, play a game you enjoy. They are making content and I think that's great.


    But oh wait! They didn't ask you personally what you wanted created in the first content patch to the game? How could they?! Seriously there are more people than you playing the game (and some of them don't even like pvp :eek:)


    Look the point is they would be just as upset if the content patch only added pvp saying they need more pve content. The game is what it is and they will add stuff how they see fit. Please don't expect them to run their decisions on content by you first. Also don't assume that the game will fail because everyone else that plays the game has your same set a views and will react the same way as you.

  5. see, sefrix, the problem is, you respect their opinion,




    they dont respect yours or anyone else's.


    for them, the game HAS to be as they want it - basically, what blizzard kicked out of wow, has to be included in this game.


    because ........ well ......... thats how THEY want it.


    and then que all the rationalizations about what a mmo should be - it should be like wow !!


    Ah but then it would just be a WoW clone :eek:

  6. Play the game that bests suits you and what you want out of it. BW didn't make this game for you and so if it's not your thing then play another game. I wouldn't go on a Modern Warfare 3 forum and say they need vehicles because the kind of shooter I like to play has them. I just play the one with the vehicles. I respect your opinion and hope that Wow, or any other game you play gives you tons of entertainment, but please refrain from saying that SWTOR is "missing" something because it's something you like that is not part of the game.
  7. Click Report, Click Spam, carry on as if nothing happened.


    BTW, I reported a guy for harassment who was using pretty foul language in General chat on Tython .. the 'f' word and the 'n' word several times, as well as several others .. and it took the GMs FOUR DAYS to respond, so don't hold your breath.


    Thank you for at least doing something about it. Sadly I bet you were the only one to report him.

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