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Posts posted by Skillmare

  1. The debate over the Emperor being dead or alive is irrelevant. He'll return at some point, whether his Voice or his body was killed. So how should he return?


    He's going to take over Satele Shan or Supreme Chancellor Saresh.

  2. Hmm, that's strange.


    I should also note that while all of this is happening, my ping is around the 30 MS mark, and only sometimes will it "red bar" and I'll get the 3 second lag spike, but that's not even what makes the game unplayable.


    I am both happy and sad to see that I am not alone in this. I definitely would like BioWare to take a look at this, but I have no faith in them because even when I tried reporting things in beta it went ignored and never fixed.

  3. I'm assuming despite the popular claim that everyone in RWZ is in full WH, it's probably not actually true so you'll be using your RWZ commendations for gear for a while.


    If you have no gear left to get then the cost of the consumables is not a concern, but I'd say that's got to be a tiny minority of the population.

    If you need gear, you should be trading your warzone commendations into ranked warzone commendations, not buying medpacs and adrenals. You also likely should be buying pieces of gear and stripping mods out of said gear.


    Does it suck? Sure, why not. But you can't sit here and say you have to do normal warzones to buy them, when it's a fact that you don't. Your gear problems aren't really much of a concern of a lot of people, and you CAN use alts to feed your main. I've sent hundreds upon hundreds of medpacs from an alt I was leveling and had no use for wasting commendations.

  4. I have seen the posts where people have made references and new threads, but I am curious as to how many people this is affecting.


    The first thing I will say is that I transferred to Pot5, which is now the busiest server in the game, so I am unsure if it's mostly just this server facing problems or if others are as well.


    The second thing I will say is that it's only Huttball, for me, that I experience this in. I have heard others complain that it's happening to them in other warzones, but haven't experienced this.


    For me, what happens in Huttball is very frustrating and unplayable. I am a Sith Juggernaut and as a melee in this state, it's making the game irritating. All of my abilities have a ~1 second delay, players are in front of me but apparently out of range on the server, doing an enrage, force charge, then smash causes me to miss my target, despite him being next to me on my screen. Force charging to different levels often causes me to teleport, I see players rubber banding, trying to get on the ball carrier is impossible, knockbacks teleport me farther than knockbacks should; I've seen balls intercepted when the player was nowhere near the throw ball spot's AOE.


    I love Huttball, but this performance has made me decide to boycott any Huttball that's not ranked warzone, which sucks since it's my favorite warzone. I am a liability on this map and instead of having fun, win or lose, I hate it.


    Some info to compare to:


    - I live in Florida.

    - I use Comcast as my ISP.

    - AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE

    - nVidia GeForce 560 GTX Ti (latest drivers, 301.42)

    - Windows 7

  5. So I logged in. I queued with 3 players from my guild. We get Huttball.




    He (Hoffa) was the last to join, but if you look at the time you'll see it wasn't the last few seconds of the queue (I took the pic about 20 seconds after he joined).


    EDIT: This was also my first game after making the above post, which I found hilarious.

  6. I got the feeling the guys who say WZ consumables don't matter either don't actually have/use them or they're somehow totally fine with the idea of after every RWZ you got to play a normal WZ to get commendations to buy the consumables you just used up in the last game.


    I'm okay if the consumables are limited to once per WZ.

    You can buy them with ranked warzone commendations.
  7. Still happening. I don't have a screenshot since they claimed to have fixed it like 4 months ago with 1.1.5 (or 1.2?) and it wasn't fixed...


    I've lost all faith in anything BioWare claims to have "fixed."


    I understand they want US to do their jobs for them, to TEST their live product and try to pinpoint the issue for them. Do they have a quality of assurance team or what? Don't they pay people to find these damned bugs? Don't they have a PTS...oh wait, it sucks and people are afraid to use it.


    But the biggest issue is, they have claimed to have fixed this specific issue on at least 2 patch notes I have seen, but haven't actually been able to fix it. It's been in game since launch.

  8. Yeah come on BW. This is worse than head start. Get this **** figured out.


    Unplayable. I was just in a match where a sorc was teleporting around the map, I'd go chase him, and he would be like half way on the other side of the map by the time the lag caught up. Just not acceptable.

    I am having this happen as well.


    I live in Florida and have Comcast as my ISP. I don't know if it's locational or ISP based, or even the game servers, but I have been feeling like not everyone experiences what I am, and it sort of makes me come off as a complainer (when I'm really not, just stating how it is frustrating and has caused my team some points).


    1. Chasing ball carrier. Can't hit him, as he is rubber banding around the map.


    2. Throwing the ball. I've thrown to a player from the pit to the end zone area, and the player standing beside me actually got the ball.


    3. I ALWAYS have ~1 second ability lag in Huttball.


    I don't know if Huttball is on a different server or what because it seems to me that it's the warzone causing the MOST problems. I have lag in other warzones SOMETIMES, but in Huttball, I always have lag, 100% of the time. There hasn't been a game where I didn't face lag since 1.3.


    Huttball, my favorite warzone, is highly unplayable at times, and I'll get even worse random ~3 second lag spikes, where my latency will go to 1 bar, full red.

  9. I know this is probably mentioned a million times, but I am going to mention it again.


    First off, there's too many servers. The game may be active across all servers combined, but specific servers have taken a huge hit to players who are either less active or have quit playing. I would suggest merging servers to help compensate for extremely low pop servers, long warzone queues, and lack of people to play PVE content with.


    If that is not possible, at least from a PVP standpoint (what I do), having battle groups would be a fix for this aspect of the game. Even if it was just my guild on my server (which is low pop but far from dead), I could still play the game comfortably while enjoying the game.


    You can't continue to allow the game to be in this direction, as the ones who can't enjoy the game are going to quit, and to enjoy the game you have to be able to play it. One doesn't want to reroll to another server and lose multiple characters and legacy levels because you take too long to implement what has become somewhat standardized MMO practices.


    I look at the forums, and I see that instead of making individual realm forums -- which does not hurt the game at all and would actually help the community aspect of forum posting -- you group servers by type and name. This is ludicrous for numerous reasons, especially since you have a prefix for the server names before the thread title. So instead of viewing ones specific to my realm, I am now forced to sift through threads not pertaining to me or my server. This makes no sense. You have higher maintenance costs and issues to deal with when you have more servers, but forums are the complete opposite. Separating the forums from the current setup would only do good for the community aspect -- and it doesn't even make the Community Manager's jobs harder or take more time to moderate the forums.


    Fix the servers.


    P.S. I find it rather silly that there was a new site design, but the forum's structure is still the same as well -- it's awful.

  10. If Tatooine didn't take forever to load, I would love to go out there and have some PVP fun. But alas, it takes so long and I don't want to be out there loading ~1 minute between queues.
  11. Just because it's too much coordination for you, doesn't mean it's too much coordination in general. Just because you're self-admittedly bad doesn't make it true for everyone else, sorry.


    Nice contradiction by the way. Brb they can be countered, but brb it's not viable in a game. Do you know what viability means?

    I'm bad now? I'm not concerned with them. You'll never see me make a nerf post or anything similar. I learn to adapt. I don't personally have issues with them. I'm an Immortal Juggernaut mostly and don't sweat them.


    But this is an MMO. 90% of its playerbase is going to be bad. If a decent Mara/Sent can kill 2 players, and an amazing one can kill 4 players -- that's not viable.


    Don't feed me this BS that Maras are oh-so-hard to play.

  12. I don't get you people. People post "QQ"s about people being overpowered, then the overpowered class posts QQ about the posters saying they're overpowered.


    Maras/Sents ARE overpowered now. They can be countered but it's not an easy feat and requires way too much coordination to counter them. Not viable in a game, truthfully.

  13. you can have 5 for armor and 1 for weapon unless you dual wield.



    So 6 total, or 7 if your a sentinal or maurader.

    omg so not only are they overpowered but they also have an advantage in gear omg


    i'm unsubbing again

  14. Wins: 135

    Kills: 2834

    Medals: 1828

    MVP: 193




    I have lost approximately 5 times (solo queuing, against other premades).

  15. I don't care either way but it makes more sense to reward the winner. Now, you're thinking, "how, then, will someone who loses more than he wins get some updated gear?"


    The MAIN point, I would say, that most of you are missing, is that losing still gives gear, but at a slower pace. What this does is force someone to try to become better, to win. They will get more gear, and hopefully get better. It's that whole "carrot" stick effect.


    Otherwise, honestly, gear should be removed from the game. If you have to progress to get gear, it will ALWAYS be unfair and unbalanced. Always.

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