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Posts posted by a_sprague

  1. All content such as races/gear/ops/FP/WZ access that was available before F2P model should be made available as it currently is to ANYONE who subbed/earned/experienced/conquered those things prior to F2P, regardless of whether or not they continue their subs.


    Any new content that rolls out after F2P launch could then be restricted if they don't sub (limited access to the new ops/FPs/WZs, unable to obtain restricted gear, unable to create with the NEW races [Cathar?]).


    That way, if I choose not to pay my sub when F2P starts, I won't lose my level 50's playability just because I stopped paying. I EARNED that character. I worked for it.

  2. I'm trying to decide between levelling a Commando, a Scoundrel, or a Sage, with the sole intent of levelling them to be healers.


    I know Sage is said to be the be-all-end-all healing expert, with AoE heals, big heals, and such, but suffer in mobility and being super squishy.


    From what I hear, Commando has the most instant-heals, along with Hammer Shot spam, and have a target-able AoE heal, but suffer from resource management issues.


    I hear Scoundrels are good single-target healers, but do not do well with AoE heals, having only one. I hear they're easier to level up soloing than Commando and Sage, though, being able to still put out solid-ish numbers with a companion for soloing.


    Can someone help confirm/deny this information I've gathered? Perhaps give me a quick pros/cons list for each of the healing classes?

  3. A lot of times in lower level FP's on my main, I'd see healers trying to DPS alongside the DPS.


    Is this common practice?


    I have two skill bars set up on my Scoundrel, one for levelling (where 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. are all attack skills, and I have my heals on a clickable bar), and one for healing (1 is still my basic blaster shot, but the other numbers are assigned to heals).


    Is it expected of healers to contribute to DPS? Or is it like WoW, where we basically just sit back and heal when needed?

  4. If I'm thinking right, it could be because all Guardians share the same Rakata set, right? Like, all advanced classes share the same gear for their type (Heavy, Medium, Light) regardless of skill spec, right?


    Surge would benefit a DPS Guardian more, but, more damage also means more threat for you. So in a way, it's mutually beneficial, just not tank-centric.

  5. Simple answer:


    Absolute power destroys absolutely.


    Essentially, you could argue that the Dark Side is stronger, in the sense that it has more raw power to it.


    However, those of great power will always destroy themselves.


    Just look at people like Hitler, who had amassed a huge army, was taking the entire world to war, and lost because his overconfidence in his power.


    The Light Side of the Force isn't as strong, as it (most likely) doesn't project as much power (emotions are powerful things), but harmony will always reign over chaos.

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