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Posts posted by Fappa

  1. Yeah I'm a little confused...I'm only recently returning to the game and I was reading the blog post about 4.0 Cartel Market changes, and that they were going to sell just bronze, silver, gold packs of particular types, but when I go to the Packs tab in the CM, all I see is the strategy alliance pack.


    The blog mentioned that they did this so it would be possible at all times to get stuff from embargoed packs. But...now it's just all gone? Why?

  2. So I haven't been keeping up on the changes at all. But I just logged in and went to my ship and all of my companions were able to be talked to. And I could just run through the entire dialogue chains on them. Even the ones that I never gave gifts to or had in my dialogues at all to get points.


    If I level up a new char is this just how it works now...you can just run through their whole trees? There's no longer tiers of approval I have to hit to unlock the next dialogue?

  3. First of all the Orange Missions have a lower chance to crit so think long and hard about running Orange difficulty missions because you want to crit. (Orange difficulty are base 10% chance to crit, yellow, green, and gray are base 15%). That being said, IIRC there are no orange difficulty missions at skill 500 in those skills save the rich lockbox mission in slicing. THAT mission is worth running because it is profitable even without critting (costs about 4k to run and generates 6k to 10k)


    My advice - since all servers are different - is to check your GTN for value on the purple materials generated from Dip and TH. Last I checked on my server they were within a couple thousand credits of each other at about 22k each, but that may have changed and may be very different on your server.


    However, we are now two months from an expansion and level cap increase so chances are materials' sales are starting to slow down.


    Thanks for the response as always psandak!

  4. So I got these 3 things up to 500. I was wondering, should I only run the orange missions at this point? I'm not using these crew skills to feed any crafting...these are purely to get items to put up on the GTN and make credits. Running the missions is expensive and I find sometimes it's a net loss. For slicing, obviously the real money is from slicing crates on Yavin 4, so I guess my question is more about Diplo and Treasure Hunting. I have Vette, so she gets her +5 crit.


    Also is it ever worth buying one of those special mission discoveries off of the GTN and running that mission? So many people put them up on the GTN so they can get pretty cheap.

  5. I understand if they don't want to reveal things for story spoiler reasons, that makes perfect sense. But why not reveal 4.0 class abilities, crew skill changes, clarifications on the companion situation, revamp of 1-60 content, etc.


    I don't doubt they will reveal these things over time as we approach late October but release is KINDA soon. I feel like I know more about the new systems of the WoW expansion from their reveal the other day, and that's probably 8 months away from release while KotFE is only 2.


    In the write ups from the Q&A at the cantina, many of their answers are like, "Is the marketing person in the room, I can't say anything about that yet if she's here". Which makes me think that they are being coy not for story spoilers, and not because they haven't finalized these systems, but purely for some marketing roll out reason. Which makes no sense to me. I don't get how hiding the features of the new expack behind a controlled drip roll out encourages more people to subscribe. Then again, I'm not a marketing expert so obviously I could be wrong.


    I know this post will be moot as they reveal things and it's really not a big deal...still, I would like to know stuff in advance so I can plan how I want to play for the next two months to maximize my enjoyment when KotFE hits.



  6. I think you should just do it. The vast vast majority of people who have installed it have no problems, including myself. Also, there is an option to revert to your previous windows if things aren't working. When 10s of millions of people install a piece of software there's always going to be outliers that have problems who go on the internet to tell everyone about their problem while the people that had no problems remain silent, cause there's nothing to say. This makes it seem like there's more problems than there actually are.
  7. I know both are kinda overkill (or at least they should be), but I was wondering which would be better for SWTOR. Gonna be building a new computer anyway and can't decide between the two. (Note that I'm not looking for overall PC building advice a la, "you should get neither, you should save money and get X"...I'm specifically asking about these two and how they'd probably compare for SWTOR)


    Thanks! :)

  8. So it's not a HUGE deal, but I largely pick which crew skills I do based on what companions I have. So on my Sith Warrior I got treasure hunting cause Vette has the +5 critical.


    With companions dying or getting reshuffled, or getting new companions, etc. is there any clarification on all this? I've also read that to some extent you can pick which companions you want to recruit and even recruit companions from other classes. Is this info going to be available in advance of release?

  9. So I know absolutely nothing about the Dread Master storyline as I only played the game around release and only recently resubbed...In my path to 60 I did my class story, then Makeb, then Forged Alliances, then SoR, then Ziost. So I'm a level 60 operative with 190 ziost gear and my companion has the high level set from Yavin 4 weeklies.


    Anyway, I was looking at https://i.imgur.com/vEA2Z4A.png which is a graph of the storylines of the game.


    Can I do the Dread Master storyline solo? My understanding is it is the following:


    1) Karaaga's palace

    2) Explosive Conflict

    3) Terror from Beyond

    4) Section X

    5) Seeker droid quest

    6) Scum and Villainy

    7) Oricon

    8) Dread fortress

    9) Dread palace


    Now obviously I can solo the zones, but most of these are Operations. But the way MMOs often work is that when you outlevel stuff, the guys can't even hurt you. So I was wondering if I could solo this whole storyline with my character? (I realize I might need to invite a friend simply so I can form an OPs group)

  10. So I'm still a little unclear on the companion situation with KotFE, and especially with the free level 60 you will be able to create. I'd like to do the Jaesa romance, for example, and I can't do that on my female Sith Warrior. At the same time, I don't really feel like levelling up another Sith Warrior since I've already seen that storyline. Could I use my free KotFE 60 and make a male Sith Warrior and then go and do the Jaesa romance quests?
  11. 1) throughout grades 1-5, if you only run lockbox missions (NOT Sliced parts) you should net gain a small amount of credits. Furthermore when you crit on those missions you get "discovered missions" if you sell those on the GTN you will net even more credits. It is at grade 6 and beyond where lockbox missions turn unprofitable.


    2) you can level slicing from 1 to 500 doing nothing but missions. In fact I did it quite recently (I dropped another mission skill for slicing on a character to optimize). The only roadblock is if you do not want to deal with sliced parts missions; if you only want to run lockbox missions you will not skill up as fast.


    3) the Rich Lockbox mission at 500 is a money making mission: costs about 4000 and yields more than that every time. The caveat is that it is an orange difficulty mission and therefore the crit chance is base 10% instead of 15% for yellow green and gray difficulty. And it takes 50 minutes to run that mission therefore it is a VERY inefficient method of building credits.


    4) if you only goal is to build credits, go with lockboxes until 475. Once you get the Bountiful and Rich sliced parts missions the purple materials off crits of those missions are highly sought on the GTN.


    The fact of the matter is that BW adjusted slicing so all but prevent what you are trying to accomplish. It can still be done but the net results are far slimmer than they were at launch.


    Nice, thank you for all the info, very helpful!

  12. Haven't gotten into crew skills at all really, and I don't want to level up a crafting or gathering prof. However, I really like the concept of just sending out my guys on a timer and having them come back. So with that said I was considering slicing and here are my questions.


    1) What is the exact (or approximate) cost to level up Slicing from 1-500? I've only just started and I already notice that you don't really make your money back on each mission. I was wondering if someone has calculated the approximate cost to go all the way to 500.


    2) I know there are slicing nodes out in the world, but can you level up to 500 purely through companion missions? Will I ever hit a road block where I need to get something or do something other than simply sending them out on missions?


    3) Once I'm at 500, I know the best way to make money are out in Yavin 4 going around to the nodes...but is it possible that at 500 they've rebalanced the rewards such that I can make money just by sending out on missions? And if so, how much can I expect from that?


    4) Should I always pick lockbox rewards or is there a reason to potentially pick missions that have other rewards?



  13. Yeah, a new player isn't going to understand commendations or orange gear. I had a couple friends come into the game recently and I had to explain it to them, and how the new gear vendors with mods on the fleet work. I think the solution is pretty easy, similar to what you said.


    1. Give the player a full set of decent looking Adaptive gear when they accept their advanced class...and have the built in mods good enough so that every player will equip the whole thing. Perhaps just give everyone the full set from the Level 7 equipment vendor.


    2. Have one of those pop up tutorials explain what to do with adaptive gear and explain that on the fleet there are vendors selling mods at regular intervals.


    3. Remove the reward commendations as a choice in the 1-50 class stories quest acceptance dialogues, and just auto reward those...and let them choose between the actual gear rewards.

  14. So a bunch of friends and I are leveling up new chars, but with 12x xp being only for class stories, which are personal/solo for each player, what's some group content we can do along the way?


    For example, let's say we have a 17, 25, 30, 33 level players. I know there's KDY tactical. Are there other tactical flashpoints? I know in KotFE they're making WAY more stuff tactical 15-60 which will be cool in the future, but what about for now?


    Also, I can't remember but once everyone finishes their story and we're all at around level 50, am I correct that we could all do Makeb together in a group? Are there other group questlines? Can you do SoR in a group?



  15. Yeah, if you wait until October you can just spend the $15 for a month of sub and you'll get SoR as well as the KotFE content.


    That's 3 months away though.


    If you want to play right now I think that Amazon bundle is good, for $40 you get 2 months of sub ($30), Shadow of Revan ($20), and $20 of cartel coins.

  16. Is this is all you got? One aspect of the game gets an XP buff that increases it's reward 12 times while all others..do not get such buff. This is fine, well and good because semantics?? Because it says " story" in the buff? Because marketing? Because promotion?


    Imagine a world where Bioware did a promotion called "Epic Galactic Star Fighter Month!" and in which they vastly boosted the rewards from GSF for a month in order to encourage people to play GSF. Games do this all the time to encourage players to do different things in their games.


    And then someone comes to the forum and is confused as to why other aspects of the game aren't similarly buffed during the promotion of a particular activity.


    That's what you sound like.

  17. It's called "Epic Story XP Boost". One of the biggest complaints a lot of people who don't play SWTOR have is, "I want KOTOR 3, not an MMO". The 12x xp and travel cooldown and taxi unlock changes are all to enable a KOTOR 3-esque experience in streamlining the class stories.


    So you're asking, why not just an overall 12x xp boost to everything? I mean they could have done this, but they chose not to. Why? Well it's not related to the goal as stated in the promotion. Taxi unlock and lowered travel cooldown also have no bearing on most of the hypothetical people in your original post either.


    I mean I understand what you're saying, and sure it would be nice if I could level up in a boosted way doing non-story stuff...it just simply isn't what the current promotion is.


    Like in October, they will give all subscribers a free 60, and it's because they want everyone to be able to play KotFE right away. Different promotions have different goals, simple as that.

  18. The Cartel XP boost does stack with 12xp, but it's not a huge deal at the end of the day since it's based off the original quest turn in value.


    Say the quest turn in base value is 10,000xp. With the 25% boost you get 2,500 more. But with 12x xp, you're getting 120,000. So really with that boost you get 122,500....not a huge difference from not having it.


    The character perk class quest xp booster thing (those 5 steps you can buy on your Character Perk page), those DONT stack with the 12xp, so they'd be a waste if you're subscribing right now.

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