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Posts posted by Kelebai

  1. ^ Not even the fan boy's can argue with its logic.


    I saw no logic at all. If bioware released a list and for ANY reason couldn't hold to that, no one would let them live it down. That has been a fact thus far during development. They aren't releasing dates or names for that very reason, in case something happens so they don't have to go back on yet another thing that they've said.

  2. Guess I won't be getting in today then, even though I preordered the CE minutes after I was able too. Thanks to GAME for sending the pre-order code out a week late.




    I emailed game*s*t*o*p and got them to send the code 7/22 early in the morning. Also emailed them about receiving the game and they were very helpful there too. Not saying that this was your experience as well or anything, just that they've been wonderful to me so far.

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