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Posts posted by Omaddon

  1. They probably will do so at one point because all would enjoy a change of looks, in my opinion.


    But... this will be a long time in coming. This would require a whole new slew of graphics designs and reworks that they simply do not have in the plans right now.


    They may at some point add a barber, so we can change our hair style and color.


    I would be surprised in changing the looks however. But hey! who knows?

  2. R2-D2

    Sure, he's cute, but the flaws in his design are obvious the first time he approaches anything but the shallowest of stairs. Also: He has jets, a periscope, a taser and oil canisters to make enforcer droids fall about in slapsticky fashion -- and no voice synthesizer. Imagine that design conversation: "Yes, we can afford slapstick oil and tasers, but we'll never get a 30-cent voice chip past accounting. That's just madness."

    - Technically, he is an astromech droid, he should be in areas where the surfaces are large, flat and there are ramps everywhere. The voice maybe simply the one he needs to communicate with a ships computer.



    Can't fully extend his arms; has a bunch of exposed wiring in his abs; walks and runs as if he has the droid equivalent of arthritis. And you say, well, he was put together by an eight-year-old. Yes, but a trip to the nearest Radio Shack would fix that. Also, I'm still waiting to hear the rationale for making a protocol droid a shrieking coward, aside from George Lucas rummaging through a box of offensive stereotypes (which he'd later return to while building Jar-Jar Binks) and picking out the "mincing gay man" module.

    Made to translate languages and not a combat unit, his movement systems are made so that he CANNOT fight because that would go against diplomacy. As for the coward part, well if you cannot fight and are vulnerable, you would hide from danger too.



    Yes, I know, I want one too. But I tell you what: I want one with a hand guard. Otherwise every lightsaber battle would consist of sabers clashing and then their owners sliding as quickly as possible down the shaft to lop off their opponent's fingers. You say: Lightsabers can slice through anything but another lightsaber, so what are you going to make a hand guard out of? I say: Dude, if you have the technology to make a lightsaber, you have the technology to make a light hand guard.

    Handguards could be made with cortosis or mandolorian steel, both resistant to lightsaber attacks. Some lightsaber designs do have some type of extension around the beam emitter. Though small, this could be enough.



    A tactical nightmare: They're incredibly loud, especially for firing what are essentially light beams. The fire ordnance is so slow it can be dodged, and it comes out as a streak of light that reveals your position to your enemies. Let's not even go near the idea of light beams being slow enough to dodge; that's just something you have let go of, or risk insanity.

    Personally, I always thought that blasters needed ammo (as the trooper has his regeneration ability set as Reload) so the beam of light? Actually some type of incandescent ammo of very advanced tracer ammo. Why not?


    Landspeeders and other flying vehicles

    Here's the thing: In the Star Wars universe, there are no seatbelts. And maybe if you're flying your hoity-toity vehicle on Coruscant, you have, like, a force field that keeps you flying out of your seat. But Luke's X-34 speeder on Tatooine? The Yugo of speeders, man. One hard stop, and out you go.

    Probably, but then so were the cars in the 70s. One crash and you flew out of it like a human shaped, high velocity projectile. Many died too. Seat belts came later and many did not wear them for years. But then, maybe there is some form of inertia field that protects the occupants.


    Stormtrooper Uniforms

    They stand out like a sore thumb in every environment but snow, the helmets restrict view ("I can't see a thing in this helmet!" -- Luke Skywalker), and the armor is penetrable by single shots from blasters. Add it all up and you have to wonder why stormtroopers don't just walk around naked, save for blinders and flip-flops.

    Yes, I do admit this is kinda weird. I guess if they could redo that scene they would. Also, Luke was not used to wearing the helmet and armor so yes, for him it was restrictive. Can you imagine the stormtrooper armor having blaster bolts just bounce off of them by the dozens? The first movie would have been the last! Modern bullet proof vest can stop conventional ammo but armor piercing bullets and sniper bullets will just go right through. Also, when you invent a better armor, others will build a better armor piercing bullet and so on. It is called escalation.


    Death Star

    An unshielded exhaust port leading directly to the central reactor? Really? And when you rebuild it, your solution to this problem is four paths into the central core so large that you can literally fly a spaceship through them? Brilliant. Note to the Emperor: Someone on your Death Star design staff is in the pay of Rebel forces. Oh, right, you can't get the memo because someone threw you down a huge exposed shaft in your Death Star throne room.

    A design fault surely, happened in the past all the time and will happen in the future as well. Lack of vision? Ignorant to the possibilities that were out there? all these answers? All sighs point to yes.


    Bad design in Star Wars is not just limited to stuff; evolution here seems wacky, too. Three choice bits:



    A monstrous yet immobile creature who lives in an exposed pit in the middle of a lifeless desert, waiting for large animals to apparently feel suicidal and trek out to throw themselves in? Yeah, not so much. Not every Sarlaac can count on an intergalactic mob boss to feed it tidbits.

    Bit like an antlion really (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antlion). What it catches for food is digested for thousands of years. Far fetched? Sure but then, lightsabers are mainstream?


    That Asteroid Worm Thing in Empire Strikes Back

    So, large space worm lives in asteroid, disguises itself as a cave and waits for unwary spaceships to fly by so it can eat them? Makes the Sarlaac look like a marvel of natural selection, it does.

    That one was funny! They used it to create a moment of suspense. So yes, fairly farfetched this one I agree.



    Oh, man, don't get me started. Except to say this: If in fact a high concentration of midi-chlorians is the difference between being a common schmoe and being a dude who can Force Choke his enemies, the black market in midi-chlorian injections must be amazing.

    And to this, I can only agree! I always thought that if The Force is an energy field that can hold the galaxy together, anyone, with proper training, could harness it. Some would be better at it, some would be fairly bad at it and once in a while, someone would excel at it! The way it was done seems like a cop out to me.

  3. As we all know, (or should know) trying to please everyone will make it so that we will please no one.


    They are trying for a futuristic look and I think they have succeeded. This in no way means I like it! Even some parts of today's fashion is completely beyond me. Yes, I would prefer some good looking gear for my multiple characters, not all the gear I find is to my liking. But, the game is still young, give them time.

  4. Losing XPs would be a pain, so no, that would be quite harsh.


    Technically, being killed (or knocked unconscious as you are revived), does damage your gear and this is a penalty in credits. Also, in other games, you have to do the corpse walk which can be a long and tedious affair. I will admit that I have never seen or heard anyone do a 10 minute corpse walk so I think that is harsh as well.


    Best solution? Not sure anyone has it. Corpse walks are used by WoW and with their large gamer base, they all accept it now as a kind of default. Makes more sense in the SW universe to be reawakened (remember, you are not dead, just unconscious) where you fell but with a penalty (maybe the bot that helps you needs to recharge or something).


    Anyway, this may change eventually but I have no idea what would be better but I am saying that there must be some kind of penalty to "failing".

  5. Oh Sith Christ, the images! XD Now I'm seeing my bulky chiss danicng in the slave outfit. XD


    And that is why they do not do it. Remember, it is THEIR world and as such THEY make the rules. And if in THEIR world, males DO NOT WEAR bikinis, then they do not.




    And really, this is hardly game breaking here...

  6. It is a minor cosmetic point, really.


    After all, even if you start a new Jedi Consular as a Sith Pureblood, the language options will not change at all. As a matter of fact, you may simply get the voice of the male/female consular and not the voice of the Pureblood.


    Others will not react to you as they should when they see a Sith Pureblood coming towards them. You will not get a Drizz't effect when your character shows up. It will be as if nothing is special about it when in reality, it should be extremely rare!


    Playing through this story with a species that would be extremely improbable to even exists as an alliance aligned person makes it even more impossible when this species becomes a jedi.


    And remember, this game is played from your character's perspective; You are THE hero of the story. NO one else is, only you. Though from the game's point of view, you are surrounded by Jedi Guardians when you go get a quest, in the story, you are alone out there.

  7. Things I would like to see:

    Sleek cool armor - just like the opening movie scene Jedi's (i.e. Satele and her mentor).

    Indeed! Jedi Guardians have something akin to full plate because they are tanks and "visually" should look like such by many people point of view.


    Black colors for Republic. (Seriously - they wore black too - for some reason you guys don't think they do!)

    Luke Skywalker wore black in Return of the Jedi. Does not make him evil!


    Really, all colors for all factions.

    But the difference in colors gives an automatic way to see if that person in the distance is Empire or Alliance for PVP. I do not PvP so I do not mind, but I am sure they do.


    Spy class costume slots. (Think Companion customization but for the sneaky Op/Scoundrel classes)

    Actually, I always pictured the smuggler/scoundrel as a more space cowboy type. The OP however should probably look like a spy.


    More variety in the constuming.

    An armor/clothing chop that allows custom coloring (not simply matching colors to a random chest piece) for a price.

    Well, they will add more choice in time and it is up to us to let them know if we like it or not. And I have been dreaming for the possibility to change armor/clothes color in all games except for Champions. Buying dye bottles would do it.


    Easy access to "Show Light Dark Corruption", "Hide/Show Hood", "Hide Headslot" buttons on the character sheet.

    Yes, if that was directly on the character sheet, it would speed up the change when required/needed.

  8. Well, first, be closer to his level. If he is Elite and level 34, trying to defeat him at level 30 might be somewhat hard.


    With that being said, his main damage dealing power is Force Crush which deals an insane amount of damage. It is an instant but also a channelled ability that can be interrupted and you should do so.


    His timing to cast this power is similar to the cooldown of the interrupts you possess, so look at his cast bar and when you see it, interrupt it and then continue with your attack.


    It may take a while at level 30 however, and you could run out of force, so be careful.


    If you have tried that and you simply cannot do it, get to level 33ish and try again.


    May the force be with you.

  9. I do not mind the game to be somewhat RP oriented because it is the follow up of the KoTOR series and I loved those games.


    I play once maybe twice a week with a few friends, we made a guild. We are 4 in it. Will we be more? I do not think so. We play this very casually and I, for one, quest on many alts for the story. My highest ones do not go beyond level 30 and that is fine, they will get to level 50 eventually, I have time.


    End game matters very little to me. I understand why it is there, but I do not participate in it because it is, for me, a waste of time. Whatever gear you get will be rendered useless when the next major content patch comes out.


    I have done some end game in WoW, but only in guild groups and only a few time a week. If I get better gear, fine. But I want to have fun with friends and , if alone, I want a good story and that is why I play WoW and SWToR.


    When MoP comes out, all the gear that was found/made/looted will be obsolete in 7 to 10 quests, starting the process over again.

  10. Hmmm, well this may happen in the future, like 2 or 3 years but I would not count on it now. You would think it is easy to create empty space but it is in fact quite hard. To have empty space completely empty would be boring to say the least. Quests in space? Not impossible, but where could they be inserted in the game that would make them seamless? They would have to change the entire process of getting to your ship (which, by the way, I would find fairly fun, because as it is now, it is a pain).


    Also, that would imply a lot more mechanics that do not exist as of now. IN the space sequences, your ship moves forward on its own. You would have to do that yourself. Technically, a smaller ship should be nimbler, a larger ship should have more firepower and etc. How to decide what ship is better than the other? Make them all equal? That would not make sense! As if a Toyota could beat a Ferrari on the quarter mile.


    This could get big very fast and get out of hand very fast.


    One last thing. Whatever they do, someone, somewhere WILL complain. That is a fact. For whomever is out there, someone will say that they messed it up, they should have done it this way, etc...

  11. I guess that the increasing time to be revived at the exact spot of death simply means the time for the "ahem" medical bot to arrive.


    One poster once said

    stop dying so often
    and in a small sense, he is right. If you have died enough for the counter to be now at 10 minutes, maybe it is too hard for you now, gear up, level up and try again.


    That being said, I also find the delay quite annoying but I understand it from a game mechanic point of view; It would be weird to move as a ghost to your corpse in a SCI-FI setting... Hence the medical bay where you respawn means the bot dragged your unconscious body there for treatment. When you respawn on location, the bot is dispatched. Call it too often, and it need longer between recharges... or something like that.


    And to clarify, OP, the nearest med center is not necessarily where the bind point is.


    Quite true. Flashpoints respawn you at the last med center, or in a defined half way, third way, quarter way point, depending.

  12. To the OP;


    Well, I am playing SWTOR because it is the more or less follow up of KoTOR 1 and 2. Loved those games for the story and all the other stuff.


    SWTOR also has good story with some nice twists and some hilarious moments. Really, I play it like a single player game where I cross other people sometimes. I am an altaholic and so I have 9 characters and I may get more. Yes, I so intend to get them all to level 50, as I did with my 10 level 85 characters in WoW. I am taking my time and switching between characters from Alliance to Empire.


    If you have one character and you concentrated all your time into it, you will get to level 50 very fast even while doing all the quests and going through all the content.


    Once you have done all that... and then done all the level 50 stuff... and then started over again because you are bored...


    We cannot really tell you what to do or where to go.


    I find I like seeing the different stories and seeing the game from the view of a trooper compared to that of a Jedi. This is not true of everyone.


    Now, you are wondering what will I do at level 50? Probably nothing. If, by that time, an expansion has come out, I will continue as is. If not, I may quit.


    If they create something that holds my attention, I may stay. If not, well... we shall see.


    I like the game and though Bioware will take all requests in consideration (remember that they probably have a very detailed sequence of events in process right now, one that may be spanning months!) very specific requests that do not fit their current plans will not happen.


    If you want to continue playing, then you will find something to do. If you cannot justify it, well then, might as well leave. Bioware cannot simply add content at the drop of a hat. Not in a game of this magnitude!

  13. Hmmm....


    May be wrong but the reason Sith have red is because they are synthetic crystals that they grow themselves.


    Jedi, no matter how dark, do not have access to the techniques that creates a red crystal and so do not have them.


    Ulic Qel Droma used a green bladed lightsaber as a Sith. Why? no access to red crystal I would guess. So only Sith can have access to red blades.


    So it does not matter how dark sided your Jedi is. If he is not a Sith, he simply cannot get a red crystal. Also, just because a Jedi is Dark does not mean he is in agreement with the Empire.

  14. By my point they are not "evil" per see... but they are VERY amoral.


    It is what you would expect from a militaristic society. Peace by force... or else! But remember, many NPC's I have spoken to as a light sided Sith Sorcerer have understood my decisions to let others live when they vehemently told me they deserved death!


    Not all citizens of the Empire are completely, irredeemably evil. Many, like others have said, simply eke out a living, being born in an Empire controlled world.

  15. Due to the weightlessness of plasma and the strong gyroscopic effect generated by it, lightsabers required a great deal of strength and dexterity to wield, and it was extremely difficult—and dangerous—for the untrained to attempt using.


    However, in the hands of an expert of the Force, the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected and feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force.


    This is from Wookiepedia. It seems like using a lightsaber is far more demanding that it looks like.


    Of course, they have to create a reason for this in the SW world because, otherwise, everyone would have a lightsaber as a melee combat weapon.

  16. I agree. It is not game breaking but it does disturb my "suspend disbelief".


    - Twilek headgear disapears - I chose this part of my character's on creation because I liked it. Why do you remove it like that?


    - If I wanted a bald female Jedi, I would have made a bald female jedi. I did not, so I do not want one either.


    - One last point, in Nar-Shadda, many floor areas have a "Material MIssing" green placeholder graphic on the ground and some surfaces. Again, not game breaking... but makes immersion harder.

  17. The game is new.


    Fluctuations will happen and will continue for months still. Some bought the game hoping for some sort of holy grail and in their eyes, it failed.


    Others were playing other MMO's and when pay time arrived, they had to choose one, or the other. I am fairly certain that many preferred to return to the other MMO because they are already geared to the gills.


    Others came to the game, will leave for a few months and then return.


    This fairly normal. In a year or so, we should have better numbers for how many players are in the game.

  18. Ok, this is more like "would be nice to have" and maybe, sometimes, a "should be like that".

    - First, It would be fun to be able to use the "mount" vehicle in the spaceports. I do not see why it cannot be used there. I do not see why this would be game breaking either. We already run everywhere till level 25 and only after (and if you have enough credits) can you ride to get where you are going... only to run all the way across the spaceport many, many times. It is not as if you can run over someone and hurt them. Ok, inside buildings, like the cantina, that is normal. But Coruscant is a planet wide city. Technically, everything is inside a building. With that logic, you could not use the device anywhere.


    - You do want us to play the game, that is true. But, having to travel for 10-15 minutes to get from one point to another just for one quest and knowing full well I have to do the same path in reverse to return to where I was is... tedious. Yes, I could use the fleet pass, I know. But I try to keep this if friends show up for an unplanned flashpoint session. I know it's because you probably want us to attack every target between where I am and where I am going. But 97% of mobs can be avoided from A to B and I have read before that SWTOR was not designed with "grinding" in mind.


    Small thoughts. Will not stop playing because of them, and I do realize that making a game of this magnitude is not all fun and games. But so far, those are fairly prevalent in my mind


    Signing off

  19. But he's a casual; obviously he's entitled to everything in the game without putting in any effort.


    You have a point.


    I play casually and I do believe that achievements should be challenging.


    if it takes me 1 or 2 tries to reach a datacron and it takes me 15 minutes per try, then I can do that when I play for 2 hours once in a while.


    If it takes me 23 tries and I am not even close to getting it... well now, that is just wrong.


    For example, one Datacron on Tython is easily accessible. Follow a river, kill a few mobs, at the end on an easy ledge, datacron.


    Another one in Taris, a few jumps, well timed and got it on the first try. Had to see it to know it was there, but I guess that is the point.


    But one of them is located in Coruscant, in the justicar territories and a jumping game has to be done to reach it. Now, I am not against jumping games.... but why is the one on Tython so easy and why make this one so much difficult?


    Many simply run through the game to level. The datacrons are there to force people to look around their environment to see them, thus slowing their pace a bit and getting them to smell the flowers (so to speak).

  20. Walk: normal speed (if this already is an option, please tell me how to do it, I don't seem to be able to stop running)


    To walk, use the slash "/" that is on the top of the keypad.


    I admit, binoculars would be nice. Would make some sense too. Simply running into an enemy intensive area with no reconnaissance is asking for trouble in the real world, why should it be different? And I like to have the enemy names turned off. When on, it interferes with my "suspend disbelief". No one has a name plate floating over their heads in real life.

  21. I agree even being a pvp player , really if it was on a pvp server i would say grow balls , but those that chose a pve server for not wanting this kind of fight should not have it.


    I understand that some want to PvP. I do not. Not because it is too hard, no. But because it would require me more time than I can dedicate to a game right now. As all know, PvP requires a completely different set of skills than PvE.


    That being said, if I chose a PvE server to play on, it clearly means that I do not want to PvP. Buffing someone who is and being flagged as PvP for 5 minutes is not new, another game does it. But, PvP should be a matter of choice and should not be imposed.


    However, denying this PvP player a part of his fun by making these servers EXCLUSIVELY PvE would be just as unfair, I think, especially if he has one or 2 level 50 characters.


    In my opinion, a possible solution would be that if you attack an obviously inferior target, (like attacking a level 35 when you are level 50), you should then lose "honor" as it was. How much would depend of the amount of levels separating the 2 opponents.


    Seeing their hard earned PvP points disappear will be far more painful and a good deterrent. This is also logical. If I, an adult experienced in boxing, beats the crap out of a guy with no knowledge and who is out of shape, I should not expect to be congratulated for winning the fight. There is no honor is defeating an obviously inferior opponent, and as such, I should lose some.

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