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Posts posted by Tha_Moe

  1. Check out vulkk.com for the class guides. They are mostly PVE focused, but it won’t be much different. Deception doesn’t really have a set rotation as it’s highly dependent on procs. The simple version is “click glowing buttons.” It’s a pretty solid spec in pvp and, IMO, very fun to play.


    Gearing is pretty simple. I believe the number is 7.15% on alacrity for the 1.4 second GCD, then dump the rest into crit. Personally I go for around 105% accuracy. Don’t forget about stims.


    thank you

  2. It's like Bioware is prodding people to leave the low population servers for populated ones, but idk. It's just a tad depressing. :(


    Depressing? I think Bioware is trying to give people what they wont. Lowering the cost of things is a good thing to me. Some players want to leave some severs. Bioware is makeing it easy for players to do that, maybe you leave a sever and dont like it. Instead of having to pay, or wait you can leave. Some players like their sever big, and small. I think this is a good thing. But i like options...

  3. How is the population? low

    How are the PVP Que's for WZ? good once you get into the cycle q's pop

    What type of classes/trinity are needed most? Play whatver class that makes you happy, and whatever roll.

    Who has greater the population Empire or Republic? IDK i think Pub but who really knows.


    Like someone else said if it was me trying a new sever right now, id prob use the 12xp to level and see if i liked the server before i sent a alt to the server. If youre good people will group with you. If youre not to great people will still group with you. Thats of of the many good thing about jung ma.

  4. So apparently I'm being told via Private Message that I should not join the server, that you're all a bunch of filthy liars, among other not-so-lovely complaints.


    Kinda disheartening that someone is going that far out of their way to prevent a quiet server from gaining another person.


    I don't know how many toons you have, maybe you should test the water? 12xp is going, so maybe try leveling something on jung ma and see how you like it. Or transfer a alt here from your current home.


    Overall I like Jung Ma, some people take themselves to seriously but that's just life right? If you can deal with it being a small sever Jung ma is pretty good.

  5. Yeah so you can farm like a douche. I am happy to say I avoided you for the season as well as all ghost members who only care about winning.


    Seriously, don't announce your plans to do rankred here unless you are amazing. You'll just give them free elo.


    Not only that, but if you really don't know your team I doubt even the most amazing players on the server can beat the seasoned teams that have been playing together for a while.


    OUCH... Youre proud of avoiding them? bro.....

  6. Then how come when RL asked you to que after stomping you in regs you simply told us to transfer servers if we want to que against you? Doesn't seem like much of trying to do games all season. And then you really only qued the last weekend of the season.


    Brother you cant be serious? Haven't I sent you multiple PM's about Q'ing ranked? I even post here sometimes when we are q'ed. And you're bringing up a reg win? Smh...



  7. http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611686494492936930

    You only won 4 group ranked matches this last season.

    What a troll.

    I've seen you in warzones and you're pretty much fodder, even for a FOTM class.

    Crinn has done plenty of group ranked and is a very solid player.

    I also play on other servers and do ranked and I'd have to say jung ma's best are just as good as every other servers best (it's been proven, Shots Fired and others have also competed on other servers in different seasons and did very well for themselves) and the bads on other servers are just as bad as JMs.

    So go try out some more group ranked and win some more games and maybe break 1300 rating before you start talking next time.


    Yes i only won 4 group ranked last season on Jung Ma, and i tried to schedule games all season long. Which is my point: if there's so many good players on jung ma then getting group ranked going shouldn't be so hard. In most my post i mention "grp ranked," And that will continue. We win=q again, we lose= q again whaever happens q=ranked. At the end of the day jung ma should q grp ranked more. You can call me fodder/troll/bad whatever im going to still q grp and solo ranked and i think this the rest of jung ma should too.



    i don't know the guy outside of his shadow with the same name, but it would be wrong to call him bad. still, he rolls with a pocket healer and usually a 3rd most of the time so...hard to judge the individual.

    having played JC, JM and Pot5, I'd say JM is the weaker of the 3, but it's just a reflection of the population. same quality at the top, mid and bottom...just less of each. also, much less bads and trolls in imp-side yolo when I played (s3). pub side was unplayable cuz of the percentage of trolls and just terrible players who would queue.


    I only play on this sever with friends, therefore yeah ill be in a group.


    Point of this post is merge this sever with another. Again that may not be the solution for jung ma. The problem is more content both warzones, and pve ish (which i could care less about).But thats been the problem for a looooong time.


    May the 4th be with you (rp'ing just for you jung ma).

  8. Really dude? I have played on other servers, and there are players here on Jung Ma that are better than most of the riffraff on other servers.


    "Tree hugger" do you even know what tree hugger even means?


    Yes Really DUDE. Jung Ma has some good players, yes SOME good players. however "players better then most severs?" Child please. Yes I play on other severs sir. And anyone can tell most of Jung ma players lack skill. And I'm pretty sure that includes you.


    A tree hugger is An environmentalist, Someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution. And I was saying other severs have a harsh environment.


    Do you know what grp ranked means? try it...

  9. Jung Ma is fine the way it is, sometimes smaller is ok. Most of this sever would not last on a bigger sever for several reasons, but most importantly because of skill. 9 out of 10 Jung Ma players would get globaled/trolled/and globaled again (in that order). Then they would either feel bad, or blame the game. Either way they quit the game. Plus the environment of bigger severs is ugly. furthermore most of the tree huggers on Jung ma would be turned off by that. I pvp A LOT! and having more pops is nice, however be careful what you wish for. You don't like Jung Ma Transfer, or level a different sever there's 12x exp going on. Crying to merge with another sever isn't the way.
  10. as a word of warning that's apparently the norm on TEH too. plenty of people there, but if you're looking for a healthy population of ranked players I'd avoid TEH.


    do you even q for group ranked? If so please let me know when sir.


    Dude that's a norm almost everywhere. Group ranked has been "By appointment" since season 2.



  11. Thank you to: <Ghost> <The Gurdians> <Vicious> <panty shots> for all q'ing group ranked at some point last night. gg's lets try to keep this going. Hopefully other teams will start q'ing too.
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