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Posts posted by Centerpin

  1. I actually like it better Very clean simple.

    Anything that has to do with your account and making it more secure is awesome! You should be saying thank you instead of complaining. I would rather spend the 3 sec to type in my code over calling customer service because my account got hacked?

  2. I would like to see something similar to world of logs if that's what your getting at OP. As it does help you figure out whats going wrong with a encounter. Then I would have to agree that a place like world of logs would be very useful to end game progression. But in game dps meters no I want my raiders focusing on the task at hand not at their meter.
  3. One of the main issues that contributes to the whole bug fix not working. Is there is no premade ptr toons to test the end game content, which for some of us is a pretty big deal. If they did this I would think half of their issues on bug patches would be extremely diminished.


    I know that all the media is focused on Illum right now with the whole broken thing happening. But to throw PVE on the back burner is just another snowball.


    Sorry for the off topic but felt this was a decent place to post this.

  4. I should imagine a lot of people will quote you on that ^^ it pretty much sums it up.


    Everyone who runs operations wanted the patch today, and if you are dead serious about progresison then you will do whatever it takes.


    However this isn't WoW - we don't have wowprogress, achievements or armory and the content is so buggy your really fighting bugs more than bosses most of the time. I don't see how you can hope to compare with other guilds anyway.



    I couldn't agree more!!!

  5. :sy_auction:Mech Healing:sy_havoc:

    A Smuggler and Trooper healing Blog



    Here's a Blog my buddy Hawg and I have been working on I just got done buttoning up the smuggler side.


    If your Tired of seeing all these Force healing blogs and you want some alternative sources. then come check out Mech Healing A healing blog for Smugglers and Troopers.


    Let me know what you guys think you can add questions and comment on here or there.


    Looking forward to your feedback. I'll post up some healing videos on there soon soon.



  6. triage is actually bugged or just OP with talent


    here is your single target rotation


    keep pugnacity up-keep hot up-medpac-triage-underworld medicine-repeat


    basically always medpac if upper hand is active, then triage if it is off cooldown, otherwise UM


    this is energy neutral


    triage is actually a good heal it only costs 10 energy and its cooldown fits this rotation


    kolto cloud is terrible it will dunk your energy bar and you will have to cool head if you use it


    also dont use kolto pack there is no point to it if you have medpac, it costs 20 energy and still consumes upper hand


    diagnostic scan is actually not needed at all it doesnt heal for anything, there isn't really a point to talent it over 4% damage reduction


    some changes they need to make:


    fix triage so it isnt a rotational heal

    fix kolto pack so there is a point to use it

    fix kolto cloud so i can reasonably use it without donking on energy

    make diagnostic scan actually worth using instead of just standing there


    what level are you? I use Kolto cloud off cd in some cases its all about being resourceful. Also telling people that Kolto pack / DS has no point is also false. If you have a stack of upper hand and you have your stats correctly both of those ability's work quite amazing.

  7. To me I feel that Alacrity is extremely helpful ya I wish I would get some energy replenish out of it. When I pop my Alacrity relic with my stack of upper hand and DS my energy to cap in 2 channels (Which is pretty quick) its not bad at all IMO. This is in a pve situation mind you.


    But having a combat log might change my feelings about it.

  8. For the daily commendations they're found on Belsavis and Ilum I have yet to find more here some info I posted for my guildies


    Hope that helps



    I wanted to make this post showing the locations of the daily's after you hit level cap.

    So far I know of Ilum and Belsavsis. You obtain the starting quests on the fleet but these are a little hard to find.


    Belsavis:: When you hit 50 you will pick up a quest in the fleet to go back to Belsavis. When you get to Belsavis's orbital station you'll meet up with Agent Poz. This opens up the chain to get to the daily's. Which has the following missions. At the end you'll end up in area one located on the map below (which is your new daily's). Then after you finish up that chain which is only like 4 or 5 quests it will push you over to area 2 to finish up 2 or 3 quests. Then when done with those it will lead you to turn in those quests though a teleporter. You can see the entrance at the bottom right corner of the map(diagonal green arrow).


    Quests area 1

    Restraining the Darkness

    Strengthening the Chain

    Emergent Medicine


    Quest Area 2

    A Lesson is Learned [Heroic 2]

    Open Communications [Heroic 4]




    The green arrow will transport you to the 3 where just out side you'll pick up a quest from a Twi'lek, then you should see a quest just east of this location (gold arrow). You pick it up from a terminal off an entrance way. Pick these up and complete then head north and see another quest same thing on a terminal, bust that one out should be a heroic in this area. You'll receive some epic mods from these heroics and 3 commodations. So I highly recommend it.


    The quest that leads you to this area.

    Descent into the Tomb [turn in]


    Quest area 3


    The Stasis Generator


    Quest area 4

    Sleeping Rakata

    Unheard Frequencies

    Containing the Beast

    Prison Repairs



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