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Posts posted by andnico

  1. I was thinking this exact thing today. I fully support this idea. If you individually are putting in the time there should be some sort of consistent reward pvp questwise. Sometimes you have a run of bad luck, sometimes a run of good. Even when you lose pvp there is some sort of consolation prize commendation. I feel like this could extend to the daily/weekly in some capacity.
  2. Couple more rounds of PvP and I will agree on a couple of things:


    First: Yes, a good group is key. Someone to cover you while you lay on the hurt makes you a fist of an angry god. If you can't get a bit of backup, you will be in the midst of a Sith swarm and a world of frustration.


    Second: 1v1 it is a bit rough. If you've set up shop and can focus on one enemy from distance you may get the job done, but you have to hit them hard and quick (rapid fire really helps) and hope they've got a reason to keep charging you instead of breaking LoS (Alderann works great for this, or you can just lay into running baddies as they move to the next point at Voidstar). It would be nice to be a bit more survivable though. If something closes with a lightsaber (or if you run into a bounty hunter) it's quite likely your day is over (and quick).


    Third: I haven't played Huttball yet (lucky me the queues haven't brought it up) but my own personal Huttball strategy is, "Leave, why would you want to play Huttball anyways?"


    Anyways, PvP is still been a lot of fun, racked up a 40/0 round on voidstar after my post (again had a good team) and still been able to get as good as I've gotten on even my worst match (which, admittedly can get frustrating when a bunch of goofy looking sith folk rush you over and over) but so far I've been getting by with trying to remember that: A - I am not a lone wolf class and should NEVER be by myself and B - Hit them hard and quick, and make sure to quickshot them for the kill before they can break LoS or get a heal.


    Lots to learn it looks like. But I've got to say it's seems to be some good fun in there too.


    (Though, again, I will concede we make a terrible 1v1 matchup, but c'mon, as any TF2 player could tell you it's not like a sniper or a spy is exactly a good 1v1 matchup to anything either)

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