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Posts posted by Sarsi

  1. There is no option for "Causes headaches and makes me nauseous" Which is a very large complaint and this poll is pretty much mocking everyone with the painful side effects.


    I am happy you guys have finally given a small tidbit of communication to the thousands of posts since the change was implemented yesterday but you are still not addressing the painful side effects the UI change is causing. This is telling those of us who are getting these side effects that you don't care about what your changes have done to make us physically unable to play. Your lack of acknowledgement is speaking volumes for how you see your subscribers.

  2. I agree. Took about 5 minutes to adjust to it, then I really liked it and would not want to go back to the old method.


    Problem with today's MMO players is many don't really like to adapt to change, even good change. They talk a good story, but they really prefer stasis.


    Change is fine, I welcome and openly accept change. I do not however welcome eye strain, headaches and dizziness which you guys keep ignoring as the main issue for most of us. Those of us who have been reporting the side effects don't even care about the change to abilities, we just want to be able to play without headaches. Surely, you cannot be so insensitive to call that mere change.

  3. Same! Like it really is NOT that big of a deal..it's clear to me when I can use my skills and I know my abilities well enough to know which are my my actual cool down abilities..That's why I take 30 minutes to bind my keys ever 5 levels and take the time to learn a combat pattern rotation and timing...to many cry babies.


    Again, it's not the skills and abilities a lot of us are talking about.. it's the headaches and dizziness the flashing is giving us. Although, I don't expect someone who uses the term "cry babies" to begin to remotely comprehend that we are physically unable to play for longer than 15 minutes since this was implemented.


    Each day this stays in effect is another day we are unable to play which is another day of our sub wasted due to no fault of our own. We would have been happy with a temporary roll back until they could get an option in place to turn it off/on just so we could take advantage of the time we have already paid for. If they do not get a fix for this out today that makes two days in a row that several of us have not been able to play because of actual physical pain.


    When this thread started and the reports of headaches, nausea and dizziness started coming in they were civil and calm. What you guys are seeing now is frustration over very little communication from anyone at BW and the inconsiderate trolling calling us names and telling us to get over it. They have put more effort into communication over the Ilum issue than this which makes some of us feel they have their priorities out of order. Is it going to take someone going to the doctor and threatening to sue because of migraines for them to actually give the impression they are listening and it matters?

  4. I think 1 day is too soon to unsub over this issue, but if it's not fixed longer term I may not have much choice :(


    I agree that one day is too short to call for an unsub but the way they have handled this with lack of communication and not taking it seriously piled on top of the already terrible customer service they have shown is reason enough.

  5. TBH, Then you prolly shoudn't play video games if it's that bad. You think a guy with a torn ACL is going to play football, obviously not.


    Well, we should not be playing THIS video game since it's that bad. This is the only game I have ever had headaches and nausea from and I've played games all the way back to original EQ back in the day.


    If we take your own advice then we should just cancel our subs? I'm good with that.

  6. All im saying is that i think headaches and medical problems is overdoing it. Im sorry but this is the first that I've heard in alot of games and forums that people are complaining because of medical issues with the game.



    This is the first time most of us have ever had to post anything of this nature which kinda speaks for itself.

  7. Damn some people are really overreacting.


    Previous version was better i agree, but this is nowhere near as bad as some here make it to be, at first i didn't even notice the difference and once i did it didn't take much time to get used to it.


    As for seizures, headaches...you people serious?! :rolleyes:


    Anyways if it's such a problem for so many people i am sure it's not going to take long to correct it.


    Personally i don't have any problems with this.


    Why do YOU even care how it is affecting others if you see no issues? Who are you to determine how bad it is affecting anyone other than yourself? When you decide to pay our sub fees, I guess we can all let you determine how bad something is or isn't for the rest of us.

  8. After reading about how bad the cooldown effect was on the forums, I decided to log in for the first time after the patch just to see how bad it really was.




    It's not even THAT bad. What heck people. I was expecting like some bright, white colored flashing seizure effect. <_>


    As a Jedi Sage every ability flashes every 1.5 seconds during combat. Having 3 action bars of my own abilities and one for a companion full of flashing abilities it causes a headache for me. Some people have more sensitive vision. There is no need to disrespect others just because you are not affected in the same way.


    That's one thing that amazes me... seeing all of the responses from people who think just because they don't have an issue no one else is allowed to.

  9. Which is my point one mistake and now everyone wants to crucify them.


    Well, no... we don't want to crucify them. We want them to say more than "we are investigating this issue" and do something so we are not getting headaches and nausea while playing. They could temporarily roll back the update to alleviate the physical problems some of us are encountering. Doing nothing is, as someone else stated earlier, negligence. This is not to be confused with "omg it sucks I hate it, fix it now". This is also not to be confused with "I can't see my abilities because of the new GCD visuals". Several of us cannot physically play for more than 15 minutes without getting a headache and severe eye strain. We have had one person address this issue several hours ago while the thread about Ilum exploits has had more than one which shows their priorities here. I do enjoy the game, I would love to be able to play it without physical pain but I will not give my money to a company that is basically ignoring a real issue.

  10. I'm not the one saying the game is unplayable over something this minute.


    No but you are basically calling all of us who cannot play now (because of headaches and nausea) idiots. If you do not have anything constructive to post, you should head on over to the pvp forum. You would fit in nicely over there.

  11. Reading this thread before I got on this morning, I thought there was a real issue. The only people this effects are clickers, or people who don't know their class.

    You are supposed to be looking at the action, not your action bars...


    Clearly you did not read AND comprehend earlier posts. The issue is not so much the greying out of the ability icons, it's the FLASH that is causing eye strain, headaches dizziness and nausea. If you would like to post something constructive I'm sure we would all welcome it but being a clicker or not knowing how to play our class HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH the visuals that are physically causing problems.

  12. How about, an option to switch between the old one [ Before they made it so cooldowns were lit up], and the new one?

    I, for one, like the new system and I really hope they don't change it.

    It's a matter of personal preference now, and you cannot cater to one side without displeasing the other unless an option is added in.


    I would normally agree with you but making people sick and causing headaches is more than a personal preference. All I want is to be able to play without getting a throbbing headache and eye strain 15 minutes in.

  13. the fact that this is making people ill, including me should mean they should act fast. as it stands they had one post about how they are talking about it. its not an issue of like.dislike its the issue that i get severely dizzy playing this game when i never had that problem in this or any other game before.


    This is the problem, they stated they are "investigating" it but the fact that people are having physical issues (headaches, dizziness, nausea) is kinda severe and should have been adjusted already. Even a temporary roll back is better than not doing anything at all.


    People are complaining about the legitimate reports of headaches and dizziness and making fun of those who are experiencing this. We are not asking for them to fix this because we simply "do not like change" this is physically affecting us. I personally do not care about anything but the flashing every 1.5 seconds while in combat.

  14. So why are people who are looking at the game where even more flashing it occuring not complaining? This UI is similar to a lot of other mmo's and I've never seen complaints like this. The flashing coming off cooldown is VERY common.


    Yes, it is common for ONE ability to flash when coming off cooldown not EVERY ability at the same time.

  15. Right.... all the other flashing on screen from grenades, lightsabers and blasters have no effect BUT THESE GOSH DARN FLASHING SPELLS.


    If the ability animation graphics cause an issue we can at least adjust it, but the entire bottom, left and right side of the screen flashing every time we use an ability is painful for some and we cannot turn it off or adjust it.

  16. Can't tell if posts are serious...or trolling. I like the change but I can understand if some people could be bothered to some extent but c'mon...calling for a rollback? There is no way the people in this thread are serious. If you quit a game over something like this...wow.


    It's not so much quitting the game over the change as much as not paying for something we can't play when it gives us a headache or makes us dizzy. The flashing when you use a lot of spells definitely has a physical effect on some of us.

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