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Posts posted by Bolawan

  1. Sorry, but did nobody else watch the live stream? He clearly showed how he was level synced on DK, went to a heroic area and absolutely chewed it up. You're not going to struggle to kill anything like a fresh out of the box level 10 or whatever, you'll still be a monstrous powerhouse in those areas, synced or not. Get a grip and play the damn game!
  2. I agree completely, several times ive asked if theres more music.

    One thing WoW and SWG had right was background and ambient music, it helps with immersion and with this kind of story driven MMO it is detrimental to have such a lack of it

  3. What SWG did you play? If you played a crafter that was it. One character per server and you could not be combat and crafter at the same time. And the holo grind epic? You mean capping a class, dropping the class, taking another class, capping that class. dropping that class etc, until you did all 36 or hit the secret Jedi before then...


    Yeah the hologrind was rough but if you had the holos, as i did, it only took 5 proffs and finding out that my last one, Dancer, would make me a jedi was no end of amusement. I basicallty AFK'd that lol. I enjoyed it and was one of the few pre patch 9 jedi on Eclipse.


    I had an alt account for crafting and i loved it. The demise of the Bio-engineer proff was a dark dark day for me.

    The point i try to make though was that the cap wasnt necessarily treading water.

  4. Im on my 2nd run through too. Blitzed through the story now im taking my time exploring.


    I kinda figured thats what it would be to be fair. I was in SWG at launch too and once the cap was hit there, the game basically just began. The crafting system was immense and the holo grind was also epic.


    i see alot of sitting around in this one though.

  5. Hey,


    This question may be pre-emptive but i'd just like a bit of feedback from those of you at the cap already.

    Once you hit 50 where do you go? So far it seems like all the planets are built with questing and levelling in mind but, once you're done with that, whats left?

    Is there a version of a capital city where people hang out? You cant hang out on most planets ive encountered so far as pretty much every 5 meters you hit a pack of NPC's.

    Granted im only as far as Hoth, but i just want to know what i can expect.


    Thanks for constructive replies guys.

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