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Posts posted by PandaStyluz

  1. Hello



    my question is :


    on the EU English servers we have a problem of people not speaking English and thinking it is their right not to speak English on a clearly marked ENGLISH server.



    i don't mind a bit here and there but when general is spammed full with it,well its just down right disrespectful



    so Bio, what are the plans to combat this problem ?


    The game has people from around europe, from many countrys and cultures. As you ingore most "LFG" and general talk chats, you should do the same when you see non-english words. The servers weren´t ment to be only english french or german. They are for everybody. So you should only be mad if they mass spam general chat or something cause if you are on a group, and everybody speaks another language, you have to accept it. If you don´t want to accept that, find another group, simple. Now enought with that nacionalist talk.

  2. Behold!! Repost incoming!! :mon_trap:


    "It’s Friday, Friday

    Gotta play TOR on Friday

    Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the access, access

    Friday, Friday

    Gettin’ own nubs on Friday

    Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the spwan ganks, spawn ganks


    Owning’, Owning’ (Yeah)

    Raging’, Raging’ (Yeah)

    spam, spam, spam, spam

    Lookin’ forward to the PLAY SWTOR!!!


    dedicated to all December resistance :rak_tongue: kthxbye, im dead

  3. "It’s Friday, Friday

    Gotta play TOR on Friday

    Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the access, access

    Friday, Friday

    Gettin’ own nubs on Friday

    Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the spwan ganks, spawn ganks


    Owning’, Owning’ (Yeah)

    Raging’, Raging’ (Yeah)

    spam, spam, spam, spam

    Lookin’ forward to the PLAY SWTOR!!!



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