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Posts posted by EeuwigLijden

  1. I definitely think that Thana should be both a universal Empire companion and romancable. Especially considering that Ashara is a extremely poor option for a DS Male Sith Inquistor, you either have to shower her with gifts or repeat dialog a dozen times to find the words she likes to get her to like you, neither of which should EVER be necessary for any companion, let alone a romance option.


    As for those complaining that Thana is just too much of an arrogant stupid evil blind rage loose cannon, that's an easy enough fix. Merely have Thana's companion arc be about teaching her to focus her anger and use her head, that would provide plently of material for both a companion plot and romancing.

  2. I agree with most everything here, except the leveling, it's already too fast as it is, that's one of the reasons why people are reaching 50 and dropping their subscriptions, the other being what you said, lack of much end game content..


    Aside from that, good post OP, I especially agree with the music and companions idea. There isn't much music and what is there only appears during specific situations, i.e. fighting against an important or strong enemy. Where's all the classic Star Wars music? Where's duel of the Fates? Imperial March plays maybe ONCE as far as I can recall? Where's that slow version of the Star Wars theme? Where's the Cantina music?


    As for the companions, I found them to be more like window dressing, they should be commenting on practically everything you do, but they only rarely comment and only during class quests. Their A.I. also isn't very customizable, I'd like to be able to set the A.I. so that it would do things like try to draw aggro, or only attack who I'm attacking, and so on.

    Also, why is it that some of the more inhuman characters aren't capable of actually showing anything they're wearing? Why can't there be some specific equipment designed for them like their unique equipment that could change their appearance?

  3. well one thing not to do is raise the lvl cap, can you imagine the screaming if suddenly you super duper armor is now third rate,after all the credits ,grinding, begging ,borrowing to make it (wow for example)


    Then maybe Bioware could make it so that people that already have the super duper equipment have it improved automatically so that it could measure up to the new equipment, or make it so that super duper equipment was easier to get to compensate maybe?.

  4. Here's a few ideas I put up on the suggestion box already that an expansion pack could add in.


    multi level planet areas: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=452841


    Lvl 50 Flashpoint idea: Your group vs. your group's alts: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=459259


    Improvements to space combat: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=452833


    Custom built droid companions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=156445

  5. I don't know about everybody else, but I would love to my Sith Inqusitor against my Sith Warrior (so far the only alt I have).


    My idea is to have a flashpoint where you at various points in it your group fights against a group of your computer controlled alts, (to clarify, each player would have 1 of their alts on the computer's side) with conversations placed in of course (I'm drawing a blank as to why they would fight, but I'll leave that to Bioware). In the event that you didn't have any alts one of the other group member's alts would be chosen at random, failing THAT, just any random level 50 player's character on the same server.


    As for the conversations, the game would take a tally of all the conversation choices that you made while on these alts during your game, assign a personality type to your alt based on these choices, (snarky, bloodthirsty, compassionate, etc.) then have the computer choose the enemy alts' responses based on that. This would, though not perfectly, give the impression that if you were controlling that alt you would have said that during the conversation, and there would also be a dice roll to decide which of the alts would speak, the same as with your group.


    As for how the alts would be equipped, they would have the same abilites on their ability bars, assigned skill points, and equipment that you had equipped on them, and to prevent people from simply nerfing their alts to blow past the flashpoint, if the alt doesn't have level 50 equipment, is missing abilites or doesn't have any skill points allocated, they'd be assigned to them by the game automatically appropriately for the alts' inital and advanced class for as long as they're under computer control.


    So, what do you guys think?


    Other ideas of mine:


    Multiple level planet areas: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=452841

    Improvements to space combat: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=452833

    Custom built droid companions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=156445

  6. First part won't happen, your prolly an ex swg player like me. I miss my old starship like the dickens. But I'm very happy with how space combat is in the game. It's a mini game that is optional. And your second part of ur post would defy the purpose of a space mission, though the idea is cool. Maybe a class story mission like that.

    This was posted by someone else but space raids and PvP will never happen either, if it did it would be dreadful. I like having spec be an option don't got make it a requirement to have the best stuff.


    I'd like to see:

    Different color bolts depending on gun (if it's not already like that I rarely do space)

    Customization kits for the starship, it's practically a companion lets give it some love



    Though it would be neat, but unlikely, if they made the area around your factions fleet a free fly area . It would just take a lot of work.


    No, I'm actually not ex SWG. As for the rest, the free flying would make the space missions more intense and interesting, and if you've ever read a review about SWTOR the main complaint about the space missions is how boring they really are, and that they lack the dialog choice elements that the rest of the game has, which makes the space missions feel like they don't really belong in the game. I agree with them, and I just want these things to be addressed so TOR doesn't have any weaknesses.

  7. One issue with making space combat free-flying is that you'd have to totally revamp what the missions are and their objectives. If I could free-fly, it would make every other than "kill X fighters" trivial. The difficulty in hitting cap ship shield gens or bridges is mostly due to the amount of time you are allowed to have such targets on-screen. If I could just make run after run at such targets, it would be trivial. You'd have to do something else to make it harder, like having more and more fighters come at you, or having many more hardened turrets to have to pare down.


    Mind you, that could be interesting, but my point is that you have to create completely new missions with free-flying as part of the design.


    Easy, add in missions instead of altering the old ones that much, which they're probably going to do anyway.

  8. personally, I don't think the rails is a problem... but I think the space combat could do so much more.


    maybe in a separate system like a "pvp" type mode (keeping the pve on rails), you could have an open space (ha) with outer limits that cause exhaustion. I think a few games that would be nice would be something like escort missions or even just a single all out brawl where you have to attack the enemy mothership. First ship to fall is the loser. I guess they could take some tips from Battlefront, but I think there are plenty of warzone type encounters that are viable. heck, even some group pve combat raids would be nice too!


    Rails aren't good because of how they are predictable after the first time and how they remove control from the player, it's more fun to have a bit of randomness when playing any game, and dogfighting games are no exception. That, and the fact that completing your objective doesn't work all that well when you are constantly forced to be driven away from it, only getting occasional glimpses of it.


    Otherwise, excellent ideas Saltybill

  9. I don't know about the other servers, but my particular server is very Empire heavy and only the fleet and some mid level planets consistently have very many people on them. The higher level planets in particular are practically ghost towns that have barely anyone and always have, which makes getting groups on those planets a pain, and the lower level planets are becoming sparse lately as well. My advice to Bioware would be to merge servers that have a lot of Republic players with other servers that have a lot of Empire players, to help PvP.


    I would also suggest adding in areas in higher level planets that are of a lower level than the planet's overall levels and doing the opposite for lower level planets, with a few missions in the new areas of course. The idea being to give higher level people cause to go back to planets that they otherwise would have no reason to and give lower level people cause to go to planets that they wouldn't go to for some time normally, to more equalize the population levels of the various planets and make grouping easier. This would be good expansion pack material.


    Other ideas by me:



  10. First, take the ship off rails. Or, alteratively, place a free flying section during the rails in which you can fly around as you wish within a certain area. I haven't really played any dog fighting type games so I don't know what the best system for the above would be. Feel free to give an example for me readers.


    Second, add in a on foot section that we could put dialog choices in. For instance, there's always some capital ships and/or stations in these Space Combats, they could have your ship board one of them at the end and fight your way to the bridge or the reactor or some other objective and throw a few dialog in choices along the way.


    Both of these would go a long way to fixing what is probably TOR's only real weakness.

  11. As awesome as this idea sounds

    I can't see it working however because the whole mix match of droid parts would be weird and lets face it picking up valuable loot like is almost impossible

    However I think i have a better idea

    how about you build it via crew skills slowly for instance you create the parts or get them through crew missions.

    And when you do get your custom droid you can't get a new one until you dissemble the old one. Also to add some story to it,( since bioware loves a good story) when you first bring along your droid it's personality can either be based on what you do together in your first adventures or what sort of personality you put into it. If you decide to disassemble it you could reinstall the old memory and personality or restart the whole process and if you don't want to transfer the old droid into a new one there is possibility of them fighting back.

    You could also buy droids straight from special vendors for ridiculously high prices


    but i think the reason bioware hasn't come up with this system is because it would mean instant companions and customized companions that would kinda overshadow the companions set for each class and players could just leave them in the ship and never explore their individual stories.

    But hopefully in an expansion they'll give us some friggin droids


    I don't think this is a very likely feature for Bioware to add in either, I'm just trying to get input from others on what they think. As for the whole crew skills idea, that could be one way to get parts, but I wouldn't want it to be the only way to get those parts, as it would mean that people would be forced to choose the particular crew skills necessary to get those parts, and I'd want a feature like this to be available to everyone.

  12. This is an idea I came up with after seeing the wide variety of droids throughout TOR. Basically, the idea is that we could make our own Droid companions from scratch. The way I came up with for how this would happen is your character would fight and destroy droids, salvage their parts (the salvaging crew skill wouldn't be needed for this) and mix, match, and color them, like a Star Wars version of Spore. The player would even be able to program the personality of the droid.


    The abilities of the droid would be programmable, with restrictions based on the parts the player puts i.e. if you have a droid with 2 blaster rifles for arms they obviously wouldn't be able to use sword melee skills. BTW, droids with integrated equipment wouldn't need to equip a new arm, just a new weapon.


    As for the personalities, the more variety the better, and have them respond to the companion affection unlike 2V-R8. The personality that you could program in could range from droids just as sycophantic as 2V-R8 (but actually useful) to ones that are practically HK-47 with a different body (yes, part of the idea behind this is to make a companion just like HK, though I wouldn't personally).


    As for the voices of the droids, it depends on how much time and money Bioware would be willing to put into this. They could just go the easy route and give them all beep dialogue so the only thing they'd have to make is the dialogue, or they could go nuts and give each Droid personality fully voiced dialogue (not betting on this one).


    Well, that's it, what do you guys think?

  13. What did you expect? To have a LESS populated server at LAUNCH? Are you slow or something? Come on man. Do you really think it matters much if they lose 4-5 subs. More specifically, subs from people who will use the "I'll unsub!" threat every time something's not good enough for them. You're just looking for a reason to quit. You were going to quit anyway, so just go man. Just go.


    My thoughts exactly, these people complaining about queues should just leave, if this small, insignificant thing that they should have expected from the start is a deal breaker for them, TOR is better off without such whiners.

  14. Smuggler... you guys made the force users so weak that they even have problems fighting astromech droids. So.... yeah... anything vs force users... the "anything" will win.


    Trooper vs force user ... Trooper takes it.


    IA vs FU ... (hahahahaha... get it? FU! ^_^) IA takes it.


    Waffle cone vs FU ... waffle cone wins


    declawed newborn kitteh vs FU ... kitteh wins....


    radiator hose vs FU ... hose takes it.


    I know what you mean, I said much the same thing on the Sith Inqusitor vs. Trooper thread. With the kinds of things even barely trained Force Users are capable of, Non Force Users shouldn't even stand the slightest chance against them. However, the Non Force Users DO stand a chance and sometimes even win, and we all know why: to justify the very EXISTENCE of Non Force Users in Star Wars.

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