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Posts posted by rbl_holmes

  1. I pretty much did the same on my marauder. I had Lord Dramath( I think his name is), from the holocron with me. I stayed in Vaylin's circle at the bottom of the stairs with me facing the stairs. Every time she did her overload thingie, I just ran up the stairs to the throne and as soon as it finished, I ran back down. Wasn't all that hard, just time consuming. I'm not the best player, either...


    Did the same with my jugg after my second attempt. My first attempt I had Arcann killed and Vaylin down to 30% and I did not get out of the way fast enough on one of her force overload which blew me off the edge into the abyss and of course insta-death. Upon returning naturally they reset the entire fight, with Arcann being back. Frustrating, but got her on the second attempt by focusing on her actions and running away when she started casting that stupid ability heh

  2. If Vaylin becomes a companion my toons will kill themselves or kill her instead.

    She's a merciless and uncivilized brute, and should die like one.

    She makes Arcann look like a philosopher's king and makes Darth Vader look like the friendliest Sith in history.

    She's pure evil and must die!


    Sounds like you've got a crush on her :p

  3. Well, I have companions around influence 10. In healing mode I can easily (but slowly due to large boss hp) solo the Heroic mode Star Fortress with my dps character. Just keep aggro on myself, and the companion heals me with no problem.


    Tank stance is really weird, as the companions don't have defence, shield or absorb unless I'm mistaken. Just larger hp. But they keep aggro.


    Fast mode: dps stance, safe mode: tank stance, immortal mode: healer


    I thought that was going to be the case in heal mode, and the fight did seem to go well, albeit slowly at first. But when he goes spaz I cannot hold aggro off the companion and he knocks me down quite a bit. It all happens pretty fast, maybe it's a lag thing going on too.


    When I am laying on the floor he lays it on the comp pretty hard, no sooner than I can get on my feet he knocks me right back down. The last couple attempts he did this in quick succession knocking me down about 5 times in a row, my resists being exhausted he just pummels the companion into oblivion while I am stunned multiple times.


    Whether it's a L2P or lag issue on my end, either way I'm not experiencing the immortal mode of heals toward the end of that fight. If I could keep aggro off the companion sure, but his repeated stuns to me in quick succession when he rages makes it so I cannot keep aggro off the companion. Soon as I fire my first shot after stun to draw his aggro he just stuns me again lol

  4. companions dont have defenses, tank stance is a joke. thats why they have high HP pools and hit hard.


    pierce is at influenece rank 50 and puts up the same numbers. but HMFP boss fights these post 4.0 companions are horrible. a real pain to keep healed up during the big burst phase. whereas pre-4.0 companions were very strong due to customized gear that actually worked and had the proper stats


    look at your companion stats a bit closer inside flashpoints . . . open world stats are very different




    I have my Scorpio up to 42 influence, granted that is not max however I do have 8 characters with the maxxed out companion buffs in the legacy. Even with this they become pretty squishy in end fights of Heroic mode Star Fortresses (soloing) also. I can get to the end fight, but as soon as I get the boss down to around 25% or so he goes spaz mode and the companion nor I can keep up. It's been quite challenging.


    Maybe if I had a full set of 216 gear and companion was at 50 influence I could squeak through that last fight.


    In open world it's pretty much faceroll, but it was that way before 4.0 as I always had my companions geared well.


    I'd say it's fine as it sits.

  5. Same thing happens with my Trooper too. Here's what I did:


    - Created Level 60 Commando

    - Went through the first 2 conversations in Knights of Fallen Empire Chapter 1

    - Pressed Exit Flashpoint; as I wanted to respect

    - Infinite loading screen, and apparently after force closing the game and reopening it, the character is still considered "logged in"


    Temporary Fix?

    - Swap servers and log into another char, swap back

    - Can use other characters fine - the new Trooper gets the infinite loading screen and back to square 1


    Pretty much the exact same issue I have.

    I logged in with my main level 60 commando. Started KOTFE, got to an area to kill an Elite in Chapter 1, after killing mob right click stopped working (loot). Could not right click on mission objective, and abilities no longer would work. Tried to reset UI only to have it completely empty all my toolbars.


    I clicked Exit Area and got the Infinite Loading Screen, ALT-F4 and restarted game, same infinite loading screen upon logging back in. Tried rebooting and starting again, same infinite loading screen after logging in.

  6. I read the whole thing and agree with all of your points. The level sync kills it for me too, I just found out about this today, had I known before resubscribing I probably would not have.


    I, like others, go back to the low level places for mats, exploring, rp'ing or datacrons etc. without having to worry about being bothered by any mobs. Level sync takes the reward out of being leveled up for me. If it was optional that would be fine, don't like the forced thing.

  7. I've noticed no improvements. Since 3.0 went live, even on low pop instances (as low as 4 people) I get massive random server lag spikes (network latency remains normal). Abilities won't fire at all, everything just kind of stops, then it's a benny hill show watching it all catch up when the burp is over. It's quite frustrating.
  8. False. I know for a fact since I'm legacy level 50 and I don't have a character of each class still. :p:o


    Regardless, even if someone had leveled up all the classes, what if they wanted to level them up again but just experience the class story? I see no reason for Bioware not to implement the class mission 12x XP perk if it could be turned on/off and only bought/used by people of legacy level 50.


    I have a 55 in each class and am still only legacy 45. Having a toggle at such a high legacy level would not really be beneficial to leveling alts. Much like Treek/HK would have been great leveling up some of my alts, but not being able to obtain them until such a high level of legacy made having the option pointless to me.

  9. I don't see why the R key cannot simply be, cycle through enemies targeting me... forget the last hit, last fired stuff... just show me who is targeting me period. I think the x-wing/tie games were this way as was JTL etc.


    To expand on that it would be great to have a target nearest friendly or a target nearest friendly's attacker binding too, would be lots of help to wingman.


    Also in addition to the E key of target under reticule, an option to auto target whatever I am shooting at would be great. I've just used the force a couple times instead of reaching for the E key and landed a few hits on a near passer by as I was chasing someone else.

  10. The penalty of zerging and awaiting a respawn timer seems enough to me.


    I've self destructed a few times, some from hitting the wrong button at the wrong time, others from misjudging my wing span, and others from the over the top particle effects from the "explosions in space" completely obscuring view of anything for a few seconds and flying into something hidden in or behind the cloud.

  11. It's probably the ship transition for you.


    I popped a new alt last night and flew with my usual choice of a scout. While I wasn't at the very top of the list I held my ground quite well even for a level 0 ship heheh, and I was flying against folks with upgrades.


    Like others have said it's probably going to favor practice and skill more than the upgrades.


    I would chalk it up to learning a new ship. I suck at the strike fighter as I've always played a scout, I just haven't spent enough time learning the strike yet.

  12. I rolled the drivers back to Catalyst 13.4 and things are working much better. I had noticed some issues with other games tonight with the latest 13.9, my son had the same issues with the same other games we've been playing. He had rolled his back some time ago, so I followed suit. I've logged in to SWTOR twice now and it worked on the first try and did not freeze both times yippee... that's saying something considering how it had been LOL Hopefully this has fixed my issues.
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