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Posts posted by Phalloceros

  1. The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.




    Have you been reading Media's chinese fortune cookie sayings Scope?

  2. Not going to reply to NoTomorrow's rant in the other thread because he's clearly too closed-minded to understand why lethality is useful. Sniper is a well-designed class--all 3 trees are good in different situations, depending on comp and map.


    I'll say this though: lethality shouldn't be considered a DoT spec. It's a back-loaded burst spec, and the only way to do more damage than cull in a 3 second window is gored ravage. Cull happens every 9 seconds, the DoTs in between are just filler to apply pressure and to keep healers busy.


    Anybody who says marksman is better at burst is misinformed. Marksman's strength is its ability to target switch instantly with a front-loaded burst sequence. If you coordinate cull with CC at the right times, marksman burst won't come close to lethality's.


    Neither spec is "better" than the other and both are viable in RWZs. It's all relative.


    Teacher sums up the issue nicely. I've been saying this since launch and whoever designed the sniper class and talents should be given a raise.


    - Phal Jobs

  3. Recruitment closed while we sort out our trials and solidify a team. Thanks to all those who expressed interest and you are on my list for future recruitment potential.


    It would be cool if I didn't have 900ms every 30 seconds, and if anyone knows if there is a way to fix this besides bioware let me know. :D


    That being said, it's nice to see some of the familiar faces around from before.


    Good luck have fun,


    - Phal Jobs

  4. Dear Bioware,


    I know you are busy and all, but it would be nice to not have to win 8-10 matches to get credit for 3 wins to complete my PVP daily, and 15-20 matches won to get 9 for the weekly. I've been patient about this for a month now. It is now at the point of extreme irritation.





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