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Posts posted by Sala

  1. I talked to a lot of people on the server to see if the probe is fixed (since we also have a commando healer in our team i wanted to be sure).


    The result is, that there seem to be a problem with patching early. People who started an early patch (1-3 hours ago) don't have the medical probe. While people who basically just patched all got it back.



    This should be possible to fix by making the client redownload the full patch. I think this is possible by deleting some specific game files (i bet there is a guide for this around?). If anyone could thest this out would be awesome (i patched late and got the probe on my commando back).


    This is not true.

  2. Same issue. Ability missing on the trainer.


    This issue has been going on for over 7 days.


    I have also tried to respec into assault and then back to medic, no success.


    I have also tried the client repair, no success

  3. Myself, as well as nearly everyone in my guild is also having these lag spike issues lately.


    Pings going from 45 ms to red dot and everywhere in between.


    We've all been playing since launch and we're all from around the US. It's definitely not our ISP's.


    It's very irregular. Sometimes everything is fine, then all of the sudden for a few hours the lag and pings going wild.

  4. Right now it makes no difference if the item was already augmented or not, even if the Option says "upgrade' the augment, not 'install' the Augment. It would be kindly to charge less for an upgrade rather than the same as for a brand new install. Please, consider, providing we have the second level increase within a year; it is 14 installs per character, two sets of gear per character if one plays PvP and PvE, and the 5 out of 14 items are character specific and not modifiable so the augment is per item.


    I agree with this.


    I've always thought it strange that the upgrade cost as much as the install. This change would encourage people to buy lower augmentation kits as well, while they work up towards endgame.

  5. Actually i paid for the game in a full playable condition, so, it is NOT the game i paid for.

    You obviously didn't pay for the "GAME."


    you sure did, which gave you 1 month free subscription. The rest you have to pay for.


    Back then, it was not free to play, so if you didnt subscribe then you didnt get anything.


    So rethink you're logic before you post some garbage like this again.

  6. At this point I'm just killing time until Black Desert drops, which is still a while away here in the states. I don't expect it to be perfect, but the ability to do content outside of what's scripted, the ability to explore, and the ability to design seem much more likely to hold my interest than being stuck on story or end game as I am here. Anyway, to the specifics of what I've seen.


    1) PvP completely and utterly ignored. This has never been something that the majority have been vocal for getting real attention, but it was something important to a large number of players and which most players delve into here and there, yet the devs paid it no mind, then told players flat out that nothing of value was coming in the near future. At least they were honest, but the responses to the community were few and far between. Their final response, that there is nothing major coming anywhere on the horizon is just sad.


    2) Persistent bugs. Most notably as of now there is the major issue with the Underlurker and to a lesser extent Sword Squadron, Torque, Cortanni, etc. The problems have been pointed out in great detail--problems which affect almost half of the total encounters in these new ops--yet despite this, the fixes have been pathetic. Months to fix such glaring issues is unacceptable in any game that wishes to show that it values its player base. Other bugs still remain, despite being well documented and reported.


    3) GSF dead in the water. I've literally never touched it other than the tutorial, but to have invested major development time into it, get players involved with it, and then leave it to stagnate is again, just boggling. Player input as to features for it that have been touted since GSF was first mentioned have been completely ignored, and it sits in limbo, with no tie-in to the rest of the game. A completely wasted piece of the game.


    4) The CM slot machines. Again, something that I never touched and was not affected by, but the way that the devs and community representatives handled this was horrid.


    5) Taking away end game rewards for the majority of end game players. I love the difficulty of Ravagers & ToS. There is definitely value in having Ops that are challenging mechanic-wise even in story mode. That said, with the abysmal snail's pace that is content roll-out in this game, to make it so that only the clearing of these two ops, or HM/NiM of 55 content, which is still beyond the scope of about 75% of the end game population, rewards the highest level of comms has killed pug ops, something that even progression players find fun to jump into at times. Let's be honest, the Ultimate comm gear is pretty much garbage, even more so than the old 180 gear was, but casual players enjoy having that same sense of progression in gearing that more focused progression players do. If nothing else, the higher level gear makes dailies and later questing when the next tier rolls out that much easier.


    The players have emphatically spoken as to what they want, yet the devs just do not care. EC NiM could still destroy even the most geared players, but things like EV NiM gave guilds and pugs an easy way to get into end game content, learn some fights, and be rewarded for it. It's great that HM/NiM S&V/TfB are still beyond the reach of most, making it viable content in terms of knowing how to execute in Ops, but to so thoroughly cut off the majority of players from end game rewards of any kind is just saying that they don't care about what the community wants.


    Adding further to the is the fact that 16M ToS/Ravagers STILL do not drop proper rewards. There is no incentive to help a pug group through with established players can stick to running with the guild and clear for reward payouts that are scaled to the number of group members in 8M content.


    Lastly, 60HMs are brutally difficult for most players, and those who do clear get little in the way of rewards for doing so. To top that off, there have been issues with Weekly HM quest logs being reset, not giving credit, etc, and nothing done to make good for the losses.


    6) The devs/staff lack consistency. We see staff shuffled around and moving on to other things. We see EAWare starting entire projects that take away from SW development, only to mothball those projects after wasting resources that could have been put in here. We get lovely what the hell moments like the ability to post images in the Community section suddenly being taken away after three years of being able to post there because "it was never intended", despite the robust community involvement there because of the media that was shared. If EAWare were a local shop, I certainly wouldn't take my car there for service because I'd have no idea what I'd be getting from one day to the next.


    I just feel that as days go by here the interaction between the staff and the players becomes more and more disconnected. I really don't see any other conclusion that this when most recently players were teased with "something big", only to get a splicing of cinema from the Warrior story line as the big reveal. The new road map is paltry and the content that we are being teased with for the future is yet again more same-for-every-class story, something that becomes stagnant very, very quickly when leveling multiple toons. I


    Everyday I find myself having to come up with reasons to justify staying subbed, and I think I'm running out of ways to convince myself. How about the rest of you?


    4 star post. Thank you.

  7. There is 1 guild across all servers that has even cleared Both of the new HM Operations, let alone "one-shotting" all the new bosses.


    If you are referring to Sparky HM (The first boss of the first operation) as a catch all for "the new HM operation fights," then yeah, there are quite a few guilds that have cleared that one boss, the first boss, on HM difficulty.


    Considering the sub par performance of most P.U.G. players, all Group Finder content should have bolster to carry undergeared players through. Though, even with bolster, most P.U.G. groups would still fail to clear the HM 60 Flashpoints, because your average P.U.G. player cannot follow mechanics. If mechanics were easy to follow, then there would be more than one guild that had cleared both of the new "HM" Operations 3 months after release.


    As for HM Flashpoint rewards, you all need to realize that top tier gear and even second top tier gear is only designed players who run operations ad nauseam (or buy "gear runs"), not for players who run Flashpoints. Flashpoints have had no role in serious gear progression since the 1.0 days. If you ask the top tier raiders about this, they will say it is a good thing or "how it should be."


    The same goes for the laughably horrid elite/ultimate comms gear. Your 192 comms gear is "almost" (and that is being generous) as good as 186 operations token drop gear, but if you want the 186 token gear from Nightmare DF/DP, even above level, good luck, the mechanics will still wipe the vast majority of players. In short, top tier raiders do not want players outside of operations to have any properly itemized gear....and BioWare agrees.


    Thus, you are all correct in stating that the effort and time investment does not justify the rewards outside of guild runs. Does this defeat the purpose of the group finder? Yes, definitely.



    Is content "too hard" since 3.0? I will let the "SM Progression" thread answer that:





    Fear not though, the development team in charge of designing operation content and associated difficulty do not care that you cannot clear their content. They design their Operations with one guild in mind. They want to make content challenging for that One guild. Do they care that the one guild happens to be leaps and bounds above every other guild in the game? No. They want to spend all their efforts (fruitlessly) to ensure that the one guild remains subscribed by making "HM" ops absurdly difficult for the rest of the vast majority of other Paying subscribers. Better to satisfy the few and displease the many than to satisfy the many and displease the few, amirite? :rolleyes:


    On the bright side (for that one guild at least), since "SM Progression" is now a thing, that one guild can sell "SM" runs for millions of credits.


    The fact that BioWare has not made adjustments to difficulty curb this practice shows how little they care about the PVE community (and even less about the small PVP Community), outside of an obsessive focus of keeping one guild in the game Almost challenged by the content.


    You know something is wrong with the difficulty when players are selling runs for STORY MODE content.


    Excellent summation! Thank you for posting. You're a bit more graceful with everything but you hit the nail right on the head.

  8. and you dont "need" it.


    but when you have new people that are completely unwilling to learn about the fights on their own, yes, voice lets the teaching happen more easily.


    Perhaps you would like to explain to everyone just how you ran ToS, Ravagers, Blood Hunt HM and Battle of Rishi HM without teamspeak.


    I for one raid everyday, I havent even seen a pug group that wouldnt boot you if you didnt have voice comm's for these op/fp runs and/or had the achievements to prove you did so that they understood you didnt have to be in comm's.


    You're something else. Just stop posting and derailing the discussion.


    1) the rewards do not add up. wether it is gear or commendations.

    2) the mechanics are buggy. Underlurker and Cortainni are still buggy. I don't care if people have cleared it. I have cleared it, they're still buggy.

    3) 16m modes are twice as hard as 8m modes.

    4) ALL other ops have become pretty much worthless and aren't even ran anymore outside of for their storyline mission. Everyone used to run HM TFB, SNV, DF, DP and work on progression and gearing and comm's. Not anymore. Outside of running those ops for the achievement they are now worthless. Meaning this... you have LESS endgame content and options to keep you and your 14 other characters busy and focus'd.

    5) the new world boss fight on Yavin is simply ridiculous. I have not seen it done without half of everyone dying, running back and forth from the respawn locations in the middle of an area that dailies are heavily being ran?

    6) Accuracy bug has been turned into working as intended. This is simply craziness. I'm not debating that you need accuracy, I'm debating that you need so much of it.


    Those fights might be slightly easier w/192 elite gear but they are still mechanic heavy, rarely are you going to see anyone run/post for ops for them anymore. Not even the weekly classic ops mission gives out a suitable reward for the work invested to run these ops.


    I love this game, I loved the new discipline system and I appreciate the hard work done by the team to achieve all of this. That does not mean I will give them a free a pass when I see major issues like this. These issues are all pretty much 2+ months OLD already and for issues that have a major impact on endgame content.


    Obviously, I'm still here, I still enjoy the game, I would also like to see it not go down the toilet.

  9. I have to agree with the OP. Difficult and more challenging content is what Hardmode and Nightmare mode are for. When many of the players can't complete the weekly GF 16m, then you know there's an issue.


    ToS is the supposed to be 1 of the 2 choices you have at the end of the revan story, by means of completing it. That right there shows the problem, only die hard very good raid groups can get past underlurker, much less even think about a 16m.


    Ravagers 16 was impossible on Bulo, then fixed and is now impossible on Torque. 2 months after the release of this content and it's still not fixed.


    Don't get me wrong. I love the SoR expansion, love the new content but there are major issues that have no been addressed whatsoever, that should have taken priority.


    For those of us who have already ran the other ops, TFB, SNV, DF, DP, they're not even worth it now. That leaves us only with Ravagers and ToS.


    I won't complain about hardmode stuff, that is where the major challenge should be. Storymode ops should not be broken like this.

  10. SW:TOR is starting to remind me of Ultima Online. Every patch UO did messed up tons of previous stuff. It was like 1 step forward 2 steps back.


    Granted SW:TOR is not as bad, we've have not had 4 day reverts., but this is embarrassing.


    Overall I'm not surprised, this is the level of service we get in today's day and age, why would SW:TOR be any different.

  11. The issue is with activity. Fleet is now dead.


    All those ops we used to run every week... pretty much worthless.


    You used to see pug groups for every op, every day.


    Now you see nothing.


    Ravagers 8-man is ok.

    Ravagers 16-man is bugged and extremely hard to complete... in Storymode.

    TOS 8-man is buggy. The twin walker fight is so freaking hard and the underlurker is still bugged.


    TOS is supposed to be part of the main story arc for yavin, you have the option of doing that OP in the end or running those little mission and doing the solo temple fight.


    Storymode, so buggy that it makes them harder then they should be. I'm not saying they should be easy but they should NOT be that freaking hard.


    So to recap...

    1) They took all the use out of the old ops, to the point that no one is running them anymore, not just the comm's, the gear is all old set bonus gear, not even worth it. 1-2 hours ops and very little reward even IF you pug a nightmare TFB- yeah good luck with that.

    2) What used to be an active fleet, at various times, with several ops forming up, now has nothing but the occassional Ravagers and TOS.... Good luck pugging those. impossible? no, but very hard, oh yeah.

    3) these 2 ops have been buggy since launch. "fixed" and now STILL buggy at the next bosses.

    4) they're making people quit the game out of boredom. Since the rewards are very poor and the ops less frquent there's very little if nothing for most people to do. I'm not saying we would have to do TFB for ever, every OP gets old, I understan that, but they just took 4 ops and flushed them down the toilet when they just needed to phase down 2, TFB and SnV.

    5) Most of players, I'd guess, are average raiders. They are 'ok' but not great. Storymode TOS and Ravagers should not be that darned hard. Hardmode.. yes, Storymode.. no.


    So they've taken away not just the ultimate comm's but the ingame activity of doing an op a night like TFB, DF, DP, SnV. There's little if anything left outside of pvp or rolling up another character for ALOT of people... they're going to leave.

  12. Playing on my DPS Sage I have a few issues.


    1st off, there is no ability delay for me.


    Turbulence is channeled, when it ends it should have fired off but the icon for turbulence does not grey out and the ability winds up never having fired off, you can recast turbulence again asap but the result is a wasted 3 second channel.. in other words.. doing nothing.


    Quake is constantly doing 2 erroneous things. Sometimes Quake puts out either no damage at all, or the targeting icon for Quake disappears. Both results in no damage being done and time wasted channeling what looks like quake animation but again, no damage done.


    I have over 110 accuracy and I see the 'misses' in the parses, so that is not the issue I see.

    I see the ability channeled and no damage. it's as if I had spent 3 seconds doing absolutely nothing.


    I see this 'no fire' issue every day.

  13. ???????


    He is to blame


    He had 100% control over this not happening


    Let me guess, you think if you order a coffee that's advertised as fresh and hot and you spill it in your own lap, you blame someone else for your own carelessness.


    Common on, little common sense.


    All OP had to do was set privileges correctly and not promote unreliable and questionable people to offer status.

    Tha'ts all.


    And his whole "I'm still new " doesn't fly because guild banks are dang expensive so if you don't take the time to understand them when you purchase them, THAT'S ON HIM COMPLETELY.


    As for ticket

    why bother, person who stole items will just say he was told to take them and no one could prove any differently.


    EA has nothing to do with this and holds no responsibility.

    The OP and OP ALONE is responsible and could have prevented it from happening.


    The tools to do so are already in game for everyone to use.


    Seriously, STOP trying to make everyone out to be the victim

    OP holds all responsibility in this and SHOULD NOT get anything back because of their own carelessness.


    Just because you gave your girlfriend a spare key to your house doesnt make it ok for her to take everything out of it. Plan and simple.


    Did the guild have control, yes. Should the person who stole everything be allowed to get away simply because the guild made a mistake? NO.


    People change all the time. One day they're your best friend, the next day they're not. Should you be held accountable for everything they did?

  14. I'm tired of seeing this happen in online games now a days.

    Everything is turning into a screw you fest as if we're all playing Eve Online.


    Items should be able to be tracked, as well as ingame currency. EA boasted it had that ability during launch... so there's no excuse for this stuff to be happening... if it was a theft.


    We have answers for this in the real world, via the police, the legal system etc.. I see no reason why a player or a guild should be told.. oh well. you trusted the wrong the person.. sorry. That doesn't cut it in my book and it should be acceptable to anyone else.

  15. The price is absolute silliness.


    That's alot of money to ask your casual gamers to donate for.. ALOT. Especially when they don't have great gear or just started to level up another character. I don't see many guilds having a guild ship that aren't hard core everyday guild players. Everyone else can just wait a year until they can get all the money.


    I'm currently in a guild of about 20 casual players and there's no way we can afford this. Not with players levelling other characters, trying to gear up, trying to buy an item or 2 off the GTN. No way.

  16. Darth Marr made the Makeb storyline awesome. I was completing dragged in.

    Looks the part, you can feel his presence and his power. By far, for me, the best voice actor in the entire series, among many great voice actors too.

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