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Posts posted by White_Silhouette

  1. I know what would make us all shut up... A CE only chest piece dye kit, a non-modable to modable armor convertor, An armor weight changer, and a class-restriction remover. Give us those four items on the vendor and no where else, and we could shut this thread down for good.


    I would love a dye kit

  2. Sadly the one person from Bioware who did say something in this thread isn't at Bioware anymore (or at least from what I can remember). Also I don't think anybody else is going to comment due to the fact they don't know how to politely say. "The Cartel market makes us money, the CE vendor does not. We are not going to divert resources to something that does not make us money."


    Sad really cause I really liked the concept of the CE vendor.

  3. I can only answer 1. Diminishing return is the amount of expected outcome decreases each time you do it. An example is in Street Fighter they have a diminishing return on attacks. Where if you just spam one attack, each time you do that attack it does less damage each time. Therefore in encourages players to change up attacks and strategies.


    Not sure about how the stats for that work in TOR, sorry.

  4. My hope is that they do try and improve what the legacy is. It will just take time and resources. Which I suppose they could have waited until all that was in the game before launch. However I'm sure they had investors breathing down their necks saying "You've spent how much already? and you still need more time and money?". With it out now they can at least have a stream on income to help offset the cost of updating and adding new things. Well that's my hope anyway.



    Yeah it was fun to play with but my legacy is kinda boring...just a straight line.

    Ha ha, sounds like you got a redneck family tree going on there.

  5. Until eventually, your character is just a giant dollar sign running through the game world? :D


    Or maybe it's like a pet you can't dismiss. Which as you spend more it gets bigger and bigger. It could get to be the size of a world boss if you paid enough.


    For the actual on topic point. I wouldn't care if they added MT if they went F2P. Since instead of a monthly sub they get the money from those who are willing to pay to get the items they want. But even that is a double edged sword. Since it would increase the player population but it doesn't mean that the revenue generated would be the same. Also the staying power of a F2P MMO is less when the next MMO hits the market (or at least in my experiences).

  6. I actually liked the idea that there was no notice of the event happening. Was a nice surprise to log in and wonder what the hell was going on and why people were able to explode. I'm also not surprised it just ended and disappeared. However it would have been nice if the vendor did stick around. Also as it's been said before. Since it was a surprise event it would have been nice for it to be a bit longer so more people could participate.



    That being said, I don't see why the launcher or even an in-game mail couldn't have been used to give players a bit more of a heads-up.

    This makes the most sense to me for informing the players of when the event will end once it's been active for a few days.


    I really hope BioWare does more of these events and hope they take the feedback from the first one and make the others more enjoyable for everyone.

  7. I

    . Also, there was a bit of miscommunication as it was said that the event would last until the 24th while in truth the last useful day to get a piece of armor is the 23rd.




    Maybe this is just me. But when it was said that the event would last until the 24th it means it was ending when the clock turned 0:00:00 on the 24th. If they said it was lasting until the end of the 24th I would assume that one could keep doing the event on the 24th.

  8. Reading this thread makes me sad.


    Sadly the smartest thing that EA/BW could have done is not give a free month to anyone and not mention anything of the idea. With the amount of backlash and people pissed off I would be surprised if they ever do anything like this again. Since people have their own reasons why they are owed this free month more than other people.

  9. Think it's not that they've forgot. But most likely they actually aren't going to do anything with it anymore.


    The theory that I heard on a podcast was that it was to be filler for friday updates if they couldn't actually show new game info. Since they didn't need that filler they didn't do anymore and had no actual flushed out ideas for the timeline. Which sucks to say because those were actually my favorite updates that we got. :(

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