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Posts posted by DarthKyorl

  1. What the hell is going on with Scavenging? I get a 450 mission and it only comes back with that damned useless Hollinium, I have 400 pieces of Hollinium that are worthless. They said they were going to raise the price to compensate us, but that didn't happen. Also still getting massive amounts of stupid Viral Residue with Bioanalysis, of course a 99 stack of that worthless mat is only worth 7k. Archeology is only the only thing that seems to working a little better getting lots of Carbonic crystals. Of course since the patch I am only criting on Treasure Hunting and Slicing once every four days. Before the patch I was getting a good yield of Mytag crystals and criting on Slicing even though it was only giving 1 to 2 thermal regulators.


    Sorry for the rant, but since 2.0 crew skills frustrated me to point of madness.

  2. How in the hell do I make these? I was told in another thread to RE the level 50 color crystals, but when I craft them and try to RE them it says No Research Available. Now I have also heard the Schems only drop in TFB and S&V ops? I have seen some on the GTN on Harbinger, that have a made by tag. So someone has the schems.
  3. I am having the same problem on Harbinger server, after a week of running TH missions I only have had two returns for a total of 5 crystals. Now I am not having the same problem getting the purple slicing mats that everyone else is, I've gotten 30 of those since Tuesday. The made a post that crew skills are not returning the amount of mat's they should so hopefully they will fix that in the next patch.
  4. No. The level 49 crystal schematics you get from your class trainer cap at +31 stats when they are artifact (purple) grade. The level 50 crystal schematics you buy for 50 classic comms are already artifact grade and have the +41 stats. Black-red, black-blue, etc crystals must be re-engineered from existing crystals of those colours that you have, or acquired from rare schematic drops in operations. Although there is currently a glitch that allows you to re-engineer these crystals at 400 artifice but does not give you a schematic even if you crit it.




    Theoretically this shall be fixed in that patch.


    Well I bought two off the GTN and both crystal's were "no research available" so i now I assume I have to make them myself???

  5. I make plenty of cash selling Shields and Foci. People want the want the purple stuff especially below lvl 50. Also I make Gormak Inhibitor thingy and people buy that up on my server. Since they nerfed Treasure Hunting, I switched to slicing and make even more money even though I have to buy all TH mats for crafting, it's still cheaper then having to go through 12 TH missions to get one Corcusca Gem. I don't think the OP understands reverse engineering, no enhancement, hilt or handheld drop below 50 has been better than the purple gear I craft.
  6. I have a lot of fun with my assassin because I loved playing Rogues in D&D, that is who the class is for, you run around and back stab Pub's and take out healers. That is your main job in PvP, secondly I love harassing Troopers and Smugglers, I piss them off so much I can get 4 to 5 them to chase me all over the map while my teammates capture objectives or score in Huttball. Yes I am squishy as hell, but that just makes it more challenging. When I want Melee combat power I switch to my sentinel.
  7. Immortal Juggs definitely have a place in PvP, just don't expect to be topping any damage charts (and ffs, PvP is not just about topping charts, people). You're there to be a bane for others, protecting allies through guard and taunts, an enemy support harasser, and also as a formidable meatbag for DPS to waste their time on.


    As for actually killing people, Immo doesn't do the best DPS, but you're lasting longer while still trickling out damage. I once had 4 enemies on me (after scoring in Huttball) and I was able to take out one of them before they finally took me down. Same situation as Rage, I probably would've been taken out long before I could even get Smash off.


    Exactly, and a lot of a Juggs efficiency depends on if you're PvP'ing with people who know what they are doing, I always crash into a group of enemies and smash, sweeping slash, then threatening scream, and if I have a good group the healer will heal me so I can take the punishment while the DPS players finish everyone off. Mostly though in PvP you have a bunch of idiots running around with out a clue.

  8. My biggest problem with my immortal Jugg is I just don't do enough damage, I can barely beat two silvers at once, and usually barely win fights with gold opponents, I usually die 30% of the time. Although with my DPS Jedi, I kill silvers and golds so much quicker and usually end up with 60-70% health left after those fights. I am newb though, so I am probably doing something wrong.
  9. So I finished Nar Shaddaa and go to the listening post, well that Super Trooper at the end kills me in 3 hits, I have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at the jerk and still only get him down to half hp. Is there a trick I am missing? And stupid boot licker Quinn keeps dieing 20 seconds into the battle.



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