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Posts posted by Willuk

  1. I'm very much for this as I have to wonder why bother doing pvp in the 10 - 49 after you get 2000 warzone commendations, when mercenary commendations were in game you had something to work on, requiring alot of effort to keep you interested in pvp'ing in early levels to gain the 1000 merc and 1000 wz commendations plus any lvl 20/40 gear you want.


    Now I can't honestly see a reason why to pvp during this bracket, just bore myself to tears getting to 50 with solo content then buy the starter gear for 300k. With the loss of Merc commendations and being able to prep your character for 50+ and Ilum being no further use atm, there's little incentive to play for me to pvp in this bracket atm. Plus on Tomb of Freedom nadd, the most popular pvp server I've actually noticed a longer delay in the time it takes on a Weekend (when it should be most busy) to have the pvp match (enter/cancel queue) window appear, even in the match there always seems to be some slots not filled since 1.2.

  2. I really wanted to re-roll a trooper i made a while ago as I wasn't clued up on getting level 50 gear, and with the server I'm on "trayus academy" having a larger empire player base its very hard to compete when you reach level 50 with limited commendations, as their side gets more hut ball matches to build up their supplies. My brother also plays the game and noticed that he couldn't go above 1000 warzone and merc commendations, so I have to ask why have this cap? :mad:
  3. The biggest problem with George Lucas is that he has become fixated on too clean looking sfx, and putting visuals before story/plot and character interaction.


    I think as he's gotten older he has lost the ability to craft a good script, instead focusing on putting more useless sfx on screen that don't actually add anything to the film at all.


    He has also bought into his own bs regarding how fans few his films i.e. the latest Indiana Jones film, its the film viewers fault they didn't like it, not the film makers..

  4. The problem with George Lucas is that he surrounds himself during movie production with people unwilling to challenge his ideas, they all say yes and oh isn't this ridiculous idea visionary..


    Take a look at the movie reviews in depth with the redlettermedia plinket review of them, besides being hilarious it has a point, the end of the phantom menace had 4 or 5 endings to it, you had the capturing the vice roy, the young annoying anakin flying his star fighter, the jedi's battling a sith (with no explanation during the prequels at all what a sith is, only that they are bad and that they come in two's) and lastly jar jar and his gungan army - All happening at the same time... You basically don't feel infested in the films ending as its switching between the 5 of them..


    Not to mention the Love story that is forced on the audience between anakin and padema - Oh all of a sudden i love you, yes I love you too (out of no where) then the sad people killed my mother so i committed genocide on them, and the reaction from her is like oh well life goes on - He just committed genocide!!!!


    Its not that he is bad at film making its just no one is willing to challenge on silly concepts anymore, stephen speilberg didn't on the last indiana jones disaster and you see the result - aliens, russians and the unforgivable casting of Shia Le boff.

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