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Posts posted by Vostis

  1. "Hey can I get some advice that I can just toss away because it doesn't involve complaining about my class like I want"


    Seriously, after the patch the game moves quicker because damage has been increased in PVP. If you are full defense spec and defense gear you are going to be in trouble without dedicated teammates.


    Healers need guard. Each WZ needs about 2 healers. If you are PUGing your results will seem unsatisfactory if other people are not and they are talking on vent and saying "Focus the guardian/juggernaut".


    I have played 14 WZ today on my vigilance spec guardian swapping between shiien and soresu. I have noticed no differences to my survivability. I answered your question.


    You're right, you have answered my question and confirmed my suspicions. This game appears to now punish the PUG. That may be a broad generalization but that's what it feels like.


    What kills me is that the people who have dedicated team mates talk down to those who don't. My friends and I try and jump on at the same time when time permits, however real life doesn't always allow that. I was merely hoping I could play a game that I enjoy on my own. The new mechanics of PvP doesn't exactly make that as viable as it used to be.


    I tried to keep this thread civil and possibly informative but it was only a matter of time before the condescension began.

  2. Working fine for me. Been swapping soresu on full vig spec and just wrecking kids. If anything guardians are the best now. With free freezing force we allow our healers to easily kite / LoS damage and with our damage boost we actually kill people in the process.


    It's either a gear problem or you don't have good teammates. Hate to say it it may be you as well.


    An expected response. Let me ask you, are you in dps gear?

  3. People are dying because healers got nerf. :p That sense of invincibility you got before was due to healer spamming heals on you. :p


    You're suggesting I based my opinions on tanking purely on the supporting cast around me and not my own abilities as a tank? Sorry, but no. I also never said I used to be invincible nor do I think I SHOULD be invincible. I am simply talking about my ability to help other people around me stay alive for longer periods of time. I was able to this effectively WITHOUT heals being "spammed" on me.

  4. I am a Guardian in full BM gear and I am getting mercked. I see everyone around me dropping like flies and I am no different. Taunting and guarding seem to have a minor impact on my allies.


    I am not here to complain, I would merely like to see what the pvp tanking community thinks about the changes. Do I just need time to adapt to the crazy amounts of dmg being dealt now, or should I begin reconsidering another role in pvp?

  5. Some classes/players walk through a fire pit without hesitation and come out the other side unscathed, while others fear the them regardless of the shields available to them. I've seen Bounty Hunters back pedal their way through a fire pit on full blast while their health bar barely moves. Unlike others who better not spend one second in it or else forfeit 50 - 75% of their hp.


    I know, some classes have shields, bubbles or are tanks or have better survivability. Why wouldn't they be more resistant to the flames from the fire pit? Because it is an environmental hazard that has to be taken into account when attempting to maneuver through the course. Each side of the cat walks has fire pits alternating their timers, that needs to be considered when moving through them, passing, or receiving.


    My question is should some classes have an advantage over others when maneuvering through these hazards? Are the fire pits working as intended? Was it BioWare's intention to make some classes fear the fire pits while others can just shrug them off?

  6. This probably wouldn't bother me as much if all Jedi Knights shared this problem. However that isn't the case because people who created their characters using Body Type 3 don't have the bubble butt. If they can look like a normal male character why can't the rest of us?


    This issue has really limited my armor options. I find it ridiculous that BioWare hasn't even acknowledged the problem.

  7. I am sure everyone is well aware of the fact that some character models can affect the way a certain piece of armor looks (i.e. the Miraluka blindfold accessories affecting the way hoods and head pieces look by creating model tearing), but it also looks like the same can be said vice versa. I just discovered that a lot of the Smuggler chest pieces change the way my characters beard looks.


    This is the way my character is supposed to look like:




    Here is the effect my new chest piece creates:




    My character has a full grown beard, but when I equip some chest pieces the beard is chopped away around the chin area. If I didn't know any better the appearance almost looks like a character creation option, but it isn't. This isn't the way I want my character to look, and my only work around at the moment is to not equip said gear. This is unfortunate for two reasons, first because I like the way this gear looks and secondly because I know this bug still occurs on a lot of other gear.


    I would hope that BioWare is in the process of addressing things like Miraluka problem. This is just something I wanted to bring to their attention as well.

  8. For PvE, most Tarq guilds are on Canderous Ordo. The widest range of Tarq people are on this server, I would say.


    Tyndaleon will probably compile a list soon when guilds are done shifting around. VADR and I think TD are Imperial on this server. IFN, Ex Astris, and there's another Republic guild on this as well. I believe the Tarquinas Legion (PvE) faction is here also.

    I'm sure I'm missing some smaller ones.


    PvP, your two options are Kindrath Spider or Terentatek. PoD is staying on Kindrath despite the lousy server draw. Major Brazillian invasion that meant bad, bad news in WoW.

    I think TR transferred itno that mess as well.


    Terentatek has Forceful Entry, Tarquinas Legion (PvP version) on the Imperial side.


    I don't know of any PvP Republic guilds from Tarq. I do know that "down the line" PoD and Siddalee will be rolling Republic alts on Terentatek to have some fun with FE :D I'm actually looking forward to that so I can rejoin PoD in earnest again. Within two days, I became more excited to be Republic PvP then Imperial.


    Strange events indeed. Damn Bioware for sticking all of Brazil on our server.


    That's actually great news. During my last beta session I decided I really wanted to play Republic, that is why I have been looking into other server options. Would be great if PoD made a Republic guild on Terentatek. I'll keep checking back here in case you guys decide to announce when you will do that, I'd like to stay informed.

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